
  • ️Tue Jul 17 2018


Blackpaw Bear

A type of wild bear, with an appearance based on the Guardian of the Glade.

Frostsnout Bear

A Frostsnout Bear on the Dragon Isles.

The bear is a very common, bulky, furry, four-legged carnivorous beast found in countless areas across Azeroth.


Bear token TCG

A bear in the TCG.

"Never wake a sleeping bear."[1]
Inv misc book 02 [The Greatest Race of Hunters]

The Forsaken despise bears, considering them soulless beasts put upon the earth to torment them. They have devised a way to make use of the bears so that they may serve some purpose — they use the living bears at their spider farm as living egg feeders. The spiders lay their eggs in the bear flesh and the eggs thrive off of the meat and blood of the beasts.[2] Infested cubs still listen for the telltale buzzing of bees even though they can no longer taste honey.[3]

Though bears normally appear to be solitary, the Shardtooth bears of Winterspring hunt in packs to bring down chimaeras or owlbears.[4]

The fearsome Darkmoon dancing bears have a habit of suddenly breaking out into dance amid battle, much to the annoyance of their riders.[5] The armored brown bear's swiftness is enhanced by its heavy armor, imbued with magic from Kirin Tor magi.[6] The bears of Dun Morogh are prized for their hardiness, loyalty, and combat prowess. Their time among the dwarves does little to curb their ferocity.[7]

The frost vrykul believe that wearing a necklace of polar bear claws will grant them otherworldly strength.[8] The Hyldnir ride arctic warbears in their Hyldsmeet competition, but they don't give out a warbear to just anyone.[9] The Amani trolls decorate the ferocious Amani battle bears in magic amulets and ceremonial masks as a way to venerate the bear god Nalorakk.[10]

The rare baby blizzard bear is bred for its small size and perpetually youthful appearance.[11] The fur of the Darkshore bears owes to the almost perpetual gloom they live in, and their vision in the darkness is uncanny.[12] The bear cubs of Hyjal suffered much during the Cataclysm. On the bright side, the devastation also led to their newfound love of heights and daredevil stunts.[13]


A bear's meat, including the snout,[14] are suitable for consumption.[15] It's even a delicacy to the frostsabers of Winterspring.[16]

A bear's tongue is surprisingly very toxic, which may be the reason it finds use in many blight potions.[17] Their brain is used in a powerful serum to help feral worgen return to their human form,[18] their hide is used in taunka funeral rites,[19] and to fashion armor,[20] their heart can be combined with spider blood to form a deadly poison,[21] their claws make for a great spirit-warding totem when combined with a spider's eyes,[22] and their musk is a popular fragrance among Stormwind nobles.[23]


Druid form[]

Main article: Bear Form

As a mount[]

Main article: Bear mounts

As a companion pet[]

As a hunter pet[]

Inv misc food 11 Inv misc food 04 Inv misc fish 24 Inv misc food 19 Inv mushroom 11 Inv misc food 18
Basic Special Exotic Bonus
Ability druid rake Spell druid bristlingfur Ability hunter separationanxiety
  • Dwarf hunters will start with a bear pet.
  • If a Hunter owns a pet Bear prior to patch 7.0.3, the bear would still use the old model instead of the new one.[25]

Patch changes[]

In Warcraft III[]

  • Bear

  • Polar bear

    Polar bear

Druid of the Claw unit transforms into a bear.

In the RPG[]

Icon-RPG This section contains information from the Warcraft RPG which is considered non-canon.

Dire bear

A dire bear in the Monster Guide.

  • Gray bears are native to the Hillsbrad Foothills.[26]
  • Grizzly bears are massive carnivores who weigh more than 1,800 pounds and stand nearly 9 feet tall when they rear up onto their hind legs. They are bad-tempered and territorial. A grizzly bear attacks mainly by tearing at opponents with its claws. They are found in cold forests, and are found either solitary or in pairs.[27]
  • Polar bears are long, lean carnivores that are slightly taller than grizzly bears. Polar bears fight just as grizzly bears do. A polar bear’s white coat bestows camouflage it in snowy areas. They are found on cold planes, either solitary or in pairs.[27]
  • The brown bear is a bear living in the northern forest of Azeroth. They are similar to grizzly bears. Like a grizzly bear, it attacks mainly by tearing at opponents with its claws.[28]
  • The black bear is a forest-dwelling omnivore that usually is not dangerous unless an interloper threatens its cubs or food supply. Black bears can be pure black, blond, or cinnamon in color and are rarely more than 5 feet long. Black bears rip prey with their claws and teeth. They can be found in temperate forests. A black bear is either solitary or found in a pair.[27]
  • A type of bear known as a dire bear is described in the Manual of Monsters and the Monster Guide.
  • A strange creature known as a gorilla bear is described in the Manual of Monsters appendix three, however, the validity of the source is disputed.


  • Old World of Warcraft model prior to patch 7.0.3.

    Old World of Warcraft model prior to patch 7.0.3.

  • The Red Bearon, a bear in the TCG.

    The Red Bearon, a bear in the TCG.

See also[]

Patch changes[]


External links[]

Creature group
Beast creatures







