
Wellington Park Management Trust

  • ️Wellington Park Management Trust

View the interactive map to see where you can and cannot take a dog in Wellington Park. 

Dogs on a lead of no more than 2m are permitted on several trails in Wellington Park, allowing for substantial dog recreation and exercising opportunities in both the Hobart and Glenorchy municipal areas. 

Where can I walk my dog?

Dogs are permitted on walking and shared use tracks and fire trails within the Recreation Zone with a few exceptions as listed below. Your dog must be on a leash of no more than 2m in length at all times.

The Recreation Zone spans most of the lower foothils of Kunanyi / Mount Wellington (the area below Pinnacle Road from the Springs to Big Bend), the fire trails immediately above Tolosa Park in Glenorchy, and the Myrtle Forest. 

Dogs are also permitted on the White Timber Track and Jefferys Track.

Dogs are permitted at The Springs only to access dog exercise tracks. That means your dog can't join you on a picnic or other activities at The Springs. 

Dogs are permitted at The Pinnacle, but must be confined to your vehicle at all times. The number of vehicles, unpredictable weather, and sensitive alpine vegetation make the Pinnacle unsuitable for dogs. 

Where can't I walk my dog?

Dogs are not permitted in the Drinking Water Catchment Zone, the Natural Zone or the Remote Zone, at The Pinnacle and in The Springs picnic areas unless on their way to a dog walking track. 

Dogs are NOT permitted on several tracks within the Recreation Zone: 

  • on bike-only tracks
  • on the North-South Track between The Springs and Old Hobartians Track
  • on Reids Track between Radfords and Silver Falls Track
  • on Silver Falls Track between Silver Falls and the Pipeline Track
  • on old Farm Track.