O Thanagor

"O Thanagor" (lit. "O King") is a song first introduced during the Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne closing cinematic. The song became a recurring lyrical leitmotif in World of Warcraft: Wrath of the Lich King, appearing in several songs, including "Arthas, My Son" and "Invincible." The song also appears as part of the medley in the World of Warcraft: Cataclysm main theme, "The Shattering."



Common lyrics English translation

O Thanagor.....
An Karanir Thanagor,
Mor Ok Angalor.
Mor Ok Gorum
Palahm Raval.
Ro-mun A'l Ga
Ballog A'l Enthu
Korok Na Boda...
Ha! Ma! Da! Ma!
Erigo Eo Draco Modo!
Mor Ok Gorum Pala'ahm
Mor Ok Croval Angalor
Mor Ok Gorum
Pala Ah'm raval
Specto Su Praesenti...
Caligo Caelum...
Mor Ok Croval Anga'lor
Karanir Thanagor....
Karanir Thanagor!

O King.....
Long live the king,
May he reign...forever.
May his strength
fail him never.
First in battle
last in retreat.
Even in death...
Ha! Ma! Da! Ma!
Raise this dragon now!
May his strength fail him never
May his reign last forever
May his strength
fail him never
See his power...
Darken the sky...
May his reign last forever
Long live the king...
Long live the king!

The italicized lines are Latin.


The opening cinematic of World of Warcraft: Wrath of the Lich King consists in Arthas reminiscing on the words of his father. It is thus narrated by Terenas Menethil II, telling Arthas about his duty as the heir to the throne of Lordaeron.[1]

My son, the day you were born, the very forests of Lordaeron whispered the name Arthas.
My child, I watched with pride as you grew into a weapon of righteousness.
Remember, our line has always ruled with wisdom and strength. And I know you will show restraint when exercising your great power.
But the truest victory, my son, is stirring the hearts of your people. I tell you this, for when my days have come to an end, you shall be King.


  • Director/Writer: Jeff Chamberlain
  • Senior Director of Cinematics: Matt Samia
  • Creative Director: Nick Carpenter
  • Lead Producer: Scott Abeyta
  • Producers: Angela Blake, Phillip Hillenbrand
  • Editor: Matthew Mead
  • Supervisors: Jonathan Berube, Fausto De Martini, Scott Goffman, Steeg Haskell, Arthur Jeppe, Mike Kelleher, Jared Keller, James McCoy (Animation), Jon Lanz
  • Leads: Aaron Chan, Sheng Jin
  • Artists: Sal Arditti, Jason Barlow, Barry Berman, Anwar Bey-Taylor, Ricardo Biriba, Alvaro Buendia, Scott Campbell, Aaron Chan, Steven Chen, Shimon Cohen, James Crowson, Sofia Vale Cruz, Graham Cunningham, Ben Dai, Zaza Essa, Hunter Grant, Jeremy Gritton, Michael Hardison, Jason Hill, Brian Huang, Steve Hui, Tyler Hunter, Sheng Jin, Jeramiah Johnson, Chung Kan, Bernie Kang, Jeffrey Kember, Ren Kikuchi, Ronny Kim, Yonghyun (Eddie) Kim, Jae Kim, Brian LaFrance, Mark Lai, Oliver Lam, Moonsung Lee, Yeon-Ho Lee, Dyllan Lu, David Luong, Marc Messenger, Alex Murtaza, Sada Namiki, Jeremy Nelligan, Tuan Ngo, Jae Wook Park, Corey Pelton, Zachary Podratz, Reo Prendergast, Dennis Price, Dominic Qwek, Glenn Ramos, Jarett Riva, David Savvy, Billy Shih, Kazuhito Shimada, Taylor Smith, Peter Starostin, Geordie Swainbank, Peter Swigut, Seth Thompson, Chris Thunig, Graven Tung, Mathias Verhasselt, Xin Wang, Kenson Yu
  • Technical Artists: Ben Barker, Michael Beal, Leonard Chang, Drew Dobernecker, Chris Evans, Joe Frayne, Huong Grey, Jim Jiang, David Keegan, Scott Lange, Hung Le, Dyllan Lu, Wei Qiao, Chris Rock, Peter Shinners, Nelson Wang
  • Lead Studio Technical Engineer: Sean Laverty
  • Studio Technical Engineers: Mike Kramer, Ramon Rodriguez
  • Production Team: Bejan Fozdar (Modeling), Janet Garcia, Kim Horn (Animation), Bryan Langford (Tech, Animation), Steve McIlwain (Finishing), Noel Wolfman (Dev)
  • Additional Production: Taka Yasuda
  • Interns: Chay Johansson, Joseph Magdalena
  • Cinematic Intro Sound Designers: David Farmer (EAD), Paul Menichini
  • Cinematic Intro Music: Neal Acree
  • Cinematic Intro Audio Mixer: Tom Brewer (Sound Cove)
  • Voice of King Terenas Menethil: Earl Boen

Notes and trivia[]

  • Blizzard originally recorded a male tenor for the main melody before opting to use a boy soprano.[2]
  • This cinematic was unofficially remastered on 1 December 2019 by Upscale, using Machine Learning AI.
  • The song was officially covered by Mike Shinoda from Linkin Park, posted on YouTube on 22 December 2022.


  • Sindragosa about to take flight.

    Sindragosa about to take flight.

  • Sindragosa flies over an undead army.

    Sindragosa flies over an undead army.

  • Undead army

    Undead army

Concept art
  • Updated version of Arthas's belt.

    Updated version of Arthas's belt.

  • Updated version of Arthas's shoulder skull.

    Updated version of Arthas's shoulder skull.

  • Arthas's heel skull.

    Arthas's heel skull.

  • Undead guy that's in the foreground, by Steve Hui.

    Undead guy that's in the foreground, by Steve Hui.

  • Undead guy that's in the midground, by Steve Hui.

    Undead guy that's in the midground, by Steve Hui.

See also[]


  1. ^
  2. ^ Neal Acree on Twitter - "Almost missed the fact that the Arthas, My Son cinematic was released 10 years ago last week. Still one of my favorites. Did you know that we originally recorded a male tenor for the main melody before opting to use a boy soprano?"

External links[]





Notable songs


Sheet music



Other games: StarCraft  •  Diablo  •  Hearthstone  •  Heroes of the Storm  •  Overwatch


CGI cinematics
Expansion reveals
In-game cinematics
Patch trailers
Animated shorts
Other trailers
& videos

Other games

See also: Videos (Commercials)  •  DVD Collection