
  • ️Tue Nov 23 2010
Image of Ilthalaine
Gender Male
Race Night elf (Humanoid / Undead)
Level 1-30, 60
Resource Mana
Reaction Alliance Horde
Alliance Horde
Affiliation(s) Darnassus
Location Shadowglen, Teldrassil[46.0, 73.4]
Status Deceased, is a Wisp in Amirdrassil
Ilthalaine - Maw

Ilthalaine in the Maw.

Ilthalaine Andenweald

Ilthalaine in Ardenweald.

Ilthalaine is a night elf quest giver located in Shadowglen in Teldrassil.

Shadowlands This section concerns content related to Shadowlands.

Having died during the Burning of Teldrassil, his soul ended up in the Maw as a result of the Arbiter's incapacitation. While being imprisoned within the Tremaculum, he was rescued by mortals aligned with the Night Fae Covenant, at the urging of Ysera.[1] Following his liberation, he came to reside in the Heart of the Forest within Ardenweald.

Following the blossoming of the World Tree, Amirdrassil, from the dream, Ilthalaine as a Wisp can be found in Bel'ameth with many other Kaldorei who perished during the War of the Thorns


Objective of[]



Ah, the beauty of Shadowglen never ceases to delight my senses!
For so long I helped guide young, ambitious elves to find their path.
Now I am at the beginning of my own adventure. I wonder, is this how they felt, stepping into a new grove for the first time?

Patch changes[]

  • Cataclysm Patch 4.0.3a (2010-11-23): Renamed from Conservator Ilthalaine to just Ilthalaine.

See also[]


External links[]

Teldrassil Maw Ardenweald