Bloodsail Buccaneers

  • ️Tue Nov 23 2010
For the Legends manga story, see Bloodsail Buccaneer.
NeutralBloodsail Buccaneers
Fleet Master Firallon
Main leader Unknown
Secondary leaders IconSmall Human Male Fleet Admiral Tethys[1]
  Formerly IconSmall Human Male Fleet Master Firallon †[2][3]
Race(s) HumanHuman Human
OrcOrc Orc
UndeadUndead Undead
GoblinGoblin Goblin
TaurenTauren Tauren
DwarfDwarf Dwarf
WorgenWorgen Worgen
Blood elfBlood elf Blood elf
TrollTroll Troll
GnomeGnome Gnome
Night elfNight elf Night elf
DraeneiDraenei Draenei
PandarenPandaren Pandaren
MurlocMurloc Murloc
Capital Bloodsail Hold, Plunder Isle
Base of operations Wild Shore; Bloodsail Compound
Theater of operations South Seas; Great Sea; Eastern Kingdoms; Kalimdor; Broken Isles
Language(s) Common
Sub-group(s) Organizations
Affiliation Independent, Uncrowned
Status Active
Notable reward(s) [Bloodsail Admiral's Hat]

The bloodthirsty corsairs of the Bloodsail Buccaneers (also known as the Blood Sail Buccaneers,[4] the Bloodsail Pirates,[5] or simply the Bloodsail[6] and the Buccaneers[7]) are the most notorious, bloodthirsty pirate band on the seas.[8] They are the bane of many a merchant in the high seas and are sworn enemies of Booty Bay. Their base is Bloodsail Hold on Plunder Isle in the South Seas. Their sub-organizations include the Brashtide Crew and Bloodsail Boomers.

Although extremely dangerous, they are the least wealthy of all pirate groups. This is due to the simple fact that no one survives a Bloodsail attack, which means the pirates don't allow survivors to be possibly robbed again in the future.[10]


Stub This section is a lore stub.

Before the Cataclysm[]

Garrote's crew - Legends

Jerias Bloodvein's crew on the Garrote.

Captain Jerias Bloodvein once abducted James Blackridge, Liam and Bram Woodring, forcing them into becoming pirates themselves. After some time, the three escaped, killing Jerias in the process.

The Bloodsail plot to plunder and cripple the Steamwheedle Cartel-controlled port city of Booty Bay, that was under the protection of the Blackwater Raiders. It was likely the Bloodsail Buccaneers came to take advantage of the city's current loss of its fleet off the coast of the Arathi Highlands, in which two of its ships were destroyed and the remaining ship forced to find shelter in a cove where its crew currently fights to survive skirmishes against the Daggerspine naga. The pirates had a deal with Edwin VanCleef.[11]

In preparation for the attack, the Bloodsail Buccaneers took up positions in key locations near the city. They had three ships anchored along the coastline south of Booty Bay, clear of the town's defensive cannons, with camps also being built along the same coast in preparation for the attack. In addition, a scouting party landed just west of the entrance to the city, reporting all activities, and a compound was being constructed along the road leading towards the city and was likely able to stop any re-enforcement from coming to aid Booty Bay.

Both the Bloodsail Buccaneers and Blackwater Raiders seek to achieve their goals without having their forces engaged in battle; to this end, each side seeks the aid of adventurers sympathetic to their cause.

After the Cataclysm[]

The Elemental Unrest caught a Bloodsail Buccaneers ship captained by Admiral Eliza Goreblade, and they were forced to take shelter near a patch of tiny islands not far from Booty Bay[12] as the seas heaved to and fro. After the initial unrest passed, Eliza Goreblade noticed that rogue waves had revealed a cache of gold, jewels, and a pair of weapons, the last stash of the Bellwether. The buccaneers gleefully took it all. Admiral Goreblade reserved a pair of gleaming cutlasses for herself, the only weapons in the cache that hadn't become rusted and worn over time. Unfortunately, that decision led her crew to ruin.

