Blacksail Crew

Not to be confused with Dread Fleet.
NeutralBlacksail Crew
Main leader IconSmall Human Male Mr. Shackle
Race(s) HumanHuman Human
Night elfNight elf Night elf
Blood elfBlood elf Blood elf
GnomeGnome Gnome
GoblinGoblin Goblin
Kobold Kobold
OrcOrc Orc
TaurenTauren Tauren
OgreOgre Ogre
Character classes Pirate
Theater of operations Azsuna
Status Active

The Blacksail Crew (also referred to as dread pirates) is a pirate group operating in Dead Man's Bay in Azsuna on the Broken Isles. They are a salvage team working for Mr. Shackle.[1]

Prince Farondis wanted them killed.[2] They also have a history with Fleet Admiral Tethys.[3]

After obtaining Fel-Infused Gunpowder they were targeted by the Uncrowned, who tricked them into leaving.[4][5]





This article or section includes speculation, observations or opinions possibly supported by lore or by Blizzard officials. It should not be taken as representing official lore.

The NPCs of the Shackle's Den are very likely a part of the group as well.


  1. ^ N [45WQ] Heads of the Fleet
  2. ^ N [45WQ] Piracy Doesn't Pay
  3. ^ N Rogue [45] Loot and Plunder!
  4. ^ B Rogue [45] What's the Cache?
  5. ^ B Rogue [45] False Orders