
  • ️Tue Oct 12 2010
For the Warcraft III unit, see Chimaera (Warcraft III).


A chimaera (sometimes spelled chimera - pronounced "kai-mare-ah" in both cases) is a large, two-headed flying creature resembling a mix between a dragon and a wyvern. There are two types of creatures called chimaera in the Warcraft universe, one located in Azeroth and the other in Outland. Outland chimera are mutated rylaks.

Azeroth chimaera[]


Chimaera concept art


Alash'anir, a chimaera using the patch 8.1 model.

The mysterious chimaera are deadly, territorial beasts. These fearsome, two-headed creatures fly above the dark forests of Kalimdor, spewing forth their terrible corrosive breath upon all who would defy the sanctity of the ancient woodlands. Just the sight of these dark, massive beasts is enough to drive most enemies to retreat.[1] Both heads are equally fearsome on the terrifying chimaera, each capable of its own unique breath attack.[2]

The chimaera have developed an empathic bond with the night elf race, who train them at chimaera roosts.[1] During the Third War, Ashenvale chimaeras were used frequently by the kaldorei to decimate structures in battles against the humans, orcs, and undead.[3] During the Battle for Darkshore, the kaldorei once again used these creatures in battle, this time as mounts for chimaera riders.

However, chimaera are not part of the actual military hierarchy of the Sentinels, as they are simply somewhat intelligent animals with ties to Nordrassil. Along with the mountain giants and faerie dragons, the chimaera assisted the night elves during the Third War not due to a desire to help them in particular, but because the night elves were the largest local force who opposed the Burning Legion. Short of a planetary threat, it is rare to see mountain giants, faerie dragons or chimaera fighting with a mortal army.[4]

Chimaera meat is suitable for consuming.[5][6][7] Chimaeras lay eggs[8] that are hard like rocks.[9] According to Jez Goodgrub, they are "the richest, most buttery eggs you'll find this side of Orgrimmar. Way better than boring owl eggs, and not as sulfurous as those weird wildkin eggs."[8]

The frostwing chimaera that dwell on the Isle of Spears off the coast of the Howling Fjord have sharp horns that are easily crafted into spear tips.[10]

Most chimaeras in the game are found in the Stonetalon Mountains, Azshara, and Winterspring, but some larger specimens known as Chimaerok previously inhabited an island off the coast of Feralas. A few chimaeras have been found to live in Northrend, on the chilly Isle of Spears in the Howling Fjord. They are identical to the chimaeras found in Winterspring but fly much higher. The Kalu'ak use their horns for rituals.[citation needed] 



Outland chimaera[]


Once known as rylaks, these chimaera in Outland have been warped by the destruction of Draenor. They have smooth, vibrant skin and alien, bony features. Wherever they are found, they are typically considered a pest. They live in Shadowmoon Valley and Blade's Edge Mountains. One notable chimaera also lives in the Netherstorm. Interestingly, their bodies are very similar to the Outland-version of a hydra.



As a hunter pet[]

Ferocity - Exotic
Inv misc food 18
Basic Special Exotic Bonus
Ability druid ferociousbite Spell frost chillingblast Spell frost ice shards

Chimeras are cunning pets and can use their Spell frost ice shards [Froststorm Breath] to attack from a distance. Chimaeras, through use of their Spell frost chillingblast [Frost Breath] ability, can also slow targets' movement down. Only hunters with the 51 talent point Ability hunter beastmastery [Exotic Beasts] will be able to tame these exotic beasts.

There are eight different skins available for chimaera pets. Most unique of mention are two rare spawns: Mob The Razza found in Feralas and the bright Mob Nuramoc in Netherstorm.

Patch changes[]

As a mount[]

See also: Rylak mounts

Inv chimera3 [Ashenvale Chimaera] drops from Alash'anir in Darkshore.

As a companion pet[]

The Ability hunter pet chimera [Albino Chimaeraling] has a chance to drop from the Inv misc bag 13 [Big Bag of Pet Supplies], the reward for completing the daily Garrison Pet Menagerie quest N [1-70 Daily] Mastering the Menagerie.

In the RPG[]

Icon-RPG This section contains information from the Warcraft RPG which is considered non-canon.

Chimaera are typically strong allies of the night elves, protecting the forests and the great tree Nordrassil from danger. They are highly reclusive, sentient creatures, but do not possess the ability to speak. They strive foremost to protect the balance of nature. Chimaera hate seeing any natural races or creatures being harmed or oppressed. Those who victimize such creatures under the chimaera's protection will quickly find a chimaera's wrath to be very formidable.[11]

Notes and trivia[]

Chimera art

Chimaeron concept art

  • In Greek mythology, the Chimera was a monstrous hybrid creature who is usually depicted as having the heads of a lion, a goat, and a snake. It was defeated by the hero Bellerophon, who rode on the winged horse Pegasus. The word "chimera" today usually refers to something not quite natural that blends the features of several different animals. The two-headed, draconic creatures who have allied themselves with the night elves fit more closely with this definition, as there is no clear example of the mythological biology, and the original Chimera couldn't fly.
  • Chimaeron, one of Nefarian's creations in Blackwing Descent, looks a lot more like a hydra than a chimaera, and its name likely refers to the original meaning of the word and not the creature found in the Warcraft universe.
  • The original chimaera model in Warcraft III depict the creatures as bulkier than their World of Warcraft counterparts, with larger heads, feather-like scales, and solid bodies.
  • The chimaera in patch 8.1 use a purple recolor of the rylak model.
  • Nuramoc is one of the most popular chimaera in the game, mostly due to his moderate rarity. Although he's one of the largest mobs in Netherstorm, he's still considerably smaller than Veraku and Tyrantus.
  • Nearly every type of chimaera in the game is somehow the objective of a quest.
  • Chimaera could previously be skinned in order to obtain Inv misc leatherscrap 01 [Chimera Leather] which were used in several Tribal Leatherworking patterns. This type of leather was made into a poor-quality item in patch 3.1.0.
  • The chimaeras ("chimaerok") on the Isle of Dread were prior to the isle's destruction a part of the Scepter of the Shifting Sands-questline. Beside their leader being a vital Inv misc food 15 [500 Pound Chicken] they also dropped Chimaerok Tenderloins which at one point were an ingredient in the game's most powerful food, Inv misc food 65 [Dirge's Kickin' Chimaerok Chops].
  • The chimaeras in Howling Fjord can drop Inv misc food 120 sharkmeat [Chilled Meat] which is also used in Cooking.


  • Warcraft III: Reforged concept art.

  • Deuce in the Trading Card Game.

  • Evasive Chimaera in Hearthstone.

  • Twisted Frostwing in Hearthstone.


External links[]

Creature group
Beast creatures







