
  • ️Tue Nov 23 2010
For the Classic quest, see N [18] Ignition. For the Uldum quest, see N [30-35] Ignition.
Start Wizzlecrank's Shredder
End Wizzlecrank's Shredder
Level 5-30
Category Northern Barrens
Experience 740
Reputation +250 Ratchet
Repeatable No
Next H [5-30] The Escape


Get the Ignition Key from Supervisor Lugwizzle.


I don't suppose Sputtervalve sent you? I'm in a bind here. I hopped in without realizing that I need a key to unlock the shredder's movement column. One of the other shredder operators asked me if everything was okay, and I panicked! Instead of telling him that I was missing my key, I told him there was some sort of mechanical problem.

We need to get out of here on the double! Search the upper level of the derrick, Supervisor Lugwizzle should have a key for this shredder.

Help me out here!


Upon completion of this quest you will gain:


Quick, we need to get out of here before someone gets suspicious!


Yep, this looks like the right key. Let me just make sure I know how to work this thing...

Hmmm... rotation control... This regulates speed and stability... fine arm movement control. Just look at this! I can't believe the Venture Company could design something this much better than ours. I've got to get this back to the outpost!


You can find Wizzlecrank's Shredder on the north side of the Sludge Fen, in the depressed area. If it is missing, someone else has started the follow-on escort quest, H [5-30] The Escape. Wait a few minutes and it will respawn.

Climb the ramp on the oil derrick in the middle of the Sludge Fen. The Inv misc key 06 [Ignition Key] drops off of Supervisor Lugwizzle. He patrols from the top of the ramp to the bottom. There are a few other goblins that patrol, as well as a rare spawn (Foreman Grills), so keep an eye open for them.

If you haven't battled many of the goblins in the Sludge Fen, they run for help when they are at 1/2 life, so plan your fights on the derrick and on the shore accordingly.


Patch changes[]

  • Cataclysm Patch 4.0.3a (2010-11-23): Updated for Cataclysm, text updated, now a Horde-only quest.

External links[]