Baruk clan

Race(s) MoguMogu Mogu
Theater of operations Vale of Eternal Blossoms
Language(s) Mogu
Status Active

The Baruk mogu are one of the clans that rose to power following the defeat of Lei Shen, warring against the Dokani and Zan-Tien for control over the Vale of Eternal Blossoms. Stubborn and prideful, they use the spirits of the dead to animate the statues littering their ruins and turn them into immortal terracotta warriors.[1] After N'Zoth was freed from its prison, the Baruk, Dokani, and Zan-Tien took advantage of the chaos to invade the Vale of Eternal Blossoms and fight each other for control.

Gifted stoneshapers, they invaded the Ruins of Guo-Lai,[2] deigning themselves worthy to lay claim to the ancient grounds.[3] They are building a titanic keeper called Tashara.

Stormspeaker Qian of the Rajani states that the methods the Baruk use is actually necromancy, which is forbidden for the mogu, and a disgrace to their people.[4]







  1. ^ N [50] Clans of the Mogu
  2. ^ N [50 Daily] Bound in Stone
  3. ^ N [50 Daily] No Stone Unbroken
  4. ^ N [50] Built to Fall