Patch 9.0.1

  • ️Wed Oct 14 2020
Icon-patch-22x22 Patch 9.0.1
Release date October 13, 2020
Latest version date November 10, 2020
Initial version 36216
Latest version 36577
Interface .toc 90001 (changes)
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Patch 9.0.1 is the systems patch to Shadowlands. It added the new character customization options and the streamlined leveling experience by bringing the level cap down to 60 for Shadowlands.[1] It was released on October 13, 2020.[2][3]

Last patch notes update: 2020-10-14 (for the November 12 updates, see patch 9.0.2)


Death Rising – Limited Time Event[]

Patch 9.0

Death Rising

Shortly after the pre-expansion launch, you'll be called upon to defend Azeroth from an undead invasion as the Scourge sweep across the land. Players will embark on a quest to establish a foothold in Icecrown, where the barrier between Azeroth and the afterlife has been shattered, and prepare for the coming journey into the Shadowlands. This limited time pre-expansion event will only be available until the launch of Shadowlands, so make sure to log in to experience it and earn special rewards.

Levels, Items and Stats Adjusted[]

Levels, items and stats have been adjusted to make reaching a new level feel more meaningful while simultaneously making the leveling experience faster than before. Characters at level 120 will become level 50 after the content update.

New Character Customization[]

Patch 9.0

New Character Customization

The character creation experience has been revitalized with a brand new user interface and many new character customization options to choose from. Some of the new options are selecting your eye color, new skin tones, new hairstyles and hair/fur colors.

All of these new options are available at Barber Shops throughout Azeroth, including the option for Druids to choose the appearance of their shapeshifting forms and the ability to swap genders. Now all customization is available in game at any time so the Appearance Change service will no longer be sold in the Shop. [LEARN MORE]

New Starting Experience[]

Patch 9.0

New Starting Experience

Exile's Reach[]

Exile's Reach is an all-new starting experience that will take you on an excursion that will introduce you to the fundamentals of playing World of Warcraft and the important mechanics for your chosen class. If you're new to World of Warcraft and have never created or leveled a character, you will automatically begin your journey into Azeroth with the starting experience. If you're a veteran player or you've leveled a character before, you can choose to opt out of the starting experience and begin instead at level 1 in the starting area for your race.

Upon reaching level 10, new players will continue their journey through Battle for Azeroth and into Shadowlands. [LEARN MORE]

Timewalking Campaigns[]

Players who have already experienced Battle for Azeroth and reached level 50 on at least one character can now choose to level any subsequent characters in a different expansion using Timewalking Campaigns. This new feature allows content from locations like Northrend or Pandaria to scale to a player's level, so they can adventure from level 10 all the way to 50 and experience the stories of these areas at their originally intended pacing. Visit Chromie near the embassies in Stormwind or Orgrimmar to select your expansion leveling experience. If you'd like to select a different expansion to level through, simply speak to Chromie again.

Newcomer Chat[]

After creating your character and beginning your journey into World of Warcraft for the first time, you will enter the Newcomer Chat channel where you can chat with other new players and experienced players on the same faction who will be your guides as you level through the new starting zone – Exile's Reach. New players and guides will be able to recognize one another in the chat channels and with icons above their characters' heads that only they can see. Upon reaching level 20, new players will be prepared to continue their journey ahead on their own and will no longer have access to the Newcomer Chat.

If you're a veteran player and are interested in guiding new players as they experience World of Warcraft for the first time, head over to Stormwind or Orgrimmar and speak to the guide recruiter once you've met the following criteria:

If you no longer wish to be a guide, you can speak to the guide recruiter once again.


Allied Races[]

Auction House[]

  • Sold auctions will now show buyer or bidder player names in a tooltip.
  • Commodities (stackable items) are now sold by selected stacks before other stacks from the inventory.
  • Personal auctions can now be sorted by time remaining.
  • The "Level Range" filter now also filters battle pets by level.
  • A "Runecarving" option for Profession-crafted armor pieces for Legendaries has been added under each Armor category. These materials are not yet available until Shadowlands.

