Beacon of Light

  • ️Tue Jul 11 2023
For the priest artifact trait, see Inv staff 2h artifactheartofkure d 02 [Beacon of Light].
Beacon of Light

Ability paladin beaconoflight

  • Beacon of Light
  • Level 16 Holy paladin ability
  • 60 yd range
  • 2.5% of base mana
  • Instant
  • Wrap a single ally in holy energy, causing your heals on other party or raid members to also heal that ally for 25% of the amount healed.
Class Paladin
School Holy
Cooldown None/Global Cooldown
Other information
Level learned 16
Improvements Ability paladin beaconoflight [Commanding Light], Ability paladin savedbythelight [Saved by the Light]
Related buff

Ability paladin beaconoflight

  • Beacon of Light
  • Healed whenever the Paladin heals a nearby ally.

Beacon of Light is a Holy paladin ability, designed to aid paladins in healing groups of players.

Tips and tactics[]

  • By far, the most common target of this spell is the tank, since they will be taking the most damage, and therefore will always benefit from it. The paladin then casts heals on the other party members taking damage, which also heals the tank.
  • The heal on the Beaconed target is delayed by about half a second, which can be dangerous in very healing-intensive situations.
  • Both the casting range and the effect range of Beacon of Light are 60 yards, significantly larger than the normal 40 yards of most healing spells. This gives the Beacon several extra uses.
    • Note that you must be within 60 yards of the target with Beacon of Light if you want them to receive your heals. If you are farther than 60 yards, you cannot heal the target with beacon, even if the player with the beacon is within 60 yards of someone you are healing.
  • The effect of Beacon of Light DOES require that you have line of sight for BOTH the beacon AND your target. This can be a significant concern in certain fights.

Patch changes[]

External links[]