The term account usually refers to the World of Warcraft subscription account of a player. Generally, an account can have up to 50 characters.[1]
Special features based on registering with a Collector's Edition version, expansion upgrades (like upgrading an account for Battle for Azeroth) and promotional codes (like for a BlizzCon [Murloc Costume]), are associated with the account, and make those features available to all the characters under that account.
If one person logs into an account while someone else is playing a character on it, the one who was already playing will automatically get logged off from the game.
Account levels[]
Current World of Warcraft account levels are:
- World of Warcraft: Free Trial: Created for free and does not require paid subscription. Level cap at 20. Cannot join or create guilds, create one's own parties, use in-game mail or the auction house.
- Veteran Edition: Accounts that had a subscription at one point that are currently inactive. It allows these accounts to use the same benefits and limitations as a free trial account.
- World of Warcraft: Subscription / Game time (monthly payment): level to 60 in retail and access Classic Era and Classic expansions such as Wrath of the Lich King Classic.
World of Warcraft: Dragonflight: level to 70 and access Dragon Isles content.
Previously there existed other account levels for World of Warcraft:
Vanilla: Level cap at 60. Cannot visit blood elf and draenei starting zones, Outland or Northrend. Removed on 29 June 2011, with all remaining classic accounts automatically upgraded to The Burning Crusade.
The Burning Crusade: Level cap at 70. Can play as a draenei or a blood elf, visit the draenei and blood elf starting zones and Outland. Removed on 13 September 2012, with all remaining Burning Crusade accounts automatically upgraded to Wrath of the Lich King.
Wrath of the Lich King: Level cap at 80. Can play as a death knight once you have a character of level 55 or above on your account. Can enter Northrend. Removed on 16 October 2013, with all remaining Wrath of the Lich King accounts automatically upgraded to Cataclysm.
Cataclysm: Must be purchased from retail stores or from Requires a monthly fee to play. Level cap at 85. Can join and create guilds, create one's own parties, use in-game mail and the auction house. Can learn archaeology and purchase a
[Flight Master's License]. Can visit Mount Hyjal, Vashj'ir, Deepholm, Uldum and the Twilight Highlands.
Mists of Pandaria: Level cap at 90. Can play as a monk. Can enter Pandaria.
Warlords of Draenor: Level cap at 100. Can enter, and have access to their own garrison, in Draenor.
Legion: Level cap at 110. Can enter the Broken Isles and have access to artifact weapons. Merged with subscription/game time account level sometime prior to August 14, 2018.
Battle for Azeroth: Level cap at 120. Can play allied races and access Kul Tiras, Zandalar, Nazjatar. Merged with subscription/game time account level with patch 9.0.1.
Shadowlands: level to 60 and access Shadowlands content. Merged with subscription/game time account level with patch 10.0.0.
On Wowpedia, an account can mean the identity you use to store your Wowpedia preferences and log into in order to make edits.