Dread Crew

For the NPC, see Dread Crew (NPC). For similarly named pirate group, see Dread Fleet.
NeutralDread Crew
Dread Captain DeMeza

Dread Captain DeMeza

Main leader IconSmall Human Female Dread Captain DeMeza
  Formerly IconSmall Unknown Generous Dan
Secondary leaders IconSmall Tauren Male First Mate Hapana
Race(s) HumanHuman Human
TaurenTauren Tauren
Character classes Buccaneer, Pirate
Theater of operations South Seas; Cape of Stranglethorn
Status Active

Pirates' Day

The subject of this article or section is part of Pirates' Day, a seasonal event that lasts one day. Once the event has run its course, this will no longer be available until next year.

The Dread Crew[1] is a pirate crew led by Dread Captain DeMeza. Although the crew normally raids throughout the South Seas, once a year, on Pirates' Day, they arrive and run riot in Booty Bay before leaving the town in peace and returning out to plunder the South Seas again.[2]

Adventurers can become honorary members of the crew for up to 12 hours by talking to DeMeza in Booty Bay or a commoner in any capital city during Pirates' Day.



Name Status Occupation
IconSmall Unknown Generous Dan Deceased Leader; Captain
IconSmall Human Female Dread Captain DeMeza Alive Leader; Captain
IconSmall Tauren Male First Mate Hapana Alive First mate
IconSmall Human Male Cap'n Slappy Alive Captain
IconSmall Human Male Ol' Chumbucket Alive Member


