A Ring Unbroken

  • ️Tue Jul 19 2016
NeutralA Ring Unbroken
Start Thrall
End Thrall
Level 10-45
Type Legendary
Category Artifact
Class Shaman Shaman
Experience 15,050
Rewards 15g 40s
Previous N [10-45] In the Blink of an Eye
Next N Shaman [10-45] The Elements Call...


Aid the shaman of the Earthen Ring at the Maelstrom. Stormcaller Mylra will fly you there from Krasus' Landing in Dalaran.

  • Fly to the Maelstrom with Mylra
  • Aid Shaman at the Maelstrom


Our defeat at the Broken Shore was decisive. The Burning Legion has a foothold on Azeroth, and the best of our armies are retreating in tatters.

The elders of the Earthen Ring have called an emergency council near the heart of our world - the Maelstrom. <name>, your triumphs throughout Azeroth and Draenor are the stuff of legend. We need you more than ever.

Join me at the Maelstrom. Stormcaller Mylra will be flying there shortly - find her at Krasus' Landing here in Dalaran.


You will receive:

  • 15,050 XP
  • 15g 40s


Thank you, <name>. You saved me. You saved us all.

I was... outmatched. My relationship with the elements has changed since the events on Draenor. I have some soul-searching to do. <name>, you must carry the Earthen Ring forward without me. You are the leader they need.


As you walk around Dalaran over the Broken Isles, Whispering Winds will spawn.

Whispering Winds says: <Name>! I found you! The four winds have been sent to seek you out. Come with me.
Whispering Winds gestures toward Thrall.
Thrall says: Shaman! I have an urgent message.

Thrall then offers this quest. Upon getting to Krasus' Landing:

Stormcaller Mylra says: Over here, shaman! We've no time to lose.

Interact with Stormbeak to continue.

Stormcaller Mylra says: It's a massacre out there. All around the world, our forces fall back.
Stormcaller Mylra says: Unless we find a way to turn this around, Azeroth will fall!

Upon getting to the Maelstrom:

Stormcaller Mylra says: The greatest shaman in the world are gathering below. What's left of 'em, that is.

Thrall and the rest of the Earthen Ring are gathered.

Thrall says: Yes, we must strike back. But how?
Farseer Nobundo says: We need weapons capable of overcoming the Legion.

Stage 1: A Ring Unbroken[]

Speak with Nobundo.
  • Speak with Nobundo.

Speak with Nobundo:

Greetings, <name>. I am please you received Thrall's summons.
You can see, there are no factions here. We few are all that remain of the Earthen Ring, and we must struggle together or surely we will perish alone.
Survivors continue to make their way here from the four corners of Azeroth. See that their wounds are tended to. They need hope if they are to rejoin the fight, <name>. You must inspire them!
Gossip I will see to the others, Farseer.

Stage 2: We Glorious Few[]

Help the scattered shaman.
  • Help the Dwarves.
  • Help the Tauren and the Trolls.
  • Help Rehgar and Erunak.
Thrall says: They will come for us.
Farseer Nobundo says: There are ancient safeguards here. We must use them.

Helping the dwarves:

Iain Firebeard says: Help her! She's fadin' fast!

Interact with Screech to heal her with Spell nature healingway [Healing Surge].

Iain Firebeard says: Thank ye, shaman.
Stormcaller Mylra says: The Highlands are completely overrun. The clan is scattered.

Helping the tauren and the trolls:

Tribemother Torra says: What kind of a shaman can't light a fire?
Bath'rah the Windwatcher says: Shush, you! Dis wood be wet and me hands be shakin'.

Interact with the Damp Campfire to light it with Spell fire flameshock [Flame Shock].

Tribemother Torra says: The Legion destroys us in the open fields. Even Thunder Bluff isn't safe from the Infernals.

Helping Rehgar and Erunak:

Rehgar Earthfury says: This thing has sat useless for ten thousand years.
Erunak Stonespeaker says: It just needs a little... boost. Shaman, can you help?

Interact with the Maelstrom Pillar to power it with Spell nature lightning [Lightning Bolt].

Erunak Stonespeaker says: Do you see? It's working. This world will fight for itself if we give it the tools to do so.

Suddenly a group of Stormborn Infernals are attacking!

Stage 3: Melee at the Maelstrom[]

Defeat the Infernals.
  • Defeat the Infernals. (5)
Stormcaller Mylra says: They followed us here!
Thrall says: Look out!
Mackay Firebeard says: I knew yer crap bird was too slow.
Iain Firebeard says: My bird woulda been quicker if she weren't haulin' yer fat arse.
Erunak Stonespeaker says: We can fight this... but we must work together...
Geth'xun says: Here is where you insects crawled!
Geth'xun says: Take to your knees, and my Master may yet be merciful.
Thrall says: Your Master has not won yet.
Thrall says: I've got this one, shaman. Help the others!
Killing an Infernal
  • Rehgar Earthfury says: Hah-ha!! You are champion in the making!
Rehgar Earthfury says: Help the others!
  • Iain Firebeard says: Wildhammer!
  • Mackay Firebeard says: Wildhammer!
  • Stormcaller Mylra says: Wildhammer!
Killed 3/5 Infernals
Thrall says: Spirits... hear my call...
Geth'xun says: Are you the so-called 'World Shaman?' Hah! You fight like a crippled pig.

Stage 4: Felling the Felbat[]

Use Torra's spear to bring down the felbat Falthus.
  • Use Torra's spear to Bring Down the Felbat Falthus.
Tribemother Torra says: Over here, shaman! Take up my spear! The winds will guide your strike!

Use the Launch Grapple ability on the extra action button, taking down the felbat.

Mackay Firebeard says: Do it! Bring it down!

The felbat is then promptly killed.

Final Stage: Master of Storms[]

Activate the Maelstrom Pillar to defeat Geth'xun.
  • Activate the Maelstrom Pillar to Defeat Geth'xun.
Farseer Nobundo says: It is ready! Everyone, focus on the pillar. Quickly!

Walk up to the pillar and interact with the pillar, jumping on top of it and powering up a powerful spell, leading to a short cutscene.

Geth'xun says: You will die!
Geth'xun delivers a hard blow to Thrall, bringing him to his knees.
Geth'xun says: Your precious 'earthen ring' will shatter!
Camera pans to the shamans, slowly focusing their power to the player.
Geth'xun says: Your world will succumb!
The player unleashed the powerful spell, aiming it straight to Geth'xun!
Geth'xun says: THE LEGION WILL--
Geth'xun is hit by the spell, sending him flying into the Maelstrom.
Thrall says: The Doomhammer...


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