After claiming these cutlasses, Goreblade was taken by a vision. She saw herself commanding an impossibly large pirate fleet, one that could conquer the high seas and all the nations of Azeroth. Every ship that dared to challenge her burned, and every city gave up its treasures or was destroyed. It was an intoxicating sight, and she drank every drop of its promise. When she awoke, she had her crew set sail for a rival pirate hideout. The corrupted Bloodsail Buccaneers proceeded to slaughter all the unfortunate souls they found there. The loot they took was secondary. The killing was what truly satisfied them. These weapons had taken root deep within their minds, and now there was no escape. Goreblade's buccaneers became an unseen, deadly menace on the South Seas. The master of these weapons, the eredar Talgath, had seen what attracting too much attention would do, so he encouraged Admiral Goreblade to attack only isolated ships and make certain they did not escape.

For several years, the pirate crew did exactly what they were told. They killed without mercy, and the power of the cutlasses grew ever stronger. When other Bloodsail Buccaneers learned how deep into insanity this crew had fallen, they tried to intervene. Goreblade's pirates survived the counterattack and managed to steal the Bloodsail Buccaneers' most prized ship, the Crimson Veil, for themselves.[13]

At some point after the Cataclysm, the Bloodsail Buccaneers ships — the Orca and the Killmonger — led by Ironpatch attacked the Sea King of the Blackwater Raiders. The orc captain killed the Sea King's captain, Adashe Flintwill, and his two brothers, Akashinga, Amahle. The Orca parted with the new loot, and as Ironpatch was preparing to kill the rest of the crew, Greydon Thorne and the Wavestrider appeared and sabotaged the Killmonger. They infiltrated the Sea King, resulting in Bloodsail defeat, and Ironpatch's death by Makasa Flintwill, avenging the deaths of her brothers.[14]

Around the time of the Cataclysm, three Bloodsail ships were headed to the southern part of the Shimmering Deep in the Thousand Needles. They were spotted by Makasa, Aramar Thorne, and their friends who were sailing on a boat. In order to get away from them, the travelers decided to land on the western part of the Deep and continue to Gadgetzan by foot through the mountains on the border. Makasa wished to sneak on the ships, but her responsibility towards Aram convinced her otherwise.[15]

A draenei member of the Bloodsail Buccaneers, Captain Koslov, led an ambush to Catelyn's ship in Booty Bay[16] shortly before the Invasion of Pandaria.


Legion This section concerns content related to Legion.

By the time of the Burning Legion's third invasion, the Bloodsail based around Booty Bay are under the command of Fleet Admiral Tethys[1] and are affiliated with the Uncrowned. They were able to dock The Crimson Veil in Booty Bay, but it was not a cheap arrangement.[17]


Dragonflight This section concerns content related to Dragonflight.

Some time after the discovery of the Dragon Isles, on a pirate ship in the Shrouded Coast of the Forbidden Reach, a book mentioned that the Bloodsail Buccaneers were welcomed to sail under the flag of Nightsquall's crew, who aimed to build the biggest pirate fleet Azeroth has ever known. The volunteers were invited to travel to the Dragon Isles and plunder its secrets in the name of Dread Admiral Nightsquall.



