Cleansing the Mother Tree
- ️Tue Jul 19 2016
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Start | Lyessa Bloomwatcher |
End | Lyessa Bloomwatcher |
Level | 10-45 |
Category | Artifact |
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Experience | 14800 |
Rewards |
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Use the Dreamway to travel to Mount Hyjal, then cleanse G'Hanir in the sacred waters beneath Nordrassil.
- Enter the Dreamway
- Travel to Mount Hyjal
- G'Hanir cleansed
We must save the Mother Tree at all costs.
I believe I know a way.
The world tree Nordrassil, atop Mount Hyjal, was born from an acorn of G'Hanir. We can use the sacred waters surrounding its roots to purify the corruption.
If we take the Dreamway to Mount Hyjal's summit we should have enough time to complete the cleansing ritual before G'Hanir falls completely to the darkness.
You will receive:
We all owe you a great deal for your heroism, <name>. I owe you a great deal.
I suspect this war is far from over.
Upon accepting the quest:
- Lyessa Bloomwatcher says: May the ancients bless us all.
- Lyessa transforms into her stag form and runs towards the portal.
- Keeper Remulos says: Hamuul Runetotem led a small party to investigate Legion activity near Nordrassil not long ago. He may be able to aid you.
Enter the portal to the Emerald Dreamway. Lyessa runs through it in [Travel Form] towards the Mount Hyjal portal. Follow her.
- Lyessa Bloomwatcher says: Once G'Hanir is pure again, we can help Archdruid Greathelm cleanse any remaining Nightmare at the Dreamgrove.
- Lyessa Bloomwatcher says: I can only hope we are not too late to save G'Hanir.
Enter the Mount Hyjal portal to begin the scenario.
Stage 1: The Legion's Devastation[]
- Something terrible has happened here - speak to SKylord Omnuron to get answers.
- Find out what happened from Skylord Omnuron.
The Well of Eternity is nearly drained, wounded druids are thrown around, bodies of Rampant Felstalkers, Felguard Invaders, and Infernal Invaders are present, Wisps are flying overhead, and an inactive Legion portal stands near the Nordrassil Inn.
- Lyessa Bloomwatcher says: Such devastation...
- Skylord Omnuron says: <name>... thank the Ancients you've come.
Talk to Omnuron.
- They were... too much...
What happened here?
- Skylord Omnuron says: The gates of hell poured forth upon us. They were everywhere...
- Skylord Omnuron says: Tend to the others first. Their wounds are more dire than my own.
- Lyessa Bloomwatcher says: Skylord, you must inform the Dreamgrove. We will ensure that no further life is lost this day.
Stage 2: Saving the Injured[]
- Archdruid Hamuul Runetotem and his allies' wounds require your aid.
Omnuron stands up and enters the portal in his [Travel Form].
- Lyessa Bloomwatcher says: <Name>, you must save our injured. I will prepare the cleansing ritual.
- Lyessa approaches the remains of the lake and starts casting.
Zen'tabra is floating in a bubble of fel energy. Dispel it.
- Zen'tabra says: Bless ya, <name>. I could feel ma soul returnin' to da loa.
Upon approaching Hamuul:
- Archdruid Hamuul Runetotem says: Thank you, <name>. We barely survived their last attack.
Upon healing Hamuul:
- Archdruid Hamuul Runetotem says: The Legion has not forgotten their defeat here.
Upon approaching Celestine:
- Celestine of the Harvest says: Oh, my head... I feel dizzy...
Upon healing Celestine:
- Celestine of the Harvest says: The well was nearly lost during the assault. But so long as a single drop remains, there is hope!
Stage 3: The Renewal Begins[]
- Speak to Lyessa to begin the cleansing ritual.
- Speak to Lyessa.
After helping all three druids:
- Lyessa Bloomwatcher says: I am ready to begin the ritual, <name>!
Talk to Lyessa:
- Are you ready to begin the ritual?
I am ready.
- Lyessa walks into the remains of the Well and floats up, casting Ritual of Cleansing.
- Lyessa Bloomwatcher says: I will prepare the well's waters for the cleansing.
- Lyessa Bloomwatcher says: You must protect me until the ritual is complete, or G'Hanir will be lost!
Stage 4: Cleansing the Corruption[]
- Protect Lyessa while she completes the ritual.
- Protect Lyessa and her allies.
- Lyessa Must Survive
Obviously it's not going to be that easy.
- Zen'tabra says: Somethin' ain't right. Da spirits be cryin' out.
