Musician - Creative Commons
From Creative Commons
Musicians and CC
Online Resources
- ArtistServer - Over 11,000 MP3 downloads by more than 10,000 artists to download for free.
- Audiofarm - Wide selection of genres to choose from. You can easily download any song
- Audionautix - Clips available even for commercial purposes.
- Auboutdufil - Audio website for music under Creative Commons licenses. Over 2,600,000 downloads and more 400 artists referenced.
- Beatpick - A music player interface where you can listen and download songs. Most of the clips are instrumental.
- Bump Foot - Focuses mostly on techno, trance beats and electronic dance music
- ccMixter - A community music site featuring remixes where you can listen to, sample, mash-up music
- ccTrax - A directory of free music.
- Copyright Friendly - A long list of copyright friendly music resources. Take a look!
- - collaborative database for Creative Commons Licensed sounds. Good for sound effects such as ambient noises, synthesized sounds and sounds produced by musical instruments.
- iBeat - If you’re looking for free beats and loops; variety of genres such as rock beats, hip hop beats and even acoustic or electronic beats.
- Incompetech - Browse their selection by genre or feel. "Feel" would include things like: Action, Relaxed, Intense or Humorous; you can select a combination of ‘Feels’ and it will check its database for selection matches
- Jamendo - Jamendo is a music website and a community for free and legal music downloads under Creative Commons licenses. Includes an additional pro-shop, where companies can pay artists for commerical use of their music.
- JewelBeat - Free background music and sound effects with keywords. Mostly instrumental and consist of short loops
- Kompoz - Artists post their clips on the website where anyone can download it and use it. They can also add their own instruments or creative mix to the original clip and upload it on the website again.
- Leerecs - Leerecs is a Rock music website and a community for free and legal music downloads under Creative Commons licenses. Includes an additional pro-shop, where independent Rock artists can sell their music.
- MusOpen - Free music from individual instruments in an orchestra: violins, cellos, violas, etc as well as a combination of instruments. You can also download sheet music.
- Open Music Search - search for Copyleft, Creative Commons, Open Source, and Public Domain works in music
- Purple Planet - Audio clips that accompany a horror, dramatic or mysterious scene
- Soundcloud - Soundcloud is an online audio distribution platform which allows collaboration, promotion and distribution of audio recordings with Creative Commons licenses as an option.
- Vimeo - A place for videos, but also free music as long as you give credit to the original artist.
- Sound on Sound has an article titled Creative Commons, Copyright & The Independent Musician - New Approach To Copyright Licensing.
- Interview with Jamison Young discussing how musicians can benefit from the use of CC licenses.
- Public Knowledge has a long piece explaining Copyright as it pertains to musicians titled "Copyright Tutorial for Musicians"
- - 20+ Websites to Download Creative Commons Music for Free (included above under "Resources")
Case Studies
Learn more about how musicians use Creative Commons licenses in their work.
Featured Entries
- Ancient Free Gardeners: Ancient Free Gardeners is an indie-rock band in Melbourne, Australia, using Creative Commons licences to distribute their music.
- Christopher Willits: Willits is a prominent experimental musician from the San Francisco Bay area.
- Jonathan Coulton: Jonathan Coulton is an independent/unsigned singer-songwriter who utilises Creative Commons licences to help promote his music via free downloads.
- Monk Turner: Monk Turner is a musician of eclectic taste and an approach to releasing albums that involves CC licensing through the internet archive.
- Pig Head Skin: Yueh-hsin Chu (a.k.a. Pig Head Skin) is an independent musician/producer in Taiwan, and leads the band Jesus Rocks! The band released an album of the same name in October 2004 under a Creative Commons License.
- Topology: Topology is an internationally acclaimed Brisbane-based new music ensemble.
- Yunyu: Yunyu is a successful unsigned singer/songwriter in Sydney, Australia, who uses Creative Commons licences for promotional purposes.
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