Kristen Dipswitch

  • ️Tue Jul 15 2008
NeutralKristen Dipswitch
Image of Kristen Dipswitch
Gender Female
Race Gnome (Humanoid)
Level 15-30
Reaction Alliance Horde
Affiliation(s) Nesingwary Safari
Location Nesingwary Safari, Nagrand
Status Alive

Kristen Dipswitch is a gnome quest giver located at the Nesingwary Safari in Nagrand. She is only available at certain times, when she is not off hunting for skins. She will come walking out of Windyreed Pass, and get attacked by an assassin at the safari.




I am SO glad that evil Gankly Rottenfist got his just desserts! I have lots of skins if you want some to give to Harold

Gossip after one turn in N [15-30] I'm Saved!

Hey! Didn't I give you a bundle of skins before?

Either way, I'm glad to be saved from the ruthless clutches of that evil Gankly Rottenfist!

Notes and trivia[]

  • Dipswitch spawns when Tusker is killed. She used to spawn independently after 1.5 hours, but nowadays she spawns more often.
  • Her previous name, Kristen DeMeza, is a reference to former Blizzard employee Caydiem (KDM = Cay-di-em) who was in charge of world events and a regular on the druid forums.

Patch changes[]

See also[]

External links[]