General Inesite Information
Chemical Formula: |
Ca2Mn7Si10O28(OH)2•5(H2O) |
Composition: |
Molecular Weight = 1,317.65 gm |
Calcium 6.08 % Ca 8.51 % CaO |
Manganese 29.19 % Mn 37.69 % MnO |
Silicon 21.31 % Si 45.60 % SiO2 |
Hydrogen 0.92 % H 8.20 % H2O |
Oxygen 42.50 % O |
______ ______ |
100.00 % 100.00 % = TOTAL OXIDE |
Empirical Formula: |
Ca2Mn2+7Si10O28(OH)2•5(H2O) |
Environment: |
Hydrothermally altered Mn-bearing rocks. |
IMA Status: |
Valid Species (Pre-IMA) 1887 |
Locality: |
Banska Stiavnica, Czechoslovakia. Link to Location Data. |
Name Origin: |
From the Greek ines - "flesh fibers." |
Name Pronunciation: |
Inesite |
Synonym: |
Agnolite |
ICSD 100627 |
PDF 33-293 |
Inesite Image |
Comments: Bladed crystals of orangish pink Inesite.
Location: N'Chwaning Mine, Kalahari, South Africa.
Scale: 14 x 7.5 cm.
© John Veevaert |
Inesite Ruizite
Comments: 1- 3 mm crystal spray of red orange ruizite in an exposed vug in pink inesite.
Location: Wessels Mine, Kalahari Manganese Field, Northern Cape Province, South Africa.
Scale: Picture size 1 cm.
© John Veevaert |
Inesite Hubeite
Comments: Brown hubeite aggregates accompanied by prismatic pinkish inesite crystals.
Location: Fengjiashan Mine, Daye, Hubei China.
Scale: 5.3 x 3.7 x 1.1 cm.
© Fabre Minerals |
Inesite Hubeite
Comments: Translucent, deep root beer brown, platy hueite crystals in fan-like groups to 1mm with delicate pink laths of inesite.
Location: Fengjiashan Mine, Daye Co., Huangshi Prefecture, Hubei Province, China.
Scale: Picture Size 5 mm.
© Tom Loomis / Dakota Matrix |
Inesite Crystallography
Axial Ratios: |
a:b:c =0.9612:1:1.295 |
Cell Dimensions: |
a = 8.889, b = 9.247, c = 11.975, Z = 1; alpha = 88.15°, beta = 132.07°, gamma = 96.64° V = 725.40 Den(Calc)= 3.02 |
Crystal System: |
Triclinic - PinacoidalH-M Symbol ( 1) Space Group: P1 |
X Ray Diffraction: |
By Intensity(I/Io): 9.16(1), 2.84(0.8), 2.92(0.8), |
Physical Properties of Inesite
Cleavage: |
{010} Perfect, {100} Good |
Color: |
Brown, Brown, Pink, Orange. |
Density: |
3.029 - 3.1, Average = 3.06 |
Diaphaneity: |
Translucent |
Fracture: |
Brittle - Uneven - Very brittle fracture producing uneven fragments. |
Habit: |
Massive - Fibrous - Distinctly fibrous fine-grained forms. |
Habit: |
Radial - Crystals radiate from a center without producing stellar forms (e.g. stibnite) |
Habit: |
Spherical - Spherical, rounded aggregates. |
Hardness: |
6 - Orthoclase |
Luminescence: |
Non-fluorescent. |
Luster: |
Vitreous (Glassy) |
Streak: |
white |
Optical Properties of Inesite
Gladstone-Dale: |
CI meas= 0.044 (Good) - where the CI = (1-KPDmeas/KC) CI calc= 0.03 (Excellent) - where the CI = (1-KPDcalc/KC)
KPDcalc= 0.2085,KPDmeas= 0.2055,KC= 0.2149 Ncalc = 1.65 - 1.67 |
Optical Data: |
Biaxial (-), a=1.609, b=1.636, g=1.644, bire=0.0350, 2V(Calc)=56, 2V(Meas)=60. |
Calculated Properties of Inesite
Electron Density: |
Bulk Density (Electron Density)=2.97 gm/cc note: Specific Gravity of Inesite =3.02 gm/cc. |
Fermion Index: |
Fermion Index = 0.01 Boson Index = 0.99 |
Photoelectric: |
PEInesite = 8.95 barns/electron U=PEInesite x rElectron Density= 26.55 barns/cc. |
Radioactivity: |
GRapi = 0 (Gamma Ray American Petroleum Institute Units) Inesite is Not Radioactive |
Inesite Classification
Dana Class: | (66)Inosilicate Double-Width Unbranched Chains, W=2 |
(66.03)with chains P>2 |
(66.03.03)P=5 |
| Inesite Ca2Mn7Si10O28(OH)2•5(H2O) P1 1 |
Strunz Class: |
09.DL.05 09 - SILICATES (Germanates) |
09.D - Inosilicates* Structural terminology according to Liebau (1985) |
09.DL -Inosilicates with 5-periodic double chains, Si10O28 |
09.DL.05 Inesite Ca2Mn7Si10O28(OH)2•5(H2O) P1 1 |
Other Inesite Information
References: |
NAME( Duda&Rejl90) PHYS. PROP.(Enc. of Minerals,2nd ed.,1990) OPTIC PROP.(Ford32) |
See Also: |
Links to other databases for Inesite :
1 - Am. Min. Crystal Structure Database
2 - Amethyst Galleries' Mineral Gallery
3 - Athena
4 - EUROmin Project
5 - Ecole des Mines de Paris
6 - GeoScienceWorld
7 - Google Images
8 - Google Scholar
9 - Handbook of Mineralogy (MinSocAm)
10 - Handbook of Mineralogy (UofA)
11 - MinDAT
12 - Mineralienatlas (Deutsch)
13 - Online Mineral Museum
14 - QUT Mineral Atlas
15 - Ruff.Info
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Dana No: Strunz No: 09.DL.05