Hillsbrad Foothills questing guide

This is a questing guide detailing the best method to obtain and complete quests in Hillsbrad Foothills.

For a list of all Hillsbrad Foothills quests in table format (arranged by level), see Hillsbrad Foothills quests

Note Note: This guide is not meant for power-leveling purposes. Rather, it is meant to show a player the most efficient way to complete all quests available for a particular zone. If you know of a better order or method to accomplish this, your input is welcome (in fact, greatly desired). For major changes, feel free to edit, but make a note in the talk page as to your reasoning.

Alliance Crest Alliance Questing Guide (LVL 30-40)[]

Unless the Alliance player swims from Menethil Harbor, they will be arriving after running through Arathi Highlands and will most likely be a level in the low 30s.There are not many quests here. Instead the quests often point back into Arathi or lead on towards the Alterac Mountains.

Before You Leave[]

If you saved the Inv misc food 70 [Turtle Meat] collected when working on N [30] Hardened Shells in the Thousand Needles, bring it along! When crossing Arathi Highlands, remember to pick up the Flight Path in Refuge Pointe. After entering Hillsbrad Foothills, follow the main road west until you get to the second intersection, then go south until you reach Southshore. There's an armorsmith for repairs behind a small house next to the inn. If you picked up A [25] An Old History Book in Duskwood, you can continue that quest chain here.


There are some easy quests centered around Southshore.

Alliance Alliance Quests
Quest Name Quest Giver Subzone
This quest takes place in this zone A [29] Missing Crystals IconSmall Draenei MaleAlliance Huraan Southshore
This quest takes place in this zone A [31] Soothing Turtle Bisque IconSmall Human MaleAlliance Chef Jessen Southshore
This quest takes place in this zone A [34] Bartolo's Yeti Fur Cloak IconSmall Human MaleAlliance Bartolo Ginsetti Southshore
  • You can buy the soothing spices for A [31] Soothing Turtle Bisque from the merchant in the first house to the right when entering Southshore from the north.
  • A [34] Bartolo's Yeti Fur Cloak is best for a Leatherworker or if you've got a Leatherworker friend who can make a Hillman's cloak. You can buy a Bolt of Woolen Cloth at the auction house or ask a tailor.
  • Follow the path north from Southshore until you get to an intersection. There go east until you get to another intersection where you should see a half-destroyed tower (56,36). Clear your way inside and loot the unopened crate needed for A [29] Missing Crystals.

Farren's Proof chain[]

In this quest chain, players help the lazy Lieutenant Farren Orinelle with his assigned duty of clearing the coasts of southern Hillsbrad of the menace of the murlocs and naga that have taken up residence.

  • On the western side of the shore next to Southshore you'll find the murlocs needed for A [30] Down the Coast.
  • The Nagas needed are on the coast to the east of Southshore.
Alliance Alliance Quests
Quest Name Quest Giver Subzone
This quest takes place in this zone A [30] Down the Coast IconSmall Human MaleAlliance Lieutenant Farren Orinelle Southshore
This quest takes place in this zone A [32] Farren's Proof IconSmall Human MaleAlliance Lieutenant Farren Orinelle Southshore
This quest takes place in this zone A [32] Farren's Proof IconSmall Human MaleAlliance Lieutenant Farren Orinelle Southshore
This quest takes place in this zone A [32] Farren's Proof IconSmall Human MaleAlliance Marshal Redpath Southshore
This quest takes place in this zone A [32] Stormwind Ho! IconSmall Human MaleAlliance Lieutenant Farren Orinelle Southshore
This quest takes place in this zone A [32] Reassignment IconSmall Human MaleAlliance Lieutenant Farren Orinelle Southshore

Hints of a New Plague chain[]

This quest chain consists of traveling to Go'Shek Farm in the Arathi Highlands to investigate the undoubtedly nefarious goings-on of the Forsaken apothecaries.

Technically, almost all the quests in this chain take place in Arathi Highlands, however, it is still categorized under Hillsbrad Foothills in game because the chain starts and ends in Southshore.

Alliance Alliance Quests
Quest Name Quest Giver Subzone
A [33] Hints of a New Plague? IconSmall Human MaleAlliance Phin Odelic Southshore
A [36] Hints of a New Plague? IconSmall Human FemaleAlliance Quae Arathi Highlands
A [36] Hints of a New Plague? IconSmall Human FemaleAlliance Quae Arathi Highlands
A [37] Hints of a New Plague? IconSmall NightElf FemaleAlliance Kinelory Arathi Highlands
A [37] Hints of a New Plague? IconSmall Human FemaleAlliance Quae Arathi Highlands
  • Quae is east of Refuge Pointe overlooking the Go'Shek Farm from the northwest edge (60,53).
  • The Forsaken Courier roams from the Go'Shek Farm all along the road up until the wall to Hillsbrad Foothils. He has 4 bodyguards that make this a tricky quest to solo, but not impossible. Typically, kill the courier as fast as possible and then run away, returning to the courier's corpse to retrieve the Sealed Folder.
  • When escorting Kinelory, be aware she is very powerful and heals quickly. Typically, follow her and allow her to aggro all mobs and helping her by preventing runners from gaining new adds.
  • While in Arathi Highlands, it may be efficient to complete Refugee Pointe quests, such as A [10-30] Worth Its Weight in Gold, before returning to Southshore.

Alterac Mountains[]

If you brought the A [38] Southshore quest into this zone, you can continue that chain into the Alterac Mountains north. In addition, two other quest lead into the mountains before completing back in Southshore.

Alliance Alliance Quests
Quest Name Quest Giver Subzone
A [34] Costly Menace IconSmall Human MaleAlliance Darren Malvew<Stablehand> Southshore
A [36] Crushridge Bounty IconSmall Human MaleAlliance Marshal Redpath Southshore
A [38] Southshore IconSmall Human MaleAlliance Milton Sheaf Stormwind City
A [38] Preserving Knowledge IconSmall Human MaleAlliance Loremaster Dibbs Southshore
A [38] Return to Milton IconSmall Human MaleAlliance Loremaster Dibbs Southshore
  • From Southershore, go north. Jog east at intersections before continuing north into Alterac Mountains.

Cleverly Encrypted Letter[]

East of the road in the Alterac Mountains is a Syndicate camp at Sofera's Naze (58,67). In the middle of this camp are the Syndicate Documents needed to start A Rogue [3] Encrypted Letter and A [34] Foreboding Plans. Both of these quests are really Alterac Mountains quests, but since the pick up spot is adjacent to the above quests that started in Southshore, it is appropriate to mention them here.

Alliance Alliance Quests
Quest Name Quest Giver Subzone
A [34] Foreboding Plans Alliance Cleverly Encrypted Letter Southshore
A [36] Noble Deaths IconSmall Human MaleAlliance Ansirem Runeweaver Dalaran
A Rogue [3] Encrypted Letter Alliance Cleverly Encrypted Letter Southshore
A [34] Letter to Stormpike IconSmall Human MaleAlliance Loremaster Dibbs Southshore
A [34] Further Mysteries IconSmall Dwarf MaleAlliance Prospector Stormpike Ironforge
A [40] Dark Council IconSmall Human MaleAlliance Magistrate Henry Maleb Southshore