A short cutscene plays. The Legion portal suddenly activates, and the pit lord Destromath walks out.
- Destromath yells: Tremble before me! I bring darkness to this world.
- Archdruid Hamuul Runetotem says: If you keep us alive, we will buy you the time you need.
- Archdruid Hamuul Runetotem says: For G'Hanir!
- The druids shapeshift and attack the pit lord.
- Destromath says: In Mannoroth's name!
The NPCs join your party! This encounter works similarly to a dungeon group, with you as the healer. Hamuul is a Guardian druid (tank) and Celestine and Zen'tabra are damage dealers (Balance and Feral respectively). Lyessa is busy with the cleansing ritual and does not participate in the fight. Only Lyessa is mandatory to keep alive, but you will obviously want to heal the other three as well.
The fight with Destromath is straightforward: let Hamuul tank and avoid AoE danger zones. Occasionally Destromath will summon packs of felhounds; let Hamuul taunt them off you.
- Destromath says: Lambs to the slaughter.
- Destromath says: Your life slips away.
- Destromath says: Feast on their flesh.
- Destromath says: Tremble!
- Destromath says: All shall burn!
- Archdruid Hamuul Runetotem is [Gravely Wounded] and cannot fight until healed!
- Zen'tabra falls to one knee, gravely wounded.
Lyessa will notify you as the ritual progresses:
- Lyessa Bloomwatcher says: I can feel the well growing in strength. We must push forward!
- Lyessa Bloomwatcher says: The power grows with every moment. This day will be ours!
- Lyessa Bloomwatcher says: The ritual is nearly complete. Do not give up hope!
When the ritual is complete, Aviana appears and engages Destromath with Winds of Hyjal.
- Aviana says: Cleanse the staff, my children. I will keep the beast at bay!
- Lyessa Bloomwatcher says: Quickly, hero! Our work is nearly complete. You must give me the staff!
Stage 5: The Moment of Truth[]
- Give the staff to Lyessa to complete the ritual.
- Give Corrupted G'Hanir to Lyessa.
- Witness G'Hanir's rebirth.
You can now stop healing the party. (Phew!) Approach Lyessa and click on her.
- Corrupted G'Hanir appears in front of Lyessa as a sphere of light envelops her.
- Lyessa Bloomwatcher says: Spirits of the forest! Guardians of nature! Hear our plea!
- Lyessa Bloomwatcher says: On this day, the mother tree is reborn! G'Hanir is whole once more!
Stage 6: G'Hanir Reborn[]
- Wield G'Hanir, the Mother Tree.
- Wield
[G'Hanir, the Mother Tree].
Click on the cleansed G'Hanir. You will automatically equip it.
Final Stage: Nature's Wrath[]
- Call upon the souls of the forest and eliminate Destromath.
- Call upon the souls of the forest.
- Eliminate Destromath.
- Call of the Mother Tree
With the artifact in hand, there is just one thing left to do: dispose of the pit lord.
- Lyessa Bloomwatcher says: <name>, use G'Hanir to call upon the spirits of the forest to destroy this fiend!
Use Call of the Mother Tree (the extra action button ability, not the artifact combat ability).
- Destromath says: I WILL DESTROY YOU!
- A swarm of wisps appears and attacks Destromath.
- Destromath says: YOUR WORLD WILL... BURN...
- The pit lord dies.
- Lyessa Bloomwatcher says: It is done! Let us all return to the Dreamgrove and tell the others of our triumph.
- Archdruid Hamuul Runetotem says: We must stay behind for a time to aid Skylord Omnuron's forces.
- Archdruid Hamuul Runetotem says: Thank you, <name>. Without you, we would have surely fallen.
Take the portal back to the Emerald Dreamway and enter the Dreamgrove portal. Lyessa is back at the Circle of Spirits.
- Lyessa Bloomwatcher says: Were it not for <name>'s actions, we would have all perished atop Mount Hyjal.
- Lyessa Bloomwatcher says: Both G'Hanir and Nordrassil would have been destroyed by the Legion.
Upon completing the quest:
- Lyessa Bloomwatcher says: For centuries I have watched over G'Hanir. Today it nearly fell to the corruption I swore to fight. It is time for another to take my place.
- Lyessa Bloomwatcher says: Therefore, I hereby pass along my station to <name>. A true protector of life... a true guardian of the Dream!
- Lyessa Bloomwatcher says: Thank you again, shan'do. I will remain here in the Dreamgrove if you ever have need of my guidance.
Patch changes[]
Patch 7.0.3 (2016-07-19): Added.