Black Market Auction House[]



Death Knight[]



  • Spell deathknight runetap [Rune Tap] is no longer a Talent and will be learned by all Blood Death Knights at level 19. Additionally, Rune Tap has two charges and the global cooldown is removed.
  • The following Talents have been adjusted:
  • PvP Talent changes:



Demon Hunter[]


  • Newly created Demon Hunters now begin at level 8.
  • Ability demonhunter immolation [Immolation Aura] is no longer a Talent for Havoc and is learned by all Demon Hunters through their initial questing experience or at level 10.











Beast Mastery[]



  • The following Talents have been adjusted:









  • New Passive: Shuffle (monk ability) – Niuzao's teachings allow you to shuffle during combat, increasing the effectiveness of your Monk stance drunkenox [Stagger] by 75%. Shuffle is granted by attacking enemies with your Keg Smash, Blackout Kick, and Spinning Crane Kick.
  • New Ability: Ability monk ironskinbrew [Celestial Brew] (replaces Ability monk ironskinbrew [Ironskin Brew]) – A swig of strong brew that coalesces purified chi escaping your body into a celestial guard, absorbing damage. Additionally, Purifying Stagger damage increases absorption by up to 200%. Stacks up to 10 times at 20% absorption per stack.
  • Spell monk brewmaster spec [Invoke Niuzao, the Black Ox] is no longer a Talent and is learned by all Brewmaster Monks at level 42. Niuzao no longer taunts the target and now has a 25 second duration (was 45 seconds).
  • Inv misc beer 06 [Purifying Brew] now has 2 charges (was 3), no longer shares charges with other Brews, and has the additional effect – Increases the absorption of your next Ability monk ironskinbrew [Celestial Brew] by up to 200%, based on your current level of Stagger.
  • Ability monk expelharm [Expel Harm] now has an additional effect – Cooldown is reduced by 10 seconds and draws in the positive chi of all your Healing Spheres to increase the healing done by Expel Harm.
  • Ability monk blackoutstrike [Blackout Strike] renamed to Ability monk roundhousekick [Blackout Kick] and now grants Shuffle for 3 seconds.
  • Achievement brewery 2 [Keg Smash] now reduces Brew recharge time by 3 seconds (was 4 seconds) and has an additional effect – Grants Shuffle for 5 seconds.
  • Ability monk cranekick new [Spinning Crane Kick] has an additional effect – Dealing damage with Spinning Crane Kick grants Shuffle for 1 second, and causes your Gift of the Ox healing spheres to travel towards your location.
  • Ability monk roundhousekick [Blackout Kick] can now be used while dual-wielding weapons.
  • Ability monk breathoffire [Breath of Fire] and Achievement brewery 2 [Keg Smash] now deal reduced damage on secondary targets.
  • Ability monk fortifyingale new [Fortifying Brew] cooldown is now 6 minutes (was 7 minutes).
  • The following Talents have been adjusted.





  • The Aura bar has returned, containing Spell holy crusaderaura [Crusader Aura], Spell holy devotionaura [Devotion Aura], and Spell holy crusade [Retribution Aura]. All auras have a 40 yard range, and one can be active at a time.
  • Spell holy avenginewrath [Avenging Wrath] and Ability paladin holyavenger [Holy Avenger] no longer have a global cooldown.
  • All Paladins can now use the following abilities:
    • New Ability: Ability paladin turnevil [Turn Evil] – The power of the Light compels an Undead, Aberration, or Demon target to flee for up to 40 seconds. Damage may break the effect. Only one target can be turned at a time.
    • Spell holy crusaderaura [Crusader Aura] – Increases mounted speed by 20% for all party and raid members with 40 yards.
    • Spell holy devotionaura [Devotion Aura] – Party and raid members within 40 yards are bolstered by their devotion, reducing damage taken by 3%.
    • Spell holy crusade [Retribution Aura] – When any party or raid member within 40 yards dies, you gain Avenging Wrath for 8 seconds.
    • Inv helmet 96 [Word of Glory] – Calls down the Light to heal a friendly target. Costs 3 Holy Power.
    • Ability paladin shieldofvengeance [Shield of the Righteous] – Slams enemies in front of you with your shield, causing Holy damage and increasing your Armor for 4.5 seconds. No longer limited by charges, costs 3 Holy Power.
    • Spell holy crusaderstrike [Crusader Strike] – Strike the target for Physical damage. Generates 1 Holy Power and costs 14% of base mana.
    • Spell paladin hammerofwrath [Hammer of Wrath] – Hurls a divine hammer that strikes an enemy for Holy damage. Only usable on enemies that have less than 20% health or during Avenging Wrath. Now generates 1 Holy Power.
    • Spell holy innerfire [Consecration] – Consecrates the land beneath you, causing Holy damage over 12 seconds to enemies who enter the area. Limit 1.
    • Spell holy sealofsacrifice [Blessing of Sacrifice] – Blesses a party or raid member, reducing their damage taken by 30%, but you suffer 75% of damage prevented. Last 12 seconds, or until transferred damage would cause you to fall below 20% health.