Name Status Occupation
IconSmall Human Male Fleet Admiral Tethys Alive Fleet admiral
IconSmall Human Male Fleet Master Firallon Deceased Fleet master
IconSmall Orc Male Ironpatch Deceased Captain
IconSmall Dwarf Male "Dead-Eye" Drederick McGumm Killable Member
IconSmall Dwarf Male Harry No-Hooks Killable Alcohol vendor
IconSmall Goblin Male Captain Keelhaul Killable Captain
IconSmall Tauren Male Garr Salthoof Killable Member
IconSmall Human Male "Pretty Boy" Duncan Killable "Swabbie"
IconSmall Human Male Sweet Gary Guns Killable Gun vendor
IconSmall Gnome Male Captain Stillwater Deceased Captain
IconSmall Golem Brutus Killable Helmsman; Golem of Captain Stillwater
IconSmall Murloc Gurlgrl Killable Sword vendor
IconSmall Human Male Cowardly Crosby Alive Tailoring supplier
IconSmall Unknown Ol' Dunken Unknown Scout
IconSmall Human Male Yancey Grillsen Alive Member
IconSmall Human Male Captain Bartholomew Softbeard Deceased Captain
IconSmall Goblin Male Short John Mithril Alive Member
IconSmall Undead Female Admiral Eliza Goreblade Killable Former member
IconSmall Undead Male Jerias Bloodvein Comics title Deceased Captain
IconSmall Tauren Male Mr. Severance Comics title Deceased Member
IconSmall Unknown Mr. Worsel Comics title Deceased Member
IconSmall Unknown Mr. Malvus Comics title Deceased Member
IconSmall Human Male James Blackridge Comics title Alive Former member
IconSmall Human Male Liam Comics title Alive Former member
IconSmall Human Male Bram Woodring Comics title Alive Former member
IconSmall Human Male Dargo WoW-novel-logo-16x62 Unknown Member
IconSmall Draenei Male Captain Koslov WoW-novel-logo-16x62 Alive Captain
IconSmall Dwarf Female "Bad News" Brin Alive Member
IconSmall Gnome Male Rear Admiral Giggleplanks Alive Rear admiral
IconSmall Worgen Male Edward Techt Alive Member
IconSmall Human Male Jay Prath Alive Drink vendor
IconSmall NightElf Male Whiskers Alive Member






There is only one way to increase your reputation with the Bloodsail Buccaneers and that’s to unleash your wrath on any citizen of Booty Bay who can be found throughout the Eastern Kingdoms. Be warned that doing so will also cost you reputation with Booty Bay. In addition to this whatever you lose with Booty Bay you will also lose half of that in the other three goblin towns. For instance, if you lose 25 points in Booty Bay, you will also lose 12.5 points in Ratchet.

Also, a few people from Booty Bay will cause you to lose Steamwheedle Cartel reputation instead of Booty Bay reputation. This is a hidden reputation meter in the game, which cannot be seen with your four goblin Steamwheedle Cartel factions and goes up and down independently of them. The only possible way to see this meter is when you reach a lower or higher level of faction status such as friendly or honored, as with any faction in the game. If you gain or lose Steamwheedle Cartel faction points, you lose that same amount with all four goblin towns. Losing Steamwheedle Cartel reputation does not necessarily increase your Bloodsail Buccaneer reputation.

Reputation sources[]


At unfriendly, they will no longer attack you on sight.
At neutral, N [10-30] Dressing the Part becomes available. It rewards the Inv shirt 08 [Bloodsail Shirt], Inv pants cloth 02 [Bloodsail Pants], Inv misc bandana 03 [Bloodsail Sash] and Inv boots 05 [Bloodsail Boots].
At friendly, you can get the quests N [10-30] Avast Ye, Scallywag and N [10-30] Avast Ye, Admiral!.
The reward for completing the quest N [10-30] Avast Ye, Admiral! is the Inv helmet 66 [Bloodsail Admiral's Hat] which can be both worn and used to summon a Blood Parrot pet. As of Wrath of the Lich King, this quest also rewards you with the title Bloodsail Admiral. And as of Legion, for transmogrification purposes the Bloodsail Admiral's Hat now functions as a cosmetic item, transmoggable by any class of any armor specialization.
You will also be able to open any of their treasure chests without being attacked.
Being honored is required for the Ability mage brainfreeze [Insane in the Membrane] achievement.
There are no rewards for reaching revered or exalted.

