
  • ️Fri Oct 28 2016
Image of Hyrja
Title <Chosen of Eyir>
Gender Female
Race Val'kyr (Humanoid)
Level 10-45 Elite
Resource Mana
Reaction Alliance Horde
Affiliation(s) Valkyra
Location Halls of Valor
Status Defeatable
Hyrja Vrykul

Hyrja, before she is transformed into a Val'kyr.

Hyrja is a val'kyr located in the Halls of Valor. Her transformation into a val'kyr was witnessed by the class orders after they finished fighting Olmyr and Solsten. She was later seen during the Trial of Valor, where she stood alongside Hymdall as a bodyguard to Odyn, and she was present in Helheim when Helya was killed.


Adventure Guide[]

In life Hyrja was a warrior without equal, defending the Valkyra from all threats. Her valor and courage drew the attention of Eyir, a titan watcher. Upon her death and ascension to the Halls of Valor Eyir has awarded Hyrja with her greatest honor, transformation into a Val'kyr.


Hyrja becomes empowered by Olmyr the Enlightened and Solsten depending upon which mystic she is closest to. As she becomes empowered she is granted particular abilities that grow in power over time. Moving Hyrja out of range of a mystic slowly reduces that mystic's empowerment.

Damage Dealer Alert Damage Dealers[]

  • Move away from other players when affected with Expel Light.
  • While Hyrja has Mystic Empowerement: Thunder be prepared to run to safety during Eye of the Storm.
  • While Hyrja has Mystic Empowerement: Holy avoid the orbs of light during Sanctify.

Healer Alert Healers[]

  • Move away from other players when affected with Expel Light.
  • While Hyrja has Mystic Empowerement: Thunder be prepared to run to safety during Eye of the Storm.
  • While Hyrja has Mystic Empowerement: Holy avoid the orbs of light during Sanctify.

Tank Alert Tanks[]

  • Move Hyrja between Olmyr and Solsten to manage how many stacks of Mystic Empowerement: Thunder and Mystic Empowerement: Holy she has.
  • While Hyrja has Mystic Empowerement: Thunder be prepared to run to safety during Eye of the Storm.
  • While Hyrja has Mystic Empowerement: Holy avoid the orbs of light during Sanctify.


  • Ability priest flashoflight Shield of Light — Hyrja charges her shield with light, launching a burst of energy towards her current target, inflicting 774881 to 814619 Holy damage to all enemies in a line and knocking them back.
  • Spell lightning lightningbolt01 Mystic Empowerment: Thunder — While in range of Solsten, Hyrja is empowered with thunderous power enabling her to cast Eye of the Storm and Arcing Bolt. Every 4 sec Solsten further empowers Hyrja increasing the damage of both abilities by 10%. In this difficulty, stacks of Mystic Empowerment: Thunder slowly fade away while Hyrja is not being actively empowered by Solsten.
    • Spell nature eyeofthestorm Eye of the Storm — The caster creates a lightning storm that inflicts 132600 to 139400 Nature damage every 1.5 sec for 9 sec. Standing within the eye of the storm reduces Nature damage taken by 144000.
    • Spell shaman thunderstorm Arcing Bolt — The caster creates an arc of lightning that leaps up to 5 times, inflicting 195000 to 205000 Nature damage to each target.
  • Spell holy aspiration Mystic Empowerment: Holy — While in range of Olmyr the Enlightened, Hyrja is empowered with holy light enabling her to cast Sanctify and Expel Light. Every 4 sec Olmyr further empowers Hyrja increasing the damage of both abilities by 10%. In this difficulty, stacks of Mystic Empowerment: Holy slowly fade away while Hyrja is not being actively empowered by Olmyr the Enlightened.
    • Spell holy holynova Sanctify — The caster creates orbs of holy light that radiate out in all directions. Touching the zone inflicts 170625 to 179375 Holy damage.
    • Spell holy holynova Sanctify — The caster creates orbs of holy light that radiate out in all directions. Touching an orb inflicts 170625 to 179375 Holy damage to the triggering player and 121875 to 128125 Holy damage to all other players.
    • Spell holy divineprovidence Expel Light — Hyrja enchants a player to radiate a burst of light after 3 sec, inflicting 234000 to 246000 Holy damage to all players within 8 yards. In this difficulty, after Expel Light bursts, the effect bounces to another player.


