
For the class role, see Healer (role).
Battle Healer George HS

Battle Healer George in Hearthstone.

Druids,[1] shaman,[2] paladins,[3] monks,[4] priests,[5] and evokers take up the role of healers.

Several healers are found in Azeroth and Outland representing various organizations.

According to Laurna Morninglight, priests are the best healers.[6]


In the RPG[]

Icon-RPG This section contains information from the Warcraft RPG which is considered non-canon.


A tauren healer in the RPG.

Healer RPG icon

Healer class icon in WoW: The RPG.

Healers are gifted and powerful spellcasters who draw power from nature, faith, and the spirits. Regardless of the source of their magic, they do not deal with the tainted energies of the arcane. Instead, healers find their power in the world around them or in the spirits or Eternals they venerate. Healers are the heart of a community — and of an adventuring party. They use their powers to heal the wounded and bolster the spirits of those around them.

Healers form the core of all divine spellcasting organizations in Kalimdor and Eastern Kingdoms, from priests of the Holy Light to druids of the wild to shamans. Druids are present in the Alliance and the Horde, as it is a prevalent path among both night elves and tauren. Humans, dwarves, and high elves become priests of the Holy Light, while night elf priests honor Elune, the Moon Goddess. Rumors also tell of priests among jungle trolls and the Forsaken, but what powers they venerate are unknown. Shamans are common among orcs and tauren, and jungle trolls are now taking this path under the tutelage of their horde allies.

Druids are usually neutral in alignment, primarily concerned with keeping balance in nature and monitoring the wild for intrusions or disruptions in the natural order. Priests follow many faiths, but they tend toward good alignments throughout Azeroth; evil priests are rarely encountered, though the Scourge and Burning Legion certainly have their worshippers. Shamans take a pragmatic view of life and death, so they may be of varying alignments.

Druids are present in both the Alliance and the Horde, priests are most common in the Alliance, and shamans are encountered almost exclusively in the Horde.[7][8]

Not all healers use divine magic.[citation needed]  Some are known for using mundane materials such as potions, ointments, and bandages through alchemy, first aid or other means. These represent a healer profession, rather than a class.

Epic healer[]

Tauren healing

A tauren epic healer in the RPG.

The epic healer is a paragon of restoration and protection. They hold their party together with strength and determination, and others can count on her to pull them out of the fire when adventuring gets rough. They burn with an unshakable inner faith that scours their enemies. They concentrate on improving their spellcasting ability, with a few nods toward defense as well. Metamagic feats make even their lowliest spell impressive — they consider the Transcendent Spell especially. Most of their ability increases go to wisdom, though occasional boosts to strength and constitution improve their combat prowess.[9]

Horde healer[]

Healers replaced the shamans of the Horde after many shamans became warlocks. The orcs of Draenor were known for their shamanistic culture. When they attacked the draenei, the elemental spirits began to leave them due to the imbalance in nature. The shamans became warlocks and many orcs were trained as healers to replace the healing abilities of the shamans. These healers used their knowledge of potions, ointments, and bandages to heal the wounds of the original Horde.[citation needed] 

This may be a reference to a healer profession, rather than the healer class.

Healer paths[]

Divine domains[]

Various domains are accessible to healers depending on their path. Divine domains describe healer spells and help define divine spells.[10]

  • Arcana[11]
  • Animal
  • Ancestors
    Magic derived from the worship of ancestors, and by the power of ancestors is the ancestor domain. Several faiths believe in ancestral worship, including tauren, orcs, and tuskarr.
  • Crusader[11]
  • Death
  • Destruction
  • Elements
  • Fortelling
  • Healing
  • Madness
    The madness domain is magic often derived from chaotic and terrible sources such as the old gods. It grants power to certain nihilistic cults or crazed priests.[12]
  • Power
  • Protection
  • Spirits
  • War
  • Wild



  • Hozen Healer in Hearthstone.

  • Travelling Healer in Hearthstone.

  • Faith Healer's Boots in the TCG.


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