Everywhen Inn
- ️Tue Jan 24 2023
Everywhen Inn
Everywhen Inn is an inn located in Eon's Fringe in Thaldraszus, run by Bartender Bob. Each day, Chromie, Soridormi, Bob, or a random visitor offers a daily quest that deals with various important characters and events in Azeroth's history.
Daily quests[]
[60-70 Daily] Manastorm Mystique
[60-70 Daily] A Mislaid Egg
[60-70 Daily] Fowl Beasts
[60-70 Daily] Star-Crossed Lovers
[60-70 Daily] Squeaky Toy of Time and Space
[60-70 Daily] The Black Prince Parade
[60-70 Daily] Missing Mojo
[60-70 Daily] Prince in Peril
[60-70 Daily] A Multitude of Tasks
[60-70G3 Daily] Time-Lost Trio
[60-70 Daily] Tracked Through Time
[60-70 Daily] What Could Have Been
[60-70 Daily] Lost Time-Lost Vikings
[60-70 Daily] Woolomancer
[60-70 Daily] Lucky Hearthstone Card
[60-70 Daily] Small Things
The subject of this section did not make it out of the PTR stages.
[60 - 70 Daily] The Assassination of Amber Kearnen
- During the PTR, the area was referred to as Everywhere Inn.
Patch changes[]
Patch 10.0.5 (2023-01-24): Added.
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