
Inv misc key 03

There are a few types of keys:

Quest item keys[]

One example of a quest item key would be the Inv misc ammo gunpowder 01 [Defias Gunpowder] required for the cannon near the end of the Deadmines. It is picked up and consumed each dungeon run. It is not exactly a quest item, but it is the only way to open the cannon, it is consumed there, and it cannot be used anywhere else.

Another example would be the Inv jewelry talisman 11 [Drakefire Amulet], commonly referred to as the "Onyxia Key" or "Ony Key". It was required to gain access to Onyxia's Lair. The method to obtain the amulet varies between the Alliance and the Horde. See Inv jewelry talisman 11 [Drakefire Amulet] for details on how to obtain it.


Bag slots

The keyring is the leftmost button on the bag bar.

Patch v1.11 added a "bag" called a keyring. It is an expandable bag that can store various types of keys, reducing the number of backpack and vault slots filled with these re-usable items. Dungeon keys (like the Inv misc key 01 [The Scarlet Key]) and Blacksmithing keys (such as Inv misc key 11 [Titanium Skeleton Key]) may also be stored in the keyring.

Lock Picking[]

A rogue with enough skill in the ability Spell nature moonkey [Pick Lock] can open most of the locked containers or doors that require keys, with the exception of a few high level dungeon doors.

In Cataclysm[]

Cataclysm This section concerns content related to Cataclysm.

In Cataclysm most keys associated with instances have be removed from the game and the doors they opened no longer need something (including lock picking) to allow access. In light of this, Inv misc key 13 [The Keymaster] achievement was removed entirely.

The Keymaster[]

Inv misc key 13 [The Keymaster] was a General Achievement to collect many of the dungeon related keys in the game, spanning from World of Warcraft and all the way up to World of Warcraft: Wrath of the Lich King. The following were required for the Achievement (See The Achievement Page for Information on obtaining each key):

See also[]