WikiLeaks - Sony Archives

In order to construct more complex searches, you can use a number of boolean operators. This applies to terms only (it won't work with sender, recipient, date or subject filters).

If you don't use any operator, the search will show results containing all the specified terms. For example copyright law will search for emails having both the word copyright and the word law in it.

The operators you can use are the following:

  • | (operator OR): searching for copyright | law will return the emails having either the word copyright, or the word law.
  • ! (operator NOT): searching for copyright !law will return the emails having the word copyright and NOT the word law.
  • Phrase search operator: searching for "copyright law" will return emails having the word copyright immediately followed by the word law.
  • ~ (proximity search operator): searching for "copyright law"~10 will return the emails having the word copyright followed by the word law less than 10 words away.
  • << (operator before): searching for copyright << law << infringement will return the emails having the word copyright followed (maybe later) by the word law, then followed by infringement.

Additionally, you can use parenthesis ( ) to group search terms and operators, example: "copyright (law | infringement)" will return all emails having either the expression "copyright law" or the expression "copyright infringement".