Ian Duran

  • ️Tue Nov 23 2010
NeutralIan Duran
Image of Ian Duran
Gender Male
Race Worgen (Humanoid)
Level 30-35
Reaction Alliance Horde
Affiliation(s) Guardians of Hyjal
Location Shrine of Goldrinn, Mount Hyjal
Relative(s) Rio Duran

Ian Duran is a Gilnean[1] worgen[2] quest giver located near the Shrine of Goldrinn in Mount Hyjal.




Goldrinn's tenacity is the stuff of legend.

Warriors from all walks visit this shrine in hopes of tapping into that kind of battle prowess.

Gossip Tell me about Goldrinn.

From the moment the wild creatures first stirred on Azeroth, Goldrinn was there. His is the spirit of the hunter, the animal instinct that kicks in when wild things smell food or feel their children are in jeopardy. He appears as a great white wolf, ferocious and cunning.

He's known across all cultures. The orcs even have their own name for him: "Lo'Gosh."

Ten thousand years ago, when demons first breached Azeroth, Goldrinn stood with the other ancients to mount a desperate defense.

Gossip What happened to him?

It was during those darkest of days that Goldrinn's tenacity in war became legendary. While others quaked at the visage of those demon hordes, their multitudes only spurred the great wolf ancient to ever greater feats of strength. He would wade into their ranks, fangs bared and spattered with their vile ichor, his great claws thrashing them by the dozen...

It was said he stayed behind to cover the Night Elf retreat from Eldre'Thalas, the ancient city we know now as Dire Maul.

Did he die? I'm not certain the spirit of animal ferocity can ever truly die, <name>.


  • This NPC, along with Rio Duran, is a reference to the band Duran Duran. Two of Duran Duran's greatest hits were "Rio" (which includes the line "Her name is Rio, and she dances on the sand") and "Hungry Like the Wolf". In reference to the latter song, Rio Duran quotes lyrics from "Hungry Like the Wolf" while on the quest N [30-35] Free Your Mind, the Rest Follows.

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