Until patch 3.0.2, all you could get was the Inv helmet 66 [Bloodsail Admiral's Hat] and the Inv misc bag 10 black [Buccaneer's Uniform], which you couldn't wear all the time. But thanks to the people on the official World of Warcraft forums, first started by Bloodysaber here and continued by Rhamidarigaz in this follow-up thread with a second follow-up here and a third one here, Blizzard has heard the voice of the people, and added a title for Bloodsail Admirals. Other requests, such as a tabard and more pirate-related clothing, are still desired, but it is not yet known if these will appear in the game anytime soon.

As of Warlords of Draenor, several additions were made to the holiday Pirate's Day, including a special vendor named Edward Techt that is only accessible to people who have the Bloodsail Admiral title. He sells only one item, the Warrior skullbanner [Jolly Roger] toy.

Getting help with "Avast Ye, Admiral" and other tactics[]

Preliminary test attacks show that attacking the baron spawns at least two Booty Bay Bruisers in the doorway near the baron who either melee or started shooting with their knockback guns. The fleet master and baron pull separately as of patch 1.11. This was tested with a level 60 rogue who had friendly status with Booty Bay, so I don't know if the fleet master will aggro just because of your bad reputation with Booty Bay if you're doing this quest. Ranged attacks might get by without aggro.

Flying into Booty Bay and dispatching the guard near the flight point should get you close enough to the baron and fleet master to start your attack. I just killed the baron and fleet master with my "Booty Bay Friendly" rogue to see what reputation loss there was and the respawn times of the mobs:

Name Rep gained with Bloodsail Rep lost with Booty Bay Respawn time when tested Loot dropped
Fleet Master Seahorn 5 75 8m7s None
Baron Revilgaz 25 375 2m50s None

If someone buffs or heals you during the fight, chances are they're going to lose this rep as well, but if you have another player fear, kite, seduce, sheep, etc the guards or other accidental adds but not kill them, the player shouldn't lose any of their reputation with Booty Bay.

From the Horde's perspective[]

Avast Ye, Admiral! is probably easier for members of the Horde, as their flight master is located right around the corner from both Baron Revilgaz and Fleet Master Seahorn. There are approximately 6-8 guards within the aggro radius of both the baron and the fleet master, including at least two on the landing platform itself. Done as a level 70 Demonology-specced orc warlock, the idea was to use Seed of Corruption for AoE damage and focus all offensive spells (including Spell shadow demonform [Metamorphosis] after patch 3.0.2) on Revilgaz and Seahorn (in either order). A good pet to use as a warlock would undoubtedly be the voidwalker — once both Revilgaz and Seahorn are dead, sacrifice it and jump down to the dock and into the water to make your escape.

In Cataclysm[]

Since Cataclysm came out, grinding to 11999/12000 Honored has become much easier. By doing a quest chain starting in Booty Bay with Baron Revilgaz you will eventually come to the quest N [10-30] Doublerum which will start an assault on Booty Bay by the Bloodsail Buccaneers. Once this starts all the bouncers will become level 35. You can then kill the Booty Bay residents for reputation. A good speed path will take you from Baron Revilgaz to the blacksmith where residents line up, to inside the leatherworker's building, down to the end of the dock, fly to the bankers, in through the inn/bar and back up to Baron Revilgaz.

At max level, the grind is trivial to complete, though it does still take time, several hours at least. And while the city is under attack by mobs of the Bloodsail Buccaneers, they are not actually affiliated with the in-game faction, meaning killing them does not decrease reputation with the Bloodsail Buccaneers nor increase it with Booty Bay. Note: doing this method results in Booty Bay being permanently under attack, unless you bring back up your Booty Bay reputation to neutral.


Avast Ye, Admiral![]

The achievement Inv helmet 66 [Avast Ye, Admiral!] can be earned through completing the quest N [10-30] Avast Ye, Admiral!.

This rewards the player with the title of Bloodsail Admiral.

Insane in the Membrane[]

The achievement Ability mage brainfreeze [Insane in the Membrane] requires earning honored with Bloodsail Buccaneers and exalted with all goblin factions. It has been confirmed that you no longer have to have the reputations at the same time.

This achievement rewards the player with the title of "<name> the Insane".

Fannin of Crushridge US has taken the time to write an extensive guide on how to do this achievement: Insane in the Membrane FoS Guide - By Fannin of Crushridge-US

There is a section dedicated to reaching Honored with the Bloodsail Buccaneers. It is recommended that you read this guide (in addition to this page) if you are serious about attempting to get "the Insane" title.

Other information[]

  • Even if you are hated with Booty Bay, you can still pull the two captains separately. Be careful of the bruisers linking with them though. The best place to fight the captains is actually on the roof of the building near the Horde flightpath master. There is only one bruiser, and he is easily pulled and handled. Then you can creep toward the edge of the roof and use magic or a ranged attack on the captains to pull them one at a time.
  • Important thing to know is that you CANNOT obtain the quest for the hat if you are not "HATED" with Booty Bay. If you do this in a group as a healer and manage to remain hostile/unfriendly or higher with Booty Bay, you cannot get the quest EVEN if you are friendly with Bloodsail Buccaneers. This means that there are 2 requirements to obtain the quest:
  • When you kill a Booty Bay Bruiser, you get +25 Bloodsail Buccaneers reputation -125 Booty Bay reputation, and -62.5 Everlook, Gadgetzan, and Ratchet reputation.
  • As of patch 2.2, it is no longer possible to let a party member kill a member of the Booty Bay faction without losing reputation yourself, even if you don't assist in the killing.

In the RPG[]

Icon-RPG This section contains information from the Warcraft RPG which is considered non-canon.

The Bloodsail Buccaneers are one of the most notorious buccaneer bands in Azeroth.[18] During the events leading up to and following the Third War, several criminal organizations appeared around Azeroth. One of these were the Bloodsail who commit acts of piracy, smuggling, and revenge. They are cutthroats and ruffians of the worst sort. Many dress in rusty reds, browns, and blacks to show their affiliation. They are the sworn enemies of the Blackwater Raiders, and at the behest of their leader, Duke Falrevere, they make forays against the Raiders' ships and, occasionally, their headquarters in Booty Bay.[19] Their symbol is a double-masted ship's silhouette against a bloody sun.[20]

The Buccaneers' primary base is on Plunder Isle; they control a fort called Bloodsail Hold and it is well protected and strategically located. The pirates range throughout the South Seas and Azeroth's west and south coasts; occasionally they make raids along Kalimdor's coasts as well.[21]

The pirate lord Dannol Scurvgrin has ties to them.[22]



Six or seven years ago, a man named Falrevere had a grand estate in Kul Tiras. He was one of Admiral Daelin Proudmoore's greatest rivals on the island, and he boasted a dozen merchant ships and twice as many warships. Falrevere enjoyed sailing and was good at it; he often joined his men on the seas, patrolling for pirates and following his goods down the coast, breathing the sea air and seeing interesting sights. Falrevere was not particularly friendly or likable, but he kept his people fed and safe, and so they liked him. Falrevere was a staunch believer in human supremacy. He advocated harsh measures against the other races, which made him unpopular but attracted people of like mindset.

When the Third War began, Falrevere was at sea with one of his battleships. A gryphon rider found him and the small fleet with which he sailed; the dwarf told him of the war and begged him to come to the assistance of Drisburg, on the northern coast of Kul Tiras. Falerevere sneered at the dwarf but agreed, and put his sail to the wind. Upon sighting Drisburg, the duke saw that the Scourge had landed a small army on the coast and laid siege to the town. The defenders fired catapults and a few cannons at their besiegers, but there was little they could do. Falrevere calculated and came to the conclusion that if he landed and fought the Scourge, Drisburg would have about a 50% chance of surviving the onslaught, but most of its people, and Falrevere's people, would die. Many of Drisburg's citizens were gnome and dwarf immigrants from Khaz Modan and so, Falrevere's choice was clear. He turned his ships around and bid goodbye to the doomed settlement. Many of his crewmembers railed against this action. Falrevere threw the loudest overboard.

Knowing he could never set foot in Kul Tiras again, Falrevere sailed to the mainland for news of the war. He learned that the invasion was in full swing. Lordaeron's north had become a blighted and twisted land, overrun with undead monstrosities. He thought this was due to humanity becoming friends with the elves and dwarves. Thus, Falrevere decided he would not be part of that land's folly anymore. He gathered his crew and announced that any sailor who wished to do so could disembark there and fight for Lordaeron. As for himself, he was going to reestablish his estate elsewhere; a tropical island in the South Seas, perhaps, where the Scourge could not reach them and he could choose his friends. Many of his soldiers left his ships and died on Lordaeron soil, but more joined him. A month later, Falrevere found Plunder Isle and began construction of his new fortress, Bloodsail Hold. Once a stalwart Lordaeron noble, Duke Falrevere became a professional pirate lord.[20]

The Bloodsail Buccaneers[]

The Bloodsail Buccaneers are a bunch of vile bastards, and everyone who knows them knows it. Others see them as ruthless and devoid of scruples, which they are. Five years on Plunder Isle has done little to improve Falrevere's disposition, and he and every pirate under his banner seem to bear a personal grudge against everyone they come across — especially non-humans. This grudge is particularly strong when it comes to the Blackwater Raiders. Falrevere despises them because the despicable trade princesgoblins — provide the Raiders with gold, equipment and other support. Falrevere believes that humans rightfully deserve control of the seas. Tavern tales also say that the Blackwater Raiders are responsible for the death of Falrevere's son, Magrann, though the same tales mention that Falrevere was never fond of him. The Buccaneers and the Raiders have clashed numerous times over the last 5 years.

As for themselves, the Bloodsail Buccaneers revel in their reputation. They display their characteristic rust-red, black and brown clothing with pride, and make sure their symbol is always predominant. The Buccaneers sail the waters between Azeroth and the South Seas, and occasionally travel west toward Kalimdor. They frequent seedy taverns in Booty Bay (where they and the Blackwater Raiders duel in the streets and bars), Bilgewater Port and Steamwheedle Port. In addition to ambushing merchant ships that cross the sea, they and the Blackwater Raiders are embroiled in a private naval war that spans the length of the South Seas.[20][21]

Wallace Boltscrew and Annetta Crank have crafted several submarines that could prove extremely dangerous. Duke Falrevere is holding these vessels secretly beneath Bloodsail Hold for now, for fear of tipping his hand to the Blackwater Raiders before he is ready.[23]


Duke Falrevere runs the Bloodsail and is usually sailing the seas on his flagship, the Devil Shark. Four commodores assist him — Jessi Falrevere, Wallace Boltscrew, Lester Zank, and an unknown fourth commodore — each of whom is in charge of about a dozen pirate ships. Fleet masters command smaller groups of ships, captains command individual ships, and their first mates take over when they fall. Most of the Bloodsail elites are former members of Falrevere's estate — knights, reeves and the like who joined him in his exile.

When a commodore falls, Falrevere personally selects a replacement. He picks those he trusts; loyalty is more valuable than skill, for Falrevere knows what an odious bunch he commands and realizes the potential for mutiny and betrayal. However, his experience as a noble proves valuable in his new role, and while he has become a thoroughly unpleasant individual he keeps his men and women well fed with food, plunder and blood, and so most are glad to have him at their head.[21]

Falrevere prefers to give his commodores, fleet masters, and captains free reign, but when they "err", he responds with veiled threats and detailed explanations of what went wrong and what could have been done to make it right. Despite his threats, he is protective of the Buccaneers and each of its members, and only rarely does he execute pirates under his command — though he has no problems with individual captains engaging in such brutal justice.[23]




Wallace Boltscrew, Duke Falrevere and Jessi Falrevere.

Imagine the most bloodthirsty and depraved person you can. This person is probably a member of the Bloodsail Buccaneers. About half the Buccaneers are remnants of Falrevere's original crew that betrayed Lordaeron and Kul Tiras for a life of piracy; the remaining members come from waterfront saloons and docks. The Bloodsail Buccaneers are not above press-ganging people into their service.

As Falrevere has a reputation for treating his people reasonably well, new members are in ready supply — at least, they are enough to replace the buccaneers who fall on their missions. These are people with nowhere else to go, or those who enjoy bloodshed and the seas, or those who want to vent their hatred of non-humans, or those looking for an easy gold piece. The Buccaneers do not try to train new members (though a few individual captains implement such schemes); for the most part, the life of a new Bloodsail Buccaneer is, often literally, sink or swim. Falrevere and his pirate followers blame the fall of Lordaeron and the rise of the undead on other races, like orcs and elves. That is why they are so pissed at everyone and have cultivated an exclusive group.[21][23]

Commodore Wallace Boltscrew and his collection of fellow tinkers, the Wallace's Warriors, are valuable additions to Falrevere's crew. Wallace and the other tinkers improve the Bloodsail Buccaneers by adding technology to their equipment. Armored plating and more powerful cannons were only the first step. Wallace has tried numerous other experiments as well, and has slain only a dozen or so sailors testing them.[23]

Name Status Occupation
IconSmall Human Male Duke Falrevere Alive Lord pirate of the Bloodsail Buccaners
IconSmall Human Female Jessi Falrevere Alive Commodore
IconSmall Human Male Magrann Falrevere Deceased Member
IconSmall Human Male Lester Zank Alive Commodore
IconSmall Human Male Wallace Boltscrew Alive Commodore; Leader of the Wallace's Warriors
IconSmall Human Female Annetta Crank Alive Member of the Wallace's Warriors
IconSmall Human Male Quentin Bandor Alive Captain


  • Their sails were described as "red as blood" by Makasa.[24]
  • Mekgineer Steamrigger used to sell his knowledge to the Buccaneers.



This article or section includes speculation, observations or opinions possibly supported by lore or by Blizzard officials. It should not be taken as representing official lore.

Since he mentions Firallon's beard and due to his clothes, Captain Zvezdan and his ship The Barnacle were probably members of the Bloodsail Buccaneers.


  • Bloodsail Cannoneer in Hearthstone.

  • Bloodsail Deckhand in Hearthstone.

Patch changes[]

  • Cataclysm Patch 4.0.3a (2010-11-23): Booty Bay Bruisers will now provide reputation up through Exalted.


  1. ^ a b N Rogue [10-45] Champion: Fleet Admiral Tethys
  2. ^ Factions of World of Warcraft (Archived page)
  3. ^ N [10-30] Bloodsail's End
  4. ^ N Rogue [10-45] Dark Secrets and Shady Deals
  5. ^ Archived page
  6. ^ N [10-30] Call of Booty
  7. ^ N [10-30] The Brashtide Crew
  8. ^ Traveler: The Spiral Path, pg. 306
  9. ^ Traveler: The Spiral Path, pg. 310
  10. ^ Inv letter 15 [Bloodsail Orders]
  11. ^ Legion: Rogue Artifact Reveal (2015-10-23). Retrieved on 2015-11-20.
  12. ^ Blood Ledger#The Dreadblades
  13. ^ Traveler: The Spiral Path, chapter 32
  14. ^ Traveler: The Spiral Path, chapter 31 & 32
  15. ^ Quest for Pandaria, Part 2
  16. ^ N Rogue [10-45] A Friendly Accord
  17. ^ Lands of Mystery, pg. 192
  18. ^ Lands of Mystery, pg. 79 - 80
  19. ^ a b c Lands of Mystery, pg. 179
  20. ^ a b c d Lands of Mystery, pg. 180
  21. ^ Lands of Conflict, pg. 102
  22. ^ a b c d Lands of Mystery, pg. 181
  23. ^ Traveler: The Spiral Path, chapter 31

External links[]

Alliance Forces
Horde Forces
Steamwheedle Cartel