It is important to swap Hyrja between Olmyr and Solsten every so often so her damage does not become increasingly high, if not in range of either Mystic she will gain stacks of each Mystical Empowerment. At higher gear levels it is possible to ignore the swapping mechanic and burn her down straightforward without dragging her to each Mystic.

Hyrja will use Shield of Light in addition to whatever Mystical Empowerment she has. She will target the tank and begin casting a straight beam attack that knocks players back if they're hit, do not stand in front of her when this is happening.

Empowered by Olmyr, she will cast Expel Light on one random target, the target of Expel Light should run away from other players so they do not hurt. She will also channel Sanctify, small orbs of light move out in a straight line from her location and should be dodged, as getting hurt by one also damages everyone in the group.

Empowered by Solsten, she will cast Arcing Bolt on random targets, this is a chain lightning spell, so everyone except melee should be spread so Arcing Bolt does not chain. She will also cast Eye of the Storm and begin channeling a room-wide thunderstorm, there will also be a large protective bubble at her feet, stay inside and continuing dpsing/healing will the storm continues. Range spread out immediately as she will usually use Arcing Bolt a few seconds afterwards.


Item Type
Spell lightning lightningbolt01 [Empowerment of Thunder] (H · M) Storm artifact relic
Spell holy blessedresillience [Eyir's Blessing] (H · M) Holy artifact relic
Inv helm leather legionendgame c 01 [Biornskin Hood] (H · M) Leather helmet
Inv shoulder leather legiondungeon c 01 [Amice of the Enlightened] (H · M) Leather shoulders
Inv robe cloth legionendgame c 01 [Bonespeaker Robes] (H · M) Cloth chest
Inv chest mail legiondungeon c 01 [Thunderfused Val'kyr Hauberk] (H · M) Mail chest
Inv bracer plate legionendgame c 01 [Skoldiir Bracers] (H · M) Plate bracers
Inv gauntlets mail legionendgame c 01 [Tideskorn Gauntlets] (H · M) Mail gloves
Inv cloth legiondungeon c 01 [Solsten's Arcing Runecord] (H · M) Cloth belt
Inv boot plate legiondungeon c 01 [Valkyra Protector Greatboots] (H · M) Plate boots
Inv 70 dungeon ring8a [Val'kyr Ascension Signet] (H · M) Ring
Paladin holy [Mote of Sanctification] (H · M) Healer trinket


Eyir says: Through great deeds of courage and valor, Hyrja has earned this most sacred of rites. She shall ascend as one of my chosen val'kyr, and her name shall echo in these gilded halls for all eternity.
Olmyr the Enlightened says: Are you nervous, Hyrja? It is understandable if-
Hyrja says: I am not nervous. Only... excited. All my life has led to this one glorious moment.
Solsten says: Spoken like a true val'kyr.
Olmyr the Enlightened says: Mortal intruders approach!
Eyir says: I witnessed their deeds in Stormheim. Their kind has no true honor. No true virtue.
Hyrja says: I will purge them from these sacred halls myself!
Eyir says: The ritual is not yet complete.

Olmyr the Enlightened[]

You will not deny Hyrja's ascendance!
The Light shines eternal in you, Hyrja!
  • The Light embraces you, Hyrja!
  • Revel in the power of the Light!


You sully this ritual with your presence, mortals!
Hyrja... the fury of the storm is yours to command!
Eye of the Storm
  • The storm gathers! Strike now, Hyrja!
  • The storm gathers within you, Hyrja!


I will not fail you, Eyir!
Shield of Light
  • Begone from these hallowed halls!
  • You will pollute these halls no more!
Killed a player
  • None can stand against Eyir's chosen!
  • You die as you lived: without honor.
It is done, Eyir! The sanctity of this place is preserved.
  • I am sorry, Eyir... I have failed you...
  • Eyir... you were wrong to put your faith in me...
Outro (if beaten after Fenryr)
Odyn says: You have earned my blessing champions! I look forward to meeting you within the Hall of Glory!
Unused quote
Eyir: I... remember their kind. They and one of their cursed leaders sought to enslave me in Stormheim.


Patch changes[]

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