Ivus the Forest Lord (Darkshore)

  • ️Tue Dec 11 2018
This article is about the Darkshore Horde world boss. For the Alterac Valley summonable boss, see Ivus the Forest Lord. For the Alliance world boss, see Ivus the Decayed.
AllianceIvus the Forest Lord
Image of Ivus the Forest Lord
Race Ancient (Elemental)
Level ?? Rare Elite
Reaction Alliance Horde
Affiliation(s) Darnassus
Location Darkshore

Ivus the Forest Lord is an ancient world boss located in Darkshore when the Horde has control of the zone.

Adventure Guide[]

Summoned by the night elves in times of desperation, Ivus the Forest Lord has wielded his raw strength against the Horde time and again. Now he has returned from Alterac Valley to stand in defense of his home and crush any who threaten it.


Ivus the Forest Lord often uses abilities to attack several players at random and will retreat to the safety of his Petrified Bark when at low health.

Damage Dealer Alert Damage Dealers[]

  • Hurl Boulder hits players at random.
  • Lunar Strike will leave a few clear areas on initial impact before spreading.
  • Ivus will remain immune to damage while Petrified. Dispatch all active Wisps to make Ivus end the Petrification.

Healer Alert Healers[]

  • Hurl Boulder will hit players at random.
  • Lunar Strike will leave a few clear areas on initial impact before spreading.
  • Wisps will channel Ancient Spark on a random player until they are dispatched.

Tank Alert Tanks[]

  • Ivus will cast Frost Breath in your direction, leaving a Frost Patch on the ground beneath you.
  • Lunar Strike will leave a few clear areas on initial impact before spreading.
  • Wisps summoned while Ivus is Petrified fixate on players at random and cannot be controlled through threat generation.



Item Type
Inv spiritshard 02 [Ancient Knot of Wisdom] Trinket
Inv misc herb fadeleaf petal [Forest Lord's Razorleaf] Trinket
Inv shoulders copy mail warfrontsforsakenmythic d 01 [Forest Protector's Shoulderguards] Azerite shoulder
Inv chest cloth warfrontsforsaken d 01 [Garments of the Forest Lord] Azerite chest
Inv glove mail warfrontsforsakenmythic d 01 [Gnarled Bough Gauntlets] Hands
Inv belt cloth warfrontsforsakenmythic d 01 [Ivus' Tanglemoss Waistcord] Waist
Inv spiritshard 01 [Knot of Ancient Fury] Trinket
Inv helm plate warfrontsforsakenmythic d 01 [Petrified Ironbark Crown] Azerite helmet
Inv leather warfrontsforsakenmythic d 01buckle [Protector's Tangleroot Belt] Waist
Inv boot plate warfrontsforsakenmythic d 01 [Stoneroot Stompers] Feet
Inv leather warfrontsforsakenmythic d 01helm [Warring Ancient's Crown] Azerite helmet

Objective of[]

Patch changes[]

External links[]

Eastern Kingdoms
Elemental Plane
Broken Isles
Invasion Point
Kul Tiras
Dragon Isles