Icemist Village

  • ️Tue Oct 14 2008
MobIcemist Village
Icemist Village
Type Village
Leader(s) Unknown
  Formerly IconSmall CryptLord Under-King Anub'et'kan †
IconSmall Taunka Male Roanauk Icemist
Race(s) ScourgeScourgeScourgeScourge Scourge
  Formerly TaunkaTaunka Taunka
Affiliation(s) Scourge
  Formerly Icemist tribe, Taunka
Location Western Dragonblight[25, 39]
Status In ruins

Main building in Icemist Village.

Icemist Village is located on the edge of Lake Wintergrasp within the Dragonblight.

The ravaged settlement was destroyed by undead nerubians and is currently controlled by the Scourge forces out of Azjol Nerub. The Scourge forces here were once led by Under-King Anub'et'kan, who captured the taunka chieftain Roanauk Icemist during the attack. Adventurers of the Horde were later sent to save Roanauk and kill Anub'et'kan.


It is said the village was originally an Icemist tauren outpost, but it is unclear how long ago that was. At some point, Icemist Village became the capital of the taunka,[1] with it also being referred to as the greatest of the taunka villages, decorated with the tusks and skulls of mammoths.

Wrath of the Lich King[]

At some point during the war against the Lich King, a fissure into Azjol-Nerub opened nearby, and the Scourge nerubians poured out. The Anub'ar then assaulted and ultimately razed the taunka village of Icemist. During the fall of Icemist the Anub'ar killed most of the taunka and captured their High Chieftain Roanauk Icemist, then they bound him in magical chains in the middle of Icemist Village.[2][3][4]

After the taunka formally joined the Horde,[5] they prepared to strike back against the Anub'ar in order to take back Icemist and free High Chieftain Icemist. While the Horde attacked the Anub'ar by ground and sky to thin their numbers,[6][7] Banthok Icemist sent off to the village determined to rescue his father.[8] After acquiring the key, the pair free the imprisoned High Chieftain, and quickly came under attack by Under-King Anub'et'kan. The trio and the adventurers were ultimately successfully and killed Anub'et'kan, before retreating to Agmar's Hammer.[9]

Exploring Azeroth[]

After the war against the Jailer, the brothers Bronzebeard reported that despite the victory against Anub'et'kan, Icemist was still abandoned; overtaken by the Scourge, and fouled with nerubian webs.[4]

In the RPG[]

Icon-RPG This section contains information from the Warcraft RPG which is considered non-canon.


Icemist Village in the shores of Lake Wintergrasp in Lands of Mystery.

A pack of Icemist tauren settled on the western edge of the Dragonblight, on the shores of Lake Wintergrasp. The only tauren settlement in the region, Icemist Village, is a pleasant enough town, surprisingly so given its setting, and the tauren there are friendly and helpful. Most travelers in Northrend stop there when passing in this direction, so you can always find someone with whom to trade or share information over a drink.

The tauren keep a ready supply of food, drink, clothes and basic tools, and sell them to anyone in need. They even give things away, if people are desperate, and some people has seen them drag in travelers they found collapsed on the lake or in the surrounding area. The tauren don't venture into the blight proper very often, preferring the clean cold of the lake to this bitter air of doom and death. Tundra Coldhoof oversees the village and she is a gentle soul who welcomes travelers to Icemist Village as they arrive, making sure the wounded and weary receive whatever care is necessary.[10]


  • Under the main building.

    Under the main building.

  • Concept art.

    Concept art.

Patch changes[]


External links[]

Dragonblight is a contested territory

Map of the Dragonblight