  • Inv sword 2h artifactashbringerfire d 03 [Wake of Ashes] is no longer a Talent and is learned by all Retribution Paladins at level 34. Wake of Ashes damage increased 50%, now deals reduced damage on secondary targets, and generates 3 Holy Power (was 5).
  • Ability paladin bladeofjustice [Blade of Justice] cooldown is now 12 seconds (was 10.5 seconds).
  • Ability paladin sanctifiedwrath [Crusade] (Talent) no longer has a global cooldown.
  • Spell magic greaterblessingofkings [Greater Blessing of Kings] and Spell holy greaterblessingofwisdom [Greater Blessing of Wisdom] have been removed.
  • Ability paladin divinestorm [Divine Storm] now capped at 5 targets.
  • The following Talents have been adjusted:
    • New Talent: Ability paladin sheathoflight [Empyrean Power] (paladin talent) (replaces Spell paladin hammerofwrath [Hammer of Wrath]) – Spell holy crusaderstrike [Crusader Strike] has a 15% chance to make your next Divine Storm free and deal 25% additional damage.
    • New Talent: Ability paladin infusionoflight [Healing Hands] (replaces Word of Glory) – The cooldown of Lay on Hands is reduced up to 60%, based on the target's missing health. Word of Glory's healing is increased by up to 100%, based on the target's missing health.
    • New Talent: Ability paladin seraphim [Seraphim] (replaces Inv sword 2h artifactashbringerfire d 03 [Wake of Ashes]) – The Light magnifies your power for 15 seconds, granting 8% Haste, Critical Strike, and Versatility, and Mastery increased by 13%.
    • New Talent: Ability paladin holyavenger [Holy Avenger] (replaces Spell holy innerfire [Consecration]) – Your Holy Power generation is tripled for 20 seconds.
    • New Talent: Ability paladin sanctifiedwrath [Sanctified Wrath] – Avenging Wrath lasts 25% longer. During Avenging Wrath, each Holy Power spent causes you to explode with Holy light damage to nearby enemies.
    • New Talent: Spell holy blessedresillience [Final Reckoning] (replaces Spell paladin inquisition [Inquisition]) – Call down a blast of heavenly energy, dealing Holy damage to all targets in the target area and causing them to take 50% increased damage from your Holy Power abilities for 8 seconds. Passive: While off cooldown, your attacks have a high chance to call down a bolt that deals Holy damage and causes the target to take 10% increased damage from your next Holy Power ability.
    • Spell paladin executionsentence [Execution Sentence] has been redesigned – A hammer slowly falls from the sky upon the target. After 8 seconds, they suffer Holy damage, plus 20% of damage taken from your abilities in that time.
    • Ability paladin righteousvengeance [Divine Judgment] has been removed.
  • PvP Talent changes:
    • New PvP Talent: Spell holy blessingofstrength [Aura of Reckoning] – When you or allies within your Aura are critically struck, you gain Reckoning. At 50 stacks of Reckoning, your next weapon swing deals 200% increased damage. In addition, it activates Avenging Wrath for 6 seconds.
    • Spell holy retributionaura [Vengeance Aura] now functions on crowd control that strikes all allies within 20 yards, rather than allies within 40 yards that have your Greater Blessings.
    • Spell paladin hammerofwrath [Hammer of Reckoning] has been removed.






