- ️Tue Jun 28 2011
The keyring was a sixth bag slot that could be opened with the button that held a number of keys, most usefully dungeon keys among other keys, with dynamic capacity. Not all keys or items with key in their names were compatible with the keyring.
When a player first acquired a key, they automatically acquired a keyring that held compatible keys. The keyring sized dynamically for the number of keys in possession, up to 32 keys.
In patch 4.2.0, the keyring was removed, as were many of the keys within it. Keys that still had a purpose were moved to the player's inventory, while those that weren't were deleted. Deleted keys that could be sold to vendors were converted into gold and mailed to the player by The Keymaster:
Reclaimed Key
We discovered a key belonging to you in the twisting nether and noted that it was no longer useful.
Please accept this recompense in lieu of your key.
For dungeons, any locked door that required a dungeon key was changed into a simple door that can be clicked on to open it.

The keyring was the leftmost button on the bag bar.
- The keyring appeared as a thin key icon between the leftmost pack and the micro menu. Clicking this revealed a bag similar to a normal container.
- Right-clicking a key in your bank moved that key into a normal inventory bag slot.
- The keyring adjusted the number of slots to always accommodate all keys. It expanded until there were 32 total slots filled.
Compatible keys[]
Dungeon keys[]
These keys are used to access dungeons, or to summon bosses or access areas within dungeons.
Unlimited use[]
[Workshop Key] aka Gnomeregan key
[The Scarlet Key] aka Scarlet Monastery key (also usable in Stratholme to enter the Scarlet Bastion)
[Prison Cell Key] opens Blackrock Depths prison cells
[Shadowforge Key] aka Blackrock Depths key
[Crescent Key] aka Dire Maul key
[Skeleton Key] aka Scholomance key
[Key to the City] aka Stratholme key
[Shadow Labyrinth Key] Opens the doors to the Shadow Labyrinth
[Shattered Halls Key] Opens the doors to the Shattered Halls
[Key to the Arcatraz] Opens the doors to the Arcatraz
[The Master's Key] Opens the doors and allows access to Karazhan
[Reservoir Key] Allows access to Heroic Coilfang Reservoir
[Key of Time] Allows access to Heroic Caverns of Time
[Warpforged Key] Allows access to Heroic Tempest Keep
[Flamewrought Key] Allows access to Heroic Hellfire Citadel
[Auchenai Key] Allows access to Heroic Auchindoun
[The Eye of Haramad] Summons Yor from Nexus-Prince Shaffar's Stasis Chamber in Heroic Mana-Tombs
[Essence-Infused Moonstone] Summons Anzu in Heroic Sethekk Halls, Druids Only
[The Violet Hold Key] Violet Hold key
[Key to the Focusing Iris] Opens the Normal difficulty version of the Focusing Iris within the Eye of Eternity
[Heroic Key to the Focusing Iris] Opens the Normal and Heroic difficulty versions of the Focusing Iris within the Eye of Eternity
One-time use[]
[Executioner's Key] Opens cage in Zul'Farrak
[Gordok Courtyard Key] (Patch 2.0.1) Only available in Dire Maul, key leaves inventory if player leaves Dire Maul
[Viewing Room Key] Opens door to inner part of Scholomance
World keys[]
These keys are unlimited use.
[Key to Searing Gorge] Alliance side only, through a quest
[Jump-a-Tron 4000 Key] Turns on the Jump-a-tron 4000.
[Deathforge Key] Allows access to the Deathforge.
[Icehammer's Harpoon Controller] Activates the large Nifflevar harpoon gun.
Alliance side only, through a quest
Machine keys[]
These keys are one-time use.
[Key to Refurbished Shredder] Activates shredders in Venture Bay
Blacksmithing keys[]
These are a non-rogue alternative to Lockpicking; each can unlock doors, chests, and lockboxes up to a certain Lockpicking level. One-time use.
[Silver Skeleton Key]
[Golden Skeleton Key]
[Truesilver Skeleton Key]
[Arcanite Skeleton Key]
[Cobalt Skeleton Key]
[Titanium Skeleton Key]
[Obsidium Skeleton Key]
Loot keys[]
These unlock specific items or objects. One-time use.
[Captain's Key]
[Relic Coffer Key] as of Patch 2.0.1
[Gordok Shackle Key] (Patch 2.0.1?) unique, but can leave dungeon
[Scarab Coffer Key] can leave dungeon
[Greater Scarab Coffer Key] can leave dungeon
[Coilskar Chest Key]
opens chests in Shadowmoon Valley
[Ethereum Prison Key]
opens prisons, or turn in 5 for
[Ethereum Stasis Chamber Key]
[Bash'ir's Skeleton Key]
opens larger prisons
[Ethereum Stasis Chamber Key] received from
[25-30G] Purging the Chambers of Bash'ir
opens larger prisons
[Shaffar's Stasis Chamber Key] received from
[25-30] Nexus-Prince Shaffar's Personal Chamber
[Dark Keeper Key]
[Elders' Square Postbox Key]
[King's Square Postbox Key]
[Market Row Postbox Key]
Quest keys[]
These keys are available during quests. They disappear once the relevant quest is finished.
[Bristlelimb Key] Alliance only
[Gatekeeper's Key] Horde only
[Benedict's Key]
[Burning Key]
[Cresting Key]
[Thundering Key]
[Sha'naar Key]
[Cho'war's Key]
[Shackle Key]
[Shackle Key] Horde only
[Cuergo's Key] repeatable with
[Cuergo's Treasure Map]
[Boulderfist Key]
[Lianthe's Key] Quest
[Crystalline Key]
[Veil Skith Prison Key]
[Warmaul Prison Key]
[The Warden's Key]
[The Doctor's Key]
[Panther Cage Key] Horde side only through a quest
[Camp Anger Key]
[Ignition Key] Quest
[Derelict Caravan Chest Key] Quest
[Restored Apprentice's Key] Quest
[Grimtotem Key]
Incompatible "keys"[]
These items cannot be put on the keyring, despite being used as keys.
[Grimesilt Outhouse Key] Quest Key (note: this key was in the keyring from patch 2.0.1 but was reverted to a regular item as of Patch 2.1)
[Drakefire Amulet] aka Onyxia "key"
[Grim Guzzler Key] one time use
[Goblin Transponder] for Gnomeregan (Horde) made into a poor quality item
[Mallet of Zul'Farrak] aka Gahz'rilla summoning "key" No longer a key
[Scepter of Celebras] aka Maraudon "key" (more like a portal) (Patch 2.0.1) No longer a key
[Seal of Ascension] aka UBRS "key" (Patch 2.0.1)
[Burning Legion Gate Key] Quest key
[Fel Cannon Activator] Quest key
Patch changes[]
See also[]
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