Paper doll

  • ️Tue Jul 19 2016

The paper doll (also called the character sheet) is the default display shown in the character info frame. It shows what the player's character looks like and the various item slots that can be equipped (held or worn) by the character.

The terms "paper doll" and "character sheet" both come from pen-and-paper RPGs.

Tabs at the bottom of the character info frame provide easy access to other facets of a character, such as its reputation with various factions and any currencies it may possess. In addition, pet classes (hunters and warlocks) have access to the pets tab, which is their combat pet's paper doll.

Paper doll sections[]

The paper doll displays various information about your character, including:

  • Character's class icon (upper left corner) and model (upper insert).
  • Character's name, level, talent specification, class, and guild
  • The character's equipment is spread around the character's model insert. Hovering over the item icons allows you to view the items' stats.

If expanded, the right-side panel swaps between the character's attributes, titles (of which one may be chosen for display), or the Equipment Manager.

Character Stats[]

The Character Stats tab lists the following character attributes:

General statistics
Health, resources (rage, energy, mana, focus, runic power), average item level, movement speed
Strength, agility, intellect, stamina
Critical strike, haste, mastery, spirit, bonus armor, multistrike, leech, versatility, avoidance
Damage, attack power, attack speed, class-specific resource regeneration (some classes only, e.g. focus regeneration for hunters)
Spell stats
Spell power, mana regeneration
Defense stats
Armor, dodge, parry, block


Main article: Title

The Titles tab is a very simple list allowing you to select a title for your character.

Equipment Manager[]

Main article: Equipment Manager

The Equipment Manager allows the player to create, alter and equip preset collections of gear.


  • Paper doll, Battle for Azeroth

    Paper doll, Battle for Azeroth

  • Title panel, Battle for Azeroth

    Title panel, Battle for Azeroth

  • Equipment panel, Battle for Azeroth

    Equipment panel, Battle for Azeroth

  • Title panel, Legion.

  • Equipment panel, Legion.

  • Selecting a gear set, pre-Legion

    Selecting a gear set, pre-Legion

  • From Patch 5.0 to 6.0.

    From Patch 5.0 to 6.0.

  • Before 4.0

    Before 4.0

Patch changes[]

See also[]


Always accessible




Expansion features

Mists of Pandaria
Warlords of Draenor
Battle for Azeroth


