Kreug Oathbreaker

  • ️Tue Nov 04 2008
MobKreug Oathbreaker
Image of Kreug Oathbreaker
Title <Ymirjar Giant Lord>
Gender Male
Race Flesh giant (Undead)
Level 15-30
Reaction Alliance Horde
Affiliation(s) Ymirjar
Location Carrion Fields, Dragonblight
Status Killable

Kreug Oathbreaker is a flesh giant located at the Carrion Fields in the Dragonblight. He was responsible for the death of Illusia Lune's husband, children and friends (the "Whisperveils"); later, she posted a wanted poster to have him killed.


  • Spell shadow skull Broken Oath — Increases the caster's attack speed by 30% and the Physical damage it deals by 10% for 10 sec.
  • Spell shadow deathcoil Incite Horror — Causes the enemy target to run in horror for 2 sec and inflicts 4 Shadow damage every 1 sec.


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