
  • ️Tue Jan 09 2007
Main leader IconSmall Broken Male Arechron
Race(s) Broken Broken
Base of operations Telaar, Nagrand
Token(s) [Obsidian Warbeads]
Quartermaster IconSmall Broken MaleTrader Narasu
Notable reward(s) IconSmall Talbuk Talbuk mounts
Tabard Kurenai Tabard

The Kurenai, Draenei for "redeemed",[1] are a tribe[2] of Broken draenei who have escaped the grasp of their various slavers in Outland and have made their home at Telaar in southern Nagrand. It is there that they seek to rediscover their destiny. They also maintain a small presence at Orebor Harborage in Zangarmarsh.


From the official site:

The Kurenai are a group of Broken who have escaped the grasp of their various slavers in Outland. They recently took possession of Telaar, a town in the far south of Nagrand. Unlike many other Broken, the Kurenai are trying their best to overcome their demonic taint. Nevertheless, despite their noble intent, the Kurenai are cautious toward all outsiders, who sometimes mistake the Kurenai for their wretched brethren. A number of Kurenai also dwell in Zangarmarsh at the Orebor Harborage, where they are trying to strengthen the ties between the draenei at Telredor and the Kurenai home city of Telaar. Yet the path of the Kurenai's destiny is long and dangerous, and many threats lurk on the winding road ahead... quite literally. In order for messengers to pass swiftly between Telaar and Telredor, the roads of Zangarmarsh must be secured. The task will prove difficult, considering the marsh's abundance of mostly aggressive wildlife.
The most imminent danger to the Kurenai, though, comes from ogres. In Zangarmarsh, the Ango'rosh ogres are moving in from the west, while in Nagrand, ogres from the Boulderfist and Warmaul clans are a constant threat to the safety of Telaar. Infighting between the ogre clans has displaced some of the big brutes from their mounds, sending them out searching for food in regions that had previously been spared the ogres' insatiable appetite. Another problem the Kurenai face in Nagrand is being caused by a different group of Broken: the Murkblood tribe. These savage Broken sacked the Mag'har settlement of Sunspring Post, slaying many orcs and destroying any chance of peaceful coexistence between Kurenai and Mag'har in the near future. To make matters worse, the Murkblood tribe seems to be planning to use their newfound strength against the people of Telaar.
Because the Kurenai are trying to mend their ties to their draenei brethren, they are supporting the draenei's decision to join the Alliance by allowing all Alliance members to enter Telaar unharmed. Those who seek out Telaar will find that the Kurenai, although wary of strangers at first, are good people who greatly honor the friendship of their proven allies.


Alliance players start unfriendly with the Kurenai. The main quest hub for the faction is Telaar in Nagrand, with a smaller hub at Orebor Harborage in Zangarmarsh.

Doing all the non-repeatable quests should bring you close to revered; to continue gaining reputation past that, you must do the repeatable quest A [15-30] More Warbeads from Warden Moi'bff Jill in Telaar. This requires farming Inv jewelry necklace 19 [Obsidian Warbeads], which can drop from any ogre mob in Nagrand. Each turn in of 10 beads is worth 500 reputation. In addition, each ogre you kill is worth a further 10 reputation. If you have extra Warbeads after reaching exalted, they can be turned in to Gezhe at Aeris Landing for Consortium reputation.


Trader Narasu <Kurenai Quartermaster> located on the east side of the inn, outside:

Trader Narasu
<Kurenai Quartermaster>
Item Cost Type
Friendly Inv scroll 05 [Pattern: Netherfury Belt] 12g Leatherworking
Honored Inv scroll 03 [Pattern: Reinforced Mining Bag] 5g Leatherworking
Inv scroll 06 [Pattern: Drums of Restoration] 16g Leatherworking
Inv scroll 06 [Pattern: Drums of Speed] 16g Leatherworking
Inv scroll 05 [Pattern: Netherfury Leggings] 12g Leatherworking
Revered Inv scroll 06 [Recipe: Transmute Primal Fire to Earth] 8g Alchemy
Inv jewelry ring 35 [Band of Elemental Spirits] 17g 59s 52c Ring
Inv pants leather 14 [Kurenai Kilt] 21g 88s 18c Leather
Inv shoulder 25 [Blackened Leather Spaulders] 16g 7s 43c Leather
Inv scroll 05 [Pattern: Netherfury Boots] 12g Leatherworking
Exalted Inv mace 45 [Arechron's Gift] 52g 43s 92c Two-Handed Mace
Inv misc cape 19 [Cloak of the Ancient Spirits] 13g 3s 14c Cloth
Inv helmet 04 [Far Seer's Helm] 20g 71s 31c Mail
Inv misc foot centaur [Reins of the Cobalt Riding Talbuk] 70g Mount
Inv misc foot centaur [Reins of the Silver Riding Talbuk] 70g Mount
Inv misc foot centaur [Reins of the Tan Riding Talbuk] 70g Mount
Inv misc foot centaur [Reins of the White Riding Talbuk] 70g Mount
Inv misc foot centaur [Reins of the Cobalt War Talbuk] 100g Mount
Inv misc foot centaur [Reins of the Silver War Talbuk] 100g Mount
Inv misc foot centaur [Reins of the Tan War Talbuk] 100g Mount
Inv misc foot centaur [Reins of the White War Talbuk] 100g Mount
Inv shirt guildtabard 01 [Kurenai Tabard] 1g Tabard


  • Kurenai is Japanese for "crimson".
  • Alliance players were previously able to check the "At War" box for this faction, letting them kill guards and vital NPCs. This has since been patched.
  • Several healthy female draenei are members of the Kurenai. It is possible that they are meant to be Broken too, but use the draenei model for lack of a better alternative.
  • Initially, A [15-30] Hero's Call: Nagrand! spelled the name as "Kurunai", a typo.

Patch changes[]


External links[]



High King
Lord Commander





Cities and towns

Capital cities
Eastern Kingdoms
Broken Isles
Kul Tiras
Kingdom of Stormwind
Kingdom of Ironforge
Night elves of Darnassus
Exodar draenei
Kingdom of Gilneas
Admiralty of Kul Tiras
Other members
Former members
Alliance-aligned and allies
Former allies