Bigger and Uglier

  • ️Tue Jul 19 2016
AllianceBigger and Uglier
Start Mountaineer Wallbang [23.3, 75.0]
End Mountaineer Wallbang [23.3, 75.0]
Level 5-30
Category Loch Modan
Experience 930
Reputation +250 Ironforge
Rewards Inv boots cloth 03 [Trogg-Slayer Boots]
or Inv belt 45c [Mountaineer's Belt]
or Inv bracer 01 [Bonesnapper Bracers]
or Inv bracer 01 [Bonesnapper Cuffs]
and 3x Inv stone sharpeningstone 02 [Coarse Sharpening Stone]

5s 65c

Previous A [5-30] In Defense of the King's Lands


Kill 8 Stonesplinter Shaman and 8 Stonesplinter Bonesnappers.


The Mountaineers tell me you are quite brave and capable, <name>. We need a <race> like you around here. The Trogg problem isn't getting any better. The reserves have been called to the front and we're all alone out here. But now that we have a seasoned <class> here, let's see what you can do.

Go out and kill 8 Stonesplinter Shaman and 8 Stonesplinter Bonesnappers. You should find them in and around the caves in the southern mountains.

Let's see if you live up to your reputation, Trogg-Slayer.


You will be able to choose one of these rewards:
Inv boots cloth 03 [Trogg-Slayer Boots] Inv belt 45c [Mountaineer's Belt]
Inv bracer 01 [Bonesnapper Bracers] Inv bracer 01 [Bonesnapper Cuffs]

You will also receive:

Inv stone sharpeningstone 02 3x [Coarse Sharpening Stone]


Back so soon? In case I didn't make myself clear we need you to kill 8 Stonesplinter Shaman and 8 Stonesplinter Bonesnappers, <name>. Now go get 'em, Trogg-Slayer!


I knew the second I laid eyes on you, <name>, that you would make Ironforge proud. You have served our people well. I salute you, <name>.


Pick up A [5-30] A Decisive Strike before heading out. Back to the northeast, take the first right, then bear left and enter the cave. Clear a path to the bottom to find Grawmug at [34.3, 61.2] on top of the platform in the center of the last room. Circle around counterclockwise to get to him. There's a hole leading back toward the entrance near Grawmug, so take it to keep the excess killing to a minimum.


Optional breadcrumbs: A [5-30] Reinforcements for Loch Modan or A [5-30] Hero's Call: Loch Modan!

South Gate Pass[]

  1. A [5-30] The Lost Pilot
  2. A [5-30] A Pilot's Revenge
  3. A [5-30] South Gate Status Report

Valley of Kings and Thelsamar[]

  1. A [5-30] In Defense of the King's Lands
  2. A [5-30] A Decisive Strike
    • Side quest: A [5-30] Bigger and Uglier
  3. A [5-30] Onward to Thelsamar

Main chain[]

  1. A [5-30] Stormpike's Orders (optional breadcrumb)
  2. A [5-30] A Tiny, Clever Commander
  3. A [5-30] Kobold and Kobolder
  4. A [5-30] Who's In Charge Here?
  5. A [5-30] The Bearer of Gnoll-edge
  6. A [5-30] Suddenly, Murlocs!
  7. A [5-30] Smells Like A Plan
  8. A [5-30] Axis of Awful
  9. A [5-30] Resupplying the Excavation
  10. A [5-30] Protecting the Shipment
  11. A [5-30] Keep Your Hands Off The Goods!
  12. A [5-30] Joining the Hunt, A [5-30] Find Bingles (optional)
  13. A [5-30] Wing Nut
  14. A [5-30] Bird is the Word
  15. A [5-30] Skystrider's Heart
  16. A [5-30] He's That Age
  17. A [5-30] Standing Up
  18. A [5-30] Fight the Hammer
  19. A [5-30] Servants of Cho'gall
  20. A [5-30] Gor'kresh
  21. A [5-30] Ando's Call
  22. A [5-30] The Winds of Loch Modan

Patch changes[]

External links[]