Dread Captain DeMeza

  • ️Tue Oct 14 2008
NeutralDread Captain DeMeza
Image of Dread Captain DeMeza
Title <Scourge of the South Seas>
Gender Female
Race Human (Humanoid)
Affiliation(s) Dread Crew
Occupation Captain
Location Various
Status Alive
Relative(s) Deceased father

Pirates' Day

The subject of this article or section is part of Pirates' Day, a seasonal event that lasts one day. Once the event has run its course, this will no longer be available until next year.

Dread Captain DeMeza (bfa)

At Mechagon Island.

Dread Captain DeMeza is an elite human female pirate that appears on the roof of the Stranglethorn Trust Bank in Booty Bay on the 19th of September along with her Dread Crew, as a part of the Pirates' Day celebration. She can give you a buff that turns you into a pirate of your race for 12 hours.

She occasionally appears on Mechagon Island and says that this is the location where her father and his crew died.

Dragonflight This section concerns content related to Dragonflight.

She traveled to the Dragon Isles where she can be found drinking heavily at the Hissing Grotto in the Waking Shores.


Location Level range Reaction Notes
Booty Bay, Cape of Stranglethorn[40.0, 72.6] 1-70 Elite Alliance Horde During Pirates' Day.
Rustbolt, Mechagon Island[71.6, 38.6] 50 Elite Alliance Horde
Hissing Grotto, Waking Shores[20.0, 39.6] 70 Elite Alliance Horde


Inv glyph majormage [Highland Drake: Pirates' Day Armor]
Inv misc coinbag special [Big Bag of Booty]
Inv feather 11 [Petey]
Inv drink 01 [Volatile Rum]



Pirate Day gossip

Ye've got some stones comin' up here, <lad/lass>. It's Pirates' Day, ye know... and 'til the sun rises on the morrow, Booty Bay is MINE.

So! What do ye say? Raise a drink ta me and me crew, and join the celebration?

As Ol' Eary spawns
Main article: Ol' Eary#Quotes
Main article: Pirates, Sea Monsters, Robots#Notes

It's not easy being a Pirate.[sic] There's a lot of family treasures to keep track of.

Gossip Can I be a pirate?

  • Absolutely not.
  • Not in my crew!
  • I don't think so.
  • You don't feel like a pirate to me.
Response with the Dread Corsair buff

You're a pirate!

Dragonflight This section concerns content related to Dragonflight.


This is a nice quite[sic] spot to hide from all the pressures of daily pirate life.

Gossip Can I be a pirate?

  • Absolutely not.
  • Not in my crew!
  • I don't think so.
  • You don't feel like a pirate to me.


  • Her last name of DeMeza was also used by Kristen Dipswitch before patch 2.4.3.
  • Also this may be a reference to the character "Dread Pirate Roberts" portrayed in the movie "The Princess Bride" who teaches a newcomer to be a pirate.

Patch changes[]

External links[]

Cape of Stranglethorn Mechagon Island Waking Shores