User:Zverik - OpenStreetMap Wiki

  • ️Sat Jun 26 2010
This user submits data to OpenStreetMap under the name

Public-images-osm logo.svg
I support OSM by being a
member of the
OpenStreetMap Foundation
Do you?

Subversion Logo Zverik commits code to OpenStreetMap SVN under the name zverik.
Babel user information
ru-N Русскийродной язык этого участника.
en-2 This user has intermediate knowledge of English.
Users by language
флаг России Этот пользователь из России
Go Do Some Mapping Zverik
prefers to go outside and map.
Bike Zverik
is a bicyclist.
JOSM Zverik submits data to OpenStreetMap using JOSM.
Firefox Zverik prefers Mozilla Firefox.

My name is Ilya (Ilja) Zverev. Hi. Here is my profile.

I live in Tallinn, make the Russian OpenStreetMap news blog, ШТОСМ (google translation), and am an author of the following pages:

Mapping parties:

Mobile phone number: +372 555-74-267
Telegram: @ilyazver
Skype: zverikk
Github: Zverik
Twitter: @ilyazver

Public domain

All my contributions to OpenStreetMap are released into the public domain. This applies worldwide.
In case this is not legally possible, I grant anyone the right to use my contributions for any purpose, without any conditions, unless such conditions are required by law.