Crimson Ring

The Crimson Ring is an underground network featuring gladiatorial combat to the death. Tournaments and matches are organized in hidden venues on Kalimdor like deep forests or abandoned ruins, such as Dire Maul.


Members of the Ring include liars, cheats, and gamblers, to entrepreneurs, aristocrats, and peasants. Its entertainers: the gladiator slaves, prisoners, criminals, and any free gladiators willing to test their mettle in the ring. Their skills are developed by their slavers and or their gladiator trainers. The violent public events of the Crimson Ring attract audiences from all walks of life, many of which are fond of gambling on who will live to be the victors.[1]

The gladiatorial games begin with individual single combat matches and whichever gladiator teams can survive the individual trials intact can advance to team combat matches to vie for the team championship.[1] It is presumed that members of the teams who were unable to advance to team combat matches continue to fight in single combat matches to vie for the single combat championship.

A gladiator who hasn't been "bloodied" has yet to make a first kill. Typically, the weapons and possessions of the fallen are inherited by the victors of the match.[2]

The Crimson Ring has a secret armory in the Hall of Legends and uses the Ring of Valor to train their gladiators.

Known members[]

Name Role Status Location
HordeIconSmall Orc Male Bloodeye Redfist Gladiator of Rehgar Deceased
NeutralIconSmall Ogre Male Brlee Gladiator of Gordunni Deceased The Maul, Dire Maul
AllianceIconSmall Broll Broll Bearmantle Gladiator of Rehgar Alive
NeutralIconSmall Taunka Male Gaur Icehorn Gladiator of Spiketooth Alive Deadeye Shore, Durotar
NeutralIconSmall Naga Female Ghislania Gladiator of Spiketooth Alive Deadeye Shore, Durotar
NeutralIconSmall Ogre Male Giago Gladiator of Gordunni Deceased The Maul, Dire Maul
AllianceIconSmall Worgen Male Griswold Hanniston Gladiator of Spiketooth Alive Deadeye Shore, Durotar
HordeIconSmall Orc Male Hyku Steeledge Gladiator of Rehgar Deceased
HordeIconSmall Grimtotem Female Helka Grimtotem Gladiator master Alive
HordeIconSmall Tauren Male Maggore Gladiator of Sparkeye Alive
HordeIconSmall Rehgar Rehgar Earthfury Gladiator master Alive
HordeIconSmall Orc Male Rokul Working for Rehgar Alive
HordeIconSmall Goblin Male Sparkeye Gladiator master Alive
HordeIconSmall Orc Male Spiketooth Worked for Rehgar, now a Gladiator master Alive Deadeye Shore, Durotar
HordeIconSmall Tauren Male Tarm Alive
HordeIconSmall Troll Male Trusk Gladiator of Sparkeye Alive
NeutralIconSmall Ogre Mage Two-Heads Gladiator of Gordunni Deceased The Maul, Dire Maul
NeutralIconSmall IceTroll Male Unnamed Gladiator of Frostmane Deceased The Maul, Dire Maul
NeutralIconSmall Quilboar Male Unnamed Gladiator of Quilboar Deceased The Maul, Dire Maul
NeutralIconSmall Centaur Male Unnamed Gladiator of Centaur Deceased The Maul, Dire Maul
HordeIconSmall Orc Female Unnamed Gladiator of Helka Unknown
HordeIconSmall Troll Female Unnamed Gladiator of Helka Unknown
NeutralIconSmall Valeera Valeera Sanguinar Gladiator of Rehgar, later Helka Alive
AllianceIconSmall Varian Varian "Lo'Gosh" Wrynn Gladiator of Rehgar Deceased Stormwind Keep, Stormwind City
HordeIconSmall Orc Male Vek'nag Working for Spiketooth Alive Deadeye Shore, Durotar
HordeIconSmall Undead Male Walking scabbard Gladiator of Sparkeye Alive


These are the Champions of the different combat styles of the Crimson Ring, listed chronologically.

Crimson Ring Team Champions:

Crimson Ring Single Combat Champion:
