Foothill Caverns

Foothill Caverns

The Foothill Caverns.

The Foothill Caverns is a cave found in Darrow Hill in Hillsbrad Foothills. It is here that the Flame of Azel and Flame of Veraz were located.[1] The caverns are also home to Inv stone 08 [Alterac Granite].

Helcular used the cave as his lair to conduct his transformation into a lich when a human lynch mob discovered his ritual lair in the hills and brutally killed him. Afterward, yetis overtook the lair.[2]


In the RPG[]

Icon-RPG This section contains information from the Warcraft RPG which is considered non-canon.

The Foothill Caverns are caves inhabited by ferocious yetis. Only the most courageous adventurers would seek to cross paths with these fearsome creatures. Brann Bronzebeard once tracked a yeti in the area for days, following it through narrow ravines, across high ledges, and between rocky cliffs. After a fierce battle, the yeti lay dead.[3]

Notes and trivia[]

  • It contains several Tin Veins.
  • A Solid Chest was located here.
  • The Foothill Caverns was planned to appear as a subzone.


External links[]