
  • ️Wed Nov 09 2011
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For the augment items previously called glyphs, see Arcanum. For other uses, see Glyph (disambiguation).
Glyph marker

The pink mark shows that this spell is glyphed

Glyphs are items that can change a spell or ability's visual appearance. Most glyphs are crafted by scribes, are color-coded by class, and can be applied as early as level 11. They can be removed at any time outside of combat using Inv misc dust 02 [Vanishing Powder].

To apply a glyph, right-click it in your inventory to use it. This will automatically open the spellbook, where the target spell will light up. Click the lit-up spell to apply the glyph. An ability that has a glyph applied to it will be marked in the spellbook with a pink mark on its corner.

Class books[]

With the removal of the old glyph system in Patch 7.0.3, a number of what were previously minor glyphs are now available as books and toys. They are all sold for 50g each or found as drops.

Death knight[]









Old types[]

Glyphs mostly give convenient or cosmetic improvements, such as changing the visual effect of a spell, or give an additional effect. However, some have more substantial effects, improving or altering important abilities in a number of ways.


Minor glyphs[]

Minor glyphs mostly give convenient or cosmetic improvements, such as changing the visual effect of a spell, or granting a new ability that is purely for entertainment purposes. However, some have more substantial effects, improving or altering important abilities in a number of ways.


Major glyphs[]

Major glyphs feature spell changes that may increase the damage, or another feature of the spell. Some of these glyphs have trade-offs, for example increasing direct damage but removing a DoT effect of the spell.

Major glyphs were removed in patch 7.0.3.

Prime glyphs[]

Prime glyphs were effective in combat, and generally increased the healing or damage of an ability. They were generally the most potent and important of the glyphs.


Prime glyphs were removed in patch 5.0.4.[1]

Class Design & Balance Q&A | 2011-11-09 00:00 | Blizzard Entertainment Celestalon

We're not happy with how Prime glyphs have worked out, and are considering removing them. Don't worry, scribes, if we do this sort of change, we'll keep you heavily in mind; we don't intend to 'nerf' Inscription in any way with this potential change.

Glyphs by class[]

Lists of the glyphs available to each class can be found on their own pages:

Deathknight Death knight glyphs Paladin Paladin glyphs
Demon hunter Demon hunter glyphs Priest Priest glyphs
Druid Druid glyphs Rogue Rogue glyphs
Hunter Hunter glyphs Shaman Shaman glyphs
Mage Mage glyphs Warlock Warlock glyphs
Monk Monk glyphs Warrior Warrior glyphs


Initially, there would be additional glyphs known as "ancient glyphs", added with the Path of the Titans system. When Path of the Titans was canceled, the glyph system was changed to three tiers - Major, Medium and Minor. In patch 4.0.1 this was changed to Prime, Major and Minor. Patch 5.0.4 removed Prime glyphs, and added many new Major and Minor glyphs.


  • Pre-5.0.4 interface

    Pre-5.0.4 interface

  • Pre-4.0.1 interface

    Pre-4.0.1 interface

Patch changes[]


  1. ^ Mists of Pandaria 2012 Press Event: Full Monk Talents Revealed and More!. Wowhead (2012-03-19). Retrieved on 2012-03-19.

External links[]


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Expansion features

Mists of Pandaria
Warlords of Draenor
Battle for Azeroth


