Glimmerogg Racer

  • ️Tue May 02 2023
NeutralGlimmerogg Racer
Off to the Track

Big Slick in the City and Briggul

Base of operations Glimmerogg, Zaralek Cavern
Notable reward(s) Inv snailrockmount pink [Big Slick in the City]
Briggul won't let Slick go with just anybody. Can you prove your worth as a snail trainer?

Glimmerogg Racer is a minor faction at Glimmerogg in Zaralek Cavern on the Dragon Isles. Briggul, Glimmerogg's snail trainer, tasks adventurers with training Inv snailrockmount pink [Big Slick in the City]. Unlocked at Renown 7 with the Loamm Niffen, progress is represented by a friendship faction, with the following ranks:

Standing Rep
Aspirational 700
Ameteur 700
Competent 700
Skilled 700
Professional n/a


Players gain friendship with the faction by completing daily quests.

  1. N [70] Off to the Track (at Renown 7)
  2. N [70] Come Snail Away & N [70W] A Race to the Finish
  3. Training dailies:
  4. N [70] Snailed It (at Professional)

Additionally, players can present level 25 battle pet snails that came from outside of Zaralek Cavern to Briggul. Each snail is worth 100 points:

Snail Source Zone
Inv seasnail purple [Amethyst Softshell] Amethyst Spireshell Nazjatar
Inv progenitorsnail mount blue [Archetype of Vigilance] Protoform Synthesis Zereth Mortis
Blackchasm Crawler Wild pet battle Eternal Palace
Inv progenitorsnail mount red [Microlicid] Protoform Synthesis Zereth Mortis
Mudshell Conch Wild pet battle Highmountain
Predatory Helicid Wild pet battle Zereth Mortis
Inv seasnail bluepink [Prismatic Softshell] Speaker Utia Nazjatar
Rapana Whelk Wild pet battle Dread Wastes
Rusty Snail Wild pet battle Ashenvale
Inv misc shell 04 [Snail Shell] (Scooter) Children's Week Children's Week
Inv progenitorsnail mount gray [Shelly] Protoform Synthesis Zereth Mortis
Shimmershell Snail Wild pet battle Darkshore
Silkbead Snail Wild pet battle Jade Forest
Spireshell Snail Wild pet battle Nazjatar
Inv checkered flag [Zoom] Trade archaeology fossil snailshell [Zoom!] Highmountain

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