  • New Mastery: Shadow Weaving – Your damage is increased by 4% for each of Spell shadow shadowwordpain [Shadow Word: Pain], Spell holy stoicism [Vampiric Touch] and Spell shadow devouringplague [Devouring Plague] on the target. During Void Form,[sic] all targets receive the maximum effect.
  • New Ability: Spell shadow devouringplague [Devouring Plague] – Afflicts the target with a disease that instantly cause Shadow damage plus an additional 4 Shadow damage over 6 seconds. Heals you for 300% of damage dealt.
  • New Ability: Ability priest thoughtsteal01 [Dark Thoughts] (Passive) – For each of your damage over time effects on the target, your Spell shadow siphonmana [Mind Flay] and Spell shadow mindshear [Mind Sear] have a 2% chance to instantly add a charge of Spell shadow unholyfrenzy [Mind Blast], causing it to be instantly cast, and allowing it to be cast while channeling Mind Flay or Mind Sear within 6 seconds.
  • Voidform[sic] has been redesigned – Now has a 90 second cooldown and increases damage by 20% for 15 seconds. Voidform no longer reduces the cooldown of Mind Blast, but now refreshes the cooldown of Mind Blast and you gain 2 charges while in Voidform. You no longer gain Haste every 0.5 seconds while in Void Form.
  • Void Eruption cast time reduced by 40% and no longer requires 90 Insanity to cast.
  • Ability priest shadowyapparition [Shadowy Apparitions] has been redesigned – When you use Mind Blast, Devouring Plague or Ability ironmaidens convulsiveshadows [Void Bolt] you also create a shadowy version of yourself that floats towards all targets afflicted by your Vampiric Touch dealing Shadow damage. Critical strikes will cause two Apparitions to be created.
  • Spell shadow demonicfortitude [Shadow Word: Death] no longer generates Insanity.
  • Mind Blasts[sic] Insanity generation is now 8 (was 12).
  • Spell holy stoicism [Vampiric Touch]'s Insanity generation is now 5 (was 6).
  • Ability ironmaidens convulsiveshadows [Void Bolt]'s Insanity generation is now 15 (was 20).
  • Spell shadow mindshear [Mind Sear] Insanity generation is now 6 (was 8).
  • The following Talents have been adjusted:
    • New Talent: Spell shadow demonicfortitude [Death and Madness] (replaces Spell shadow possession [Shadowy Insight]) – If a target dies within 6 seconds after being struck by your Shadow Word: Death, you gain 73 Insanity over 4 seconds and the cooldown of your Shadow Word: Death is reset.
    • New Talent: Spell priest shadow mend [Unfurling Darkness] (replaces Spell mage presenceofmind [Shadow Word: Void]) – After casting Vampiric Touch on a target, your next Vampiric Touch within 8 seconds is instant cast and deals Shadow damage immediately. This effect cannot occur more than once every 15 seconds.
    • New Talent: Ability priest psychiclink [Psychic Link] (replaces Spell shadow demonicfortitude [Shadow Word: Death]) – Mind Blast deals 50% of its damage to all targets afflicted by your Spell holy stoicism [Vampiric Touch] within 40 yards.
    • New Talent: Ability priest voidentropy [Searing Nightmare] (replaces Inv elemental primal shadow [Dark Void]) – Instantly deals Shadow damage to enemies around the target and afflicts them with Spell shadow shadowwordpain [Shadow Word: Pain]. If the enemy is already afflicted by your Shadow Word: Pain, Searing Nightmare's damage is increased by 185%. Only usable while channeling Mind Sear.
    • New Talent: Ability warlock eradication [Damnation] (replaces Spell shadow twistedfaith [Lingering Insanity]) – Instantly afflicts the target with Shadow Word: Pain, Vampiric Touch and Devouring Plague free of cost.
    • New Talent: Spell priest void flay [Ancient Madness] (replaces Ability priest darkarchangel [Dark Ascension]) – Voidform increases your critical strike chance by 30% for 15 seconds, reducing by 2% every second.
    • New Talent: Ability ironmaidens convulsiveshadows [Hungering Void] (replaces Inv enchant voidcrystal [Legacy of the Void]) – Ability ironmaidens convulsiveshadows [Void Bolt] causes the target to become vulnerable to the void, increasing damage taken from the Priest for 6 seconds. Void Bolt cast on vulnerable targets will also extend the duration of your Spell priest voidform [Voidform] by 1 second, 2 seconds if Void Bolt critically strikes. This effect can only be active on one target at any one time.
    • Spell shadow shadowfury [Shadow Crash] has been redesigned – Hurl a bolt of slow-moving, far-reaching Shadow energy at the destination, dealing Shadow damage to all targets within 8 yards. If Shadow Crash hits a lone target, they suffer 25% increased damage from your next Shadow Crash within 15 seconds. Stacks up to 2 and generates 8 Insanity.
    • Spell priest voidsear [Void Torrent] no longer pauses your Insanity while used, but now applies Spell shadow devouringplague [Devouring Plague] and refreshes the duration of all of your Shadow damage over time effects while channeling.
    • Achievement boss generalvezax 01 [Surrender to Madness] no longer instantly generates 100 Insanity when used and has a 1.5 minute cooldown (was 3 minutes). Additionally, Surrender to Madness now has a heartbeat sound effect that speeds up as you reach the end of the spells' duration.
  • PvP Talent changes:


















