Chaos Strike

  • ️Mon Aug 21 2023
Chaos Strike

Ability demonhunter chaosstrike

  • Chaos Strike
  • Level 8 Havoc demon hunter ability
  • Melee range
  • 40 Fury
  • Instant
  • Requires Melee Weapon
  • Slice your target for (105.1% of Attack Power) Chaos damage. Chaos Strike has a 20% chance to refund 20 Fury.
Class Demon hunter
School Chaos
Cooldown None/Global Cooldown
Other information
Level learned 8
Improvements Ability demonhunter chaosstrike [Critical Chaos], Ability ironmaidens whirlofblood [Cycle of Hatred], Ability creature poison 01 purple [Demonic Appetite], Ability demonhunter chaosstrike [Improved Chaos Strike], Ability demonhunter soulcleave2 [Relentless Onslaught]
Chaos Strike HS

Chaos Strike in Hearthstone.

Chaos Strike is a level 8 Havoc demon hunter ability.

Using Ability demonhunter metamorphasisdps [Metamorphosis] transforms this ability into Inv glaive 1h npc d 02 [Annihilation].

Notes and trivia[]

  • Chaos Strike is available to starting demon hunters before they choose a specialization.
  • This ability is replaced by Ability demonhunter soulcleave [Soul Cleave] for Vengeance demon hunters.
  • Chaos Strike is a basic demon hunter spell in Hearthstone. The flavor text reads: "What do we want?" "CHAOS!" "When do we want it?" "WHEN LEAST EXPECTED!"

Patch changes[]

  • Dragonflight Hotfix (2023-08-21): Chaos Strike/Inv glaive 1h npc d 02 [Annihilation] damage is now increased by 10% in PvP combat.
  • Dragonflight Hotfix (2023-06-26): Damage increased by 15%.
  • Dragonflight Hotfix (2023-05-15): Damage increased by 10%.
  • Dragonflight Patch 10.1.0 (2023-05-02): Damage increased by 8%.
  • Dragonflight Hotfix (2022-11-01): Damage reduced by 5%.
  • Dragonflight Patch 10.0.0 (2022-10-25): Rank 2 converted to the Ability demonhunter chaosstrike [Critical Chaos] talent. Rank 3 converted to the Ability demonhunter chaosstrike [Improved Chaos Strike] talent.
  • Shadowlands Patch 9.1.0 (2021-06-29): Damage increased by 15%.
  • Shadowlands Hotfix (2020-12-15): Corrected an issue where the main hand portion of Chaos Strike was dealing too little damage.
  • Shadowlands Patch 9.0.2 (2020-11-17): Rank 3 now learned at level 56: Chaos Strike damage increased by 10%.
  • Shadowlands Patch 9.0.1 (2020-10-13):
    • Now learned at level 8 (was 98).
    • Rank 2 now learned at level 14: Increases the chance to refund 20 Fury by 20%.
  • Battle for Azeroth Patch 8.2.0 (2019-06-25): Damage reduced by 4%.
  • Battle for Azeroth Patch 8.0.1 (2018-07-17): Now has a consistent chance to refund Fury, instead of relying on critical strikes.
  • Legion Hotfix (2017-06-29): Damage reduced by 5% in PvP situations (was previously reduced by 15%).
  • Legion Hotfix (2017-01-17): Damage reduced by 2%.
  • Legion Patch 7.2.0 (2017-03-28): Damage reduced by 15% in PvP.
  • Legion Patch 7.1.5 (2017-01-10): Damage has been slightly increased.
  • Legion Patch 7.0.3 (2016-07-19): Added.

External links[]

Starter Havoc