
Krakken fight

Kraken, or krakken, are two different types of sea monsters. The first type are giant squid-like creatures with tentacles.[1] The second type are more fish-like with giant fins and smaller in size.[2]

Aside from Azeroth, there are also kraken on the alternate Draenor.[3][4]



Ozumat in the Trading Card Game.

Writhing Leviathan (Stormsong Valley)

A Writhing Leviathan in World of Warcraft.

One version of the kraken[5] are huge squid-like creatures with four eyes and eight appendages, often referred to as leviathans around Pandaria.[6] They are servants of Neptulon the Tidehunter and normally dwell in the Abyssal Maw and not on Azeroth; however, fossils and tales suggest that the mighty creatures have been visiting Azeroth for millennia.[7] Ozumat is the patriarch of all kraken.[8] Not much is known about them, although Ancient Leviathans can be found at various points in the seas of Townlong Steppes. It is possible they are one of the squid-like krakken mentioned in troll legends.

The Forlorn Depths outside the Broken Shore are a massive breeding ground for kraken, filled with large, incubating kraken eggs.[9]


Other appearances[]

  • According to the The Fall of Gurubashi book, several krakken serving Neptulon appeared to destroy the Gurubashi Empire. They were huge towers of power, so huge that "jungles of kelp swayed through their limbs, and leviathans swam through bodies". It is also told that "They remembered when the Old Ones ruled and when the Travelers came and cast them down. They remembered when magic was new." However, they could still be hurt by powerful magic.[10]
  • A second sighting came in the time anomaly when one kraken tried to grab Rhonin. This kraken was fifty feet in length from tip of head to end of tentacle.[1]
  • The third kraken was when a small group of naga tried to kill, or at least slow down Korialstrasz in his flight to Grim Batol.[11]
  • During a naval battle in Bladefist Bay, Garrosh Hellscream ordered his forces to summon eight kraken to attack the Alliance's ships. The creatures—who were described as blue-black, gleaming, and slimy with huge flat eyes—were angry and hostile at their enslavement but unable to vent their rage upon their masters. They turned their fury instead upon the Alliance ships, snaking out tentacles to seize and shake and sometimes fling the pieces they had made. The Alliance sailors that fell into the water were pulled into the creatures' maws and devoured. The kraken managed to destroy dozens of vessels before Kalecgos and Jaina Proudmoore arrived. Jaina used the Focusing Iris to command an army of water elementals to attack the kraken, and the sea monsters let out eerie wails and bled dark red blood as they were ripped apart by the elementals. Eventually, all eight were killed, saving the remaining ships and ensuring the Alliance's victory.[12]
  • One juvenile kraken attacked Makasa Flintwill and Aramar Thorne in the Veiled Sea, west of Desolace.[13]

See also[]


Kolorath TCG

Kolorath in the Trading Card Game.


A fish-like kraken.

The second type of kraken are more fish-like, with armored hides, giant fins, large mouths, dorsal spikes, and a horizontal tail reminiscent of whale flukes. They have scales, but do not appear to have visible gills. Little lore has been given about them.

Following their reappearance in Northrend, the kvaldir sought to free the kraken Leviroth imprisoned five hundred years ago by Queen Azshara.[14] The kvaldir were trying to use it on the naga of Riplash, or on the tuskarr of the coast, or possibly on any living things that happen to be standing in the way. Far in the upper reaches of Northrend, north of the newly constructed Argent Tournament Grounds, was once the fishing village of Tualiq. This small tuskarr village was also attacked by the kvaldir and was quickly overrun, the bodies of slain Tualiq villagers littering the icy beaches. Drottinn Hrothgar led the kvaldir in this region, and the kvaldir seem to have one motive in mind - to summon a kraken from the depths of the Northrend seas. The ships of the Silver Covenant and the Sunreavers on these waters fought the kvaldir back from Icecrown's main shore and had to slay the kraken they kept summoning,[15] with the help of adventurers.[16] Following the war against the Jailer, the brothers Bronzebeard reported that the Hrothgar's Landing is still under the control of the kvaldir, and their deepcallers are still bringing up krakens to attack any ship that tries to pass through the strait.[15]

Another kraken is in an unlikely location - just off the coast of Theramore, where the beam from the lighthouse disrupts its rest. If the lighthouse is lit, Tethyr will rise from the depths and attack the city. Players can kill Tethyr and ensure that Theramore remains undisturbed.

The Lurker Below that is found in Serpentshrine Cavern is another kraken, though how he got to the shattered remains of Draenor is unexplained. This kraken appears to serve as a guard for Lady Vashj, and it is entirely possible the beast is simply under Vashj's control.

Another "kraken" - or rather, kraken model - is the sea goddess Oacha'noa, a possible loa spirit that the tuskarr revere. Players are sent to ask for Oacha'noa's guidance in regards to the problems plaguing the tuskarr village of Indu'le - which is the fault of Malygos' tamperings with ley lines. Oacha'noa asks players to deliver a message that the tuskarr must stand and fight alongside Horde and Alliance against Malygos and the Lich King; otherwise, the spirits of the tuskarr will be destroyed by the evil rising in Northrend. Oacha'noa seems to have nothing to do with the other kraken - she's simply a sea goddess that took on kraken form.




This article or section includes speculation, observations or opinions possibly supported by lore or by Blizzard officials. It should not be taken as representing official lore.

Manta may have been a giant kraken.


  • Artwork of the squid-like "kraken" from the world map.

    Artwork of the squid-like "kraken" from the world map.

  • Oacha'noa in the Trading Card Game.

  • The Lurker Below in Hearthstone.

  • Ravenous Kraken signature art in Hearthstone.

    Ravenous Kraken signature art in Hearthstone.


Creature group
Beast creatures







