Great Vault

  • ️Tue Nov 15 2022
The Great Vault - Valdrakken

The Great Vault of Valdrakken

The Great Vault [58.8, 57.9] is an enchanted vault that stores many remarkable artifacts[1], located in the Valdrakken Treasury Hoard of Valdrakken. Overseen by Evantkis, it serves as a weekly reward system. Players are introduced to it shortly after reaching max level during the quest N [70] The Great Vault.

First introduced in Shadowlands, the Great Vault of Oribos [65, 31] was described as a massive relic of the First Ones[2], where it was overseen by Caretaker Kah-Toll, with Ko'tul running Inv misc azsharacoin2 [Attendant's Token of Merit] exchange.

The Great Vault interface can be accessed from the vaults in Oribos or Valdrakken and from the Mythic+ Dungeons tab of the Group Finder.


Great Vault interface

Great Vault interface

Each week, the Great Vault will contain up to 9 random pieces of gear based on how many raid bosses were defeated, mythic dungeons that were cleared, or Honor Points that were earned the previous week. The items will be appropriate to the content; defeating raid bosses reveals raid gear, clearing mythic dungeons reveals mythic dungeon gear, and earning Honor Points reveals PvP gear. Though up to 9 items can potentially be available, only one item may be claimed.

Should none of the items prove appealing, instead take 3 Inv misc azsharacoin2 [Aspects' Token of Merit], which can be traded to Evantkis nearby for various useful items like a socket-adding item.

Evantkis<Token Exchange>
Item Cost Type
Inv misc questionmark [Ruby Flightstone] 1 Aspects' Token of Merit 75 Flightstone-dragonflight [Flightstones]
Inv misc questionmark [Drake's Shadowflame Crest] 1 Aspects' Token of Merit ilvl 415-424
Inv misc questionmark [Wyrm's Shadowflame Crest] 2 Aspects' Token of Merit ilvl 428-437
Ability racial packhobgoblin [Chest of Gold] 2 Aspects' Token of Merit 1000g
Inv trinket 80 titan01a [Volcanic Sculptor] 6 Aspects' Token of Merit Gem socket


The Great Vault

The Great Vault of Oribos

The requirements change from season to season. In Dragonflight Season 2, the requirements are:

Type Objectives
Raids Defeat 3 Aberrus, the Shadowed Crucible Bosses
Defeat 5 Aberrus, the Shadowed Crucible Bosses
Defeat 7 Aberrus, the Shadowed Crucible Bosses
Mythic+ Dungeons Complete 1 Mythic+ Dungeon
Complete 4 Mythic+ Dungeons
Complete 8 Mythic+ Dungeons
PvP Earn 1250 Achievement legionpvptier4 [Honor] from Rated PvP
Earn 2500 Honor from Rated PvP
Earn 5000 Honor from Rated PvP


Unable to earn new rewards after this week.
Any unclaimed rewards will be lost after the launch of Dragonflight.

Patch changes[]


External links[]

Oribos Valdrakken

Always accessible




Expansion features

Mists of Pandaria
Warlords of Draenor
Battle for Azeroth


