
  • ️Mon Mar 07 2005

Footlockers are a type of object that has the primary purpose of helping a rogue skill up their lockpicking. Most have the name "footlocker" in them, but not all. The contents are usually rogue-related.

Typically, unguarded footlockers have a lower skill range than guarded ones. When lockpicking, nearby mobs may also become hostile when they are otherwise outside your aggro range.

Location Item Orange Yellow Green Grey Detail
Ghostlands [Burial Chest] 1 30 55 ? Amani Catacombs
Ghostlands [Primitive Chest] 20 30 55 > 110 Zeb'Nowa and Zeb'Tela
Redridge Mountains [Practice Lockboxes] 1 30 55 100 Alther's Mill
The Barrens [Buccaneer's Strongbox] 1 30 55 105 Ship off Merchant Coast
The Barrens [The Jewel of the Southsea] 25 <82 75 125 Ship off Merchant Coast
Redridge Mountains [Waterlogged Footlocker] 70 95 120 150 Lake Everstill
Ashenvale Forest [Waterlogged Footlocker] 70 95 120 150 Zoram Strand
Wetlands [Battered Footlocker] 70 <100 120 >160 Bluegill Marsh
Hillsbrad Foothills [Battered Footlocker] 110 135 160 175 Durnholde Keep (Lower Level)
Hillsbrad Foothills [Battered Footlocker] 110 135 160 200? Durnholde Keep (Upper Level)
Stonetalon Mountains [Battered Footlocker] 110 135 160 >195 Windshear Mine
Wetlands [Battered Footlocker] 70 95 120 170 Outside of Murloc camps
Wetlands [Battered Footlocker] 110 135 160 <205 In Murloc camps
Desolace [Waterlogged Footlocker] 150 175 200 >225 Sar'theris Strand
Desolace [Mossy Footlocker] 175 200 225 250 Sar'theris Strand [35, 13]
Badlands [Dented Footlocker] 175 200 225 >250 Angor Fortress - Downstairs
Swamp of Sorrows [Mossy Footlocker] 175 200 225 >255 Pool of Tears
Searing Gorge [Dented Footlocker] 200 225 250 300 The Slag Pit - Lower Quarry Area
Searing Gorge [Dented Footlocker] 225 250 275 >300 The Slag Pit - Upper Barracks Area
Tanaris Desert [Dented Footlocker] 225 250 275 >305 Lost Rigger Cove
Azshara [Mossy Footlocker] 225 250 ? ? Bay of Storms
Eastern Plaguelands [Scarlet Footlocker] 250 275 300 ? Tyr's Hand
Zangarmarsh [Wicker Chest] 300 325 350+ 400 Feralfen Village
Nagrand [Dented Footlocker] 325 - 350 Kil'sorrow Fortress

Patch changes[]

See also[]