  • Ability whirlwind [Whirlwind] now capped at 5 targets.
  • All Warriors can now use the following abilities:
    • New Ability: Ability warrior shatteringthrow [Shattering Throw] – Hurl your weapon at the enemy, causing Physical damage, ignoring armor, and removing any magical immunities. Deals up to 500% increased damage to absorb shields.
    • New Ability: Ability warrior victoryrush [Intervene] – Run at high speed toward an ally, intercepting all melee and ranged attacks against them for 6 seconds while they remain within 10 yards.
    • Ability warrior decisivestrike [Slam] – Slams an opponent, causing Physical damage.
    • Ability defend [Shield Block] – Raise your shield, blocking all melee attacks against you for 6 seconds.
    • Ability shockwave [Hamstring] – Maims the enemy for Physical damage, reducing movement speed by 50% for 15 seconds.
    • Ability whirlwind [Whirlwind] – Unleashes a whirlwind of steel, striking up to 5 nearby targets for Physical damage.
    • Ability warrior shieldreflection [Spell Reflection] – No longer a PvP Talent. Raise your weapon reflecting spells cast on you and reducing magical damage you take by 20%. Lasts 5 seconds or until a spell is reflected.
    • Ability warrior renewedvigor [Ignore Pain] – Fight through the pain, ignoring 50% of damage taken, up to a maximum of 2 times the total damage taken.
    • Inv shield 05 [Shield Slam] – Slams the target with your shield, causing Physical damage.
  • PvP Talent changes:




  • Ability warrior revenge [Revenge] now deals reduced damage beyond 5 targets, no longer has a cooldown, costs 20 Rage (was 30) and replaces Ability warrior decisivestrike [Slam] when learned. Your successful dodges and parries now have a chance to make Revenge cost no Rage, instead of being guaranteed.
  • Warrior talent icon avatar [Avatar] no longer has a global cooldown.
  • Ability warrior victoryrush [Intercept] has been removed.
  • Spell nature thunderclap [Thunder Clap] now deals reduced damage on secondary targets.
  • The following Talents have been adjusted:
    • New Talent: Ability hunter rapidkilling [War Machine] – Your auto attacks generate 20% more Rage. Killing an enemy instantly generates 10 Rage, and increases your movement speed by 30% for 8 seconds.
    • New Talent: Inv misc horn 04 [Double Time] (replaces Ability warrior safeguard [Safeguard]) – Increases the maximum number of charges on Charge by 1, and reduces its cooldown by 3 seconds.
    • Ability warrior dragonroar [Dragon Roar] now has a 30 second cooldown (was 35 seconds), no longer reduces enemy movement speed, and critically strikes for 3 times normal damage. Generates 20 Rage (was 10).
    • Warrior talent icon ravager [Ravager] now has a 45 second cooldown (was 1 minute), duration increased to 12 seconds (was 7 seconds), periodic damage increased to 2 seconds (was 1 second), generates 10 Rage each time it deals damage, and now chases nearby enemies in combat. Additionally, Ravager is now capped at 8 targets.
    • Ability warrior revenge [Best Served Cold] has been redesigned – Revenge deals 20% more damage, or 50% more damage when your successful dodges or parries have made it cost no Rage.
    • Ability golemthunderclap [Menace] has been redesigned – Ability golemthunderclap [Intimidating Shout] will knock back all nearby enemies except your primary target, and cause them all to cower in fear for 15 seconds instead of fleeing.
    • Ability deathknight sanguinfortitude [Punish] damage reduction effect can now overlap and has a maximum of 5 stacks.
    • Spell impending victory [Impending Victory] healing increased to 30% (was 20%).
    • Shield draenorcrafted d 02 c alliance [Bolster] now grants the Shield Block effect for the duration of Spell holy ashestoashes [Last Stand] (was increase block chance to 100%).
    • Ability warrior intensifyrage [Indomitable] now has an additional effect – Every 10 Rage you spend heals you for 1% of your maximum health.
    • Ability butcher gushingwounds [Never Surrender] now causes Ability warrior renewedvigor [Ignore Pain] to prevent 40% to 100% based on missing health (was 0% to 100%).
    • Ability warrior bloodfrenzy [Into the Fray] now grants 2% Haste for each enemy or ally within 10 yards (was 3% Haste).
    • Ability warrior commandingshout [Booming Voice] damage done bonus increased to 20% (was 15%).
    • Inv shield 32 [Heavy Repercussions] now causes Inv shield 05 [Shield Slam] to generate 3 additional Rage and no longer increases the damage of Shield Slam during Shield Block.
    • Warrior talent icon angermanagement [Anger Management] no longer reduces the cooldown of Ability warrior warcry [Demoralizing Shout] or Last Stand.
    • Ability thunderking overcharge [Crackling Thunder] now has an additional effect – Increases Thunder Clap movement speed reduction by an additional 10%.
    • Ability warrior unrelentingassault [Vengeance] has been removed.
  • PvP Talent changes:

