Chilled Meat

  • ️Tue Nov 15 2022

Inv misc food 120 sharkmeat1000

  • Chilled Meat
  • Crafting Reagent
  • Sell Price: 1s 50c

Chilled Meat drops from various animals in Northrend. It is used for Northrend cooking recipes, including the Dalaran cooking daily quests.

An excellent beast from which to gather chilled meat is the Frosthorn Ram, found in northern Howling Fjord and southern Grizzly Hills. The Hardknuckle Foragers in southeastern Sholazar Basin have a big drop chance. However, almost any beast-type creature, including those that that drop their own meat (mammoth, rhinos, jormungar, worgs, and shoveltusks) has a chance to drop Chilled Meat.

As an ingredient[]


As a quest objective[]

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