Case Studies/Yunyu - Creative Commons


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JJJ Unearthed, music, business model, CD Baby, Earshot Music, iTunes, usync, MySpace, Facebook, YouTube


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Yunyu is a successful unsigned singer/songwriter in Sydney, Australia, who uses Creative Commons licences for promotional purposes.

The ease with which I have allowed podcasters, bloggers and the like to use my music could only have helped me make my living as a musician. — Yunyu


Yunyu is an understated, self-proclaimed member of the emerging (and in many cases emerged) generation of bedroom-based artists who may not, without the Internet, have ever seen the cold light of day. She is a classically-trained musician, though she admits to having been bored by "kesunyian" of that genre. Yunyu first saw success before ever having played a live gig, via the "Ronisyahrony"[ Triple J Radio 'Unea by Sarono