Dungeons and Raids[]

Items and Rewards[]

Pet Battles[]

Player versus Player[]

User Interface[]

  • A navigational marker will now appear on screen to direct you to quest objectives reducing the need to open and close the map.
  • Pins can now be placed on the World Map by pressing Ctrl+Left Click at the targeted location. The map pin can be tracked with the navigational marker and shared in chat.
  • Druids are now able to customize their shapeshift forms, including Artifact appearances, in the Barber Shop separately from their hair color and weapon transmogs.
  • Campaign quests now have separate headers in the Quest Tracker.
  • There is now a collapse button for each section in the Quest Tracker.
  • Player spells have been rearranged in the Spellbook. Each class now has a tab that shows abilities that are available to all players of that class, while specialization-specific spells appear under individual specialization tabs.
  • Hovering over the resource bar will now show the tooltip at the cursor location.
  • Using the Self Cast Key modifier on friendly target location spells now places it at your location.
  • You can now adjust key bindings when mousing over an action or micro menu button from the new Quick Keybind Mode option in the Key Bindings menu.
  • Encounter abilities are now searchable in the Adventure Guide search field.
  • The Item Sets tab has been removed from the Adventure Guide.
  • Group leaders can now start a countdown timer using group manager tools, or by typing /countdown 10.
  • Auction House and player mail notifications will now show on the character selection screen.
  • The UI Scale setting has moved from the Advanced section to the Graphics section in System Settings.
  • New Accessibility options are now available in Interface settings:
    • Added Motion Sickness options.
    • Added an Override Screen Fade option that changes the color of full screen flashes to fade to black.
    • Added keybind, camera, cursor control, and movement support for Gamepad controllers.
    • Cinematic subtitles are now defaulted on.
  • The ability to join a Group voice chat from the game client has been temporarily disabled.
  • The Credits screen has been updated and redesigned for Shadowlands.

World Events[]

  • The Brawler's Guild is now temporarily closed. This forum for fisticuffs and furious fighting will return in the future.

WoW Companion App[]

  • Legion missions and followers are now available.
  • Characters can now be favorited in the Character Selection screen.
  • The latest WoW news is now available in the app.


Table of patches

Test-inline 0.x – Pre-release
WoW Icon update 1.x – World of Warcraft
Bc icon 2.x – The Burning Crusade
Wrath-Logo-Small 3.x – Wrath of the Lich King
Cataclysm 4.x – Cataclysm
Mists of Pandaria 5.x – Mists of Pandaria
Warlords of Draenor 6.x – Warlords of Draenor
Legion 7.x – Legion
Battle for Azeroth 8.x – Battle for Azeroth
Shadowlands 9.x – Shadowlands
Dragonflight 10.x – Dragonflight
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