Crystal-Shaper Barum

  • ️Tue Oct 14 2014
For the vendor at the Darkmoon Faire, see Barum.
NeutralCrystal-Shaper Barum
Image of Crystal-Shaper Barum
Gender Male
Race Draenei (Humanoid)
Level 20-40
Reaction Alliance Horde
Occupation Artificer[1]
Location Aruuna[73.1, 38.7] & The Pilgrim's Road, Talador
Status Alive
Relative(s) Melani (daughter)

Crystal-Shaper Barum is a draenei artificer that shapes crystals and gems. He lived in Aruuna with his daughter Melani.

When an Ancient Prism was discovered in the Aruuna Crystal Mine, the Adherents of Rukhmar were attracted to it and destroyed the town without warning, under the delusion that such aritfacts were automatically theirs by self-proclaimed right. Barum fled with Melani; his best friend Kalaam later asked the commander of a new outpost to help them. Barum asked the adventurer to reclaim personal items and one for the legacy of the town, and to make sure they could not be pursued as they fled to The Pilgrim's Road.




It is too late. Aruuna is lost.

During quest turn in

Thank you, we could not have escaped without your help.

Patch changes[]


  1. ^ N [20-40] Pieces of Us

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