Captain Skarloc

  • ️Tue Jan 09 2007
BossCaptain Skarloc
Image of Captain Skarloc
Title Blackmoore's Spear
Gender Male
Race Human (Humanoid)
Level 15-30 Elite
Class Protection Paladin
Resource Mana
Reaction Alliance Horde
Affiliation(s) Durnholde military, Kingdom of Lordaeron, Silver Hand, Alliance of Lordaeron
Occupation Captain of Durnholde, Aedelas's most trusted advisor
Location Outside Durnholde Keep, in Old Hillsbrad Foothills
Status Killable

Captain Skarloc is the second mini-boss of Escape from Durnholde in Caverns of Time.

He appears when you've escorted Thrall through the front gate of Durnholde Keep. He rides up to Thrall, talks to him, and then starts attacking.

Adventure Guide[]

Fiercely loyal to Aedelas Blackmoore, Captain Skarloc rose through the ranks of the Durnholde military alongside his friend Aliden Perenolde. When Aliden decided to take up operations in the Alterac Mountains, Skarloc stayed with his Lord and mentor. He became Aedelas's most trusted comrade and advisor, earning the title Blackmoore's Spear.


Durnholde Warden
Durnholde Veteran
  • Ability rogue kidneyshot Kidney Shot — Durnholde Veteran stuns a player for 4 sec.
  • Spell shadow ritualofsacrifice Sinister Strike — Durnholde Veteran inflicts Physical damage to a player.
  • Ability backstab Backstab — Durnholde Veteran inflicts bonus Physical damage when attacking players from behind.


Skarloc comes with two adds: a Warden (healer) and a Veteran (rogue). These are mobs you have already killed around the Keep, and should be familiar. While tanking Skarloc, kill the healer as soon as possible, preferably stunning every heal he tries to do. After that, take on the warrior, and finish Skarloc after that. Skarloc doesn't hit extremely hard - but he can take a lot of hits, so Counterspell him where possible. He is immune to Curse of Tongues, but the other two can be feared out of the fight.

Fear works particularly well in this fight. There is ample room to fear kite one or both of Skarloc's adds, and the only enemies in range to aggro are mid 20's beasts that are native to the area. A single warlock can easily down Skarloc's healer and keep it from doing anything besides running for the entire fight. Then the warlock can dispense with the warrior add, all the while leaving the other four to focus directly on Skarloc.

Note to above: Your tank should easily be able to pick up Skarloc and the veteran, usually the one on the left (facing him). If the rest of the group focuses on the Warden, you should be able to down him within a matter of seconds, move to the next add, then down Skarloc.

Alternative Strategy: Skarloc has a fairly limited range on his heals. If a class is able to OT temporarily (rogue evasion/Cloak of shadows, hunter & warlock pets etc.), pull his adds outside this healing range. By doing this you are able to either kill or CC them both without Skarloc healing or decursing them. Healers should stand between the MT and the DPS group. Once both adds are dealt with, DPS should be able to go all out on Skarloc as the tank would have generated enough threat to hold him.

Heroic Mode[]

The tank has to move out of Consecration all the time. Hammer of Justice will make this difficult. In addition, the adds' damage, and Warden's Spell shadow psychicscream [Psychic Scream], are much more dangerous.


Normal and Heroic


Thrall says: A rider approaches.
Captain Skarloc says: Thrall! You didn't really think you would escape did you? You and your allies shall answer to Blackmoore - after I've had my fun!
Killing a player
  • Thrall will never be free!
  • Did you really think you would leave here alive?
Guards... Guards!
Unused quotes
  • Captain Skarloc says: You're a slave. That's all you'll ever be.
  • Captain Skarloc says: I don't know what Blackmoore sees in you. For my money, you're just another ignorant savage!
  • Thrall says: I'll never be chained again!


Patch changes[]

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