A New Court (quest)

  • ️Tue Nov 17 2020
For the order advancement, see A New Court.
VenthyrA New Court
Start Theotar
End Temel
Level 60 (Requires 60)
Category Ember Court
Experience 750
Rewards 12g 87s
Next N [60] Ember Court Rehearsal


Recruit the personnel needed to open the Ember Court.


My dear <name>, I have heard a delightful rumor that you are considering hosting a new court in Sinfall.

If that is true, you simply must permit me to recommend staff to help you host a perfect court.

<Theotar pulls long parchments out of his pockets.>

I have been developing ranked lists for every court staff position since the moment I stepped foot in Sinfall.

I do not wish to be a braggart, but courts are kind of my specialty.


You will receive:

  • 12g 87s
  • 750 XP


This court isn't going to throw itself. Let's get to work.


This quest becomes available once the A New Court upgrade has been researched. After recruiting the personel within Sinfall, head upstairs to the Spire of the Unseen Guests.

Upon accept
Theotar says: I am tingling with excitement. This news cannot wait the walk!
Theotar uses Ability venthyr doorofshadows [Door of Shadows] in order to cross the hall, over to Prince Renathal.
Theotar says: My dear Renathal, the rumors are true. We will be hosting court here in Sinfall!
Prince Renathal says: I believe you started most of those rumors yourself, Theotar.
Prince Renathal says: Still, I too am quite pleased. Although, I will be reliant on you to refresh my knowledge of courtly etiquette.
Theotar says: My existence before this moment has been but a rehearsal. I will teach you everything you need to know.
Theotar says: First, we will require more tea. All of the tea!
Theotar uses Door of Shadows back to his usual spot.
Speaking to Stefan
<Picky Stefan stops dictating to the floating scroll nearby and looks at you.>
Yes? Do you also have thoughts on the complex aroma of this steak?
Gossip I need you to coordinate the refreshments for our new court.
Picky Stefan says: Of course only the finest ingredients will be used...
Picky Stefan says: Fresh meats! Imported produce! Only the cleanest dredger waiters!
Picky Stefan says: I will be our harshest critic and strongest advocate!
Stefan runs up the nearby stairs and out of vision.
Speaking to Hips
You ever see the Lost Chalice Band play music?
Movin' stuff. Real hauntin' melodies.
I started readin' their biography. Finally a book worth learnin' to read for!
Gossip I need you to coordinate the entertainment for our new court.
Hips says: I'm surprised you'd trust a dredger with a job like that.
Hips says: Must've been Theotar told you, yeah?
Hips says: That fang knows talent when he sees it. I got you covered.
Hips walks over to the nearby Sinfall Mirror.
Speaking to Lord Garridan who can be found with a group of Ember Court Socialites
Ah, Maw Walker. We were just talking about you.
To what do we owe the honor?
Gossip I need you to coordinate the guest list for our new court.
Lord Garridan says: It would be an honor to assist you and Prince Renathal.
Lord Garridan says: My extensive network of contacts and humble diplomatic skills are at your service.
Garridan turns to face the socialites.
Lord Garridan says: And, of course, I will make certain that all of you are included on the guest list as well.
Lord Garridan walks over to the nearby Sinfall Mirror and is soon followed by the socialites.
Ember Court Socialite says: Ooo! This is going to be the hottest court in Revendreth.
Ember Court Socialite says: I cannot wait to tell Lady Lerae about this!
Speaking to The Accuser who can be found near Temel
There is much work yet to be done.
Gossip I need you to coordinate all of the logistics for our new court.
The Accuser says: I will do no such thing. The troubled souls require my full attention.
The Accuser says: However, if the Prince requires these duties to be performed...
The Accuser yells: Temel!
Temel flies closer.
Temel says: The one and only Sin Herald, at your service, Accuser!
The Accuser says: Your services as the Sin Herald are not required here. You will assist the Maw Walker with coordinating a new court.
Temel looks confused for a moment, then quickly pulls a party hat off of his belt and puts it on.
Temel says: The Party Herald is now on duty!
Temel says: You can count on me, Maw Walker! I'm the best at whatever I do!
The Accuser smirks.
The Accuser says: Do have fun.
Approaching the Party Herald in the Spire of the Unseen Servants

Two Court Groundskeepers are seen with Temel. One holds a torch, the other a lantern.

Temel says: Yes to the lanterns, no to the torches.
Temel says: This is a respected court, not the Endmire!


  1. N [60] A New Court
  2. N [60] Ember Court Rehearsal
  3. Complete all of the following:
  4. N [60] The Ember Court

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