Like Mother, Like Daughter

  • ️Tue Nov 15 2022
NeutralLike Mother, Like Daughter
Start Ysera [19.8, 81.7]
End Merithra [19.7, 81.8]
Level 70 (Requires 70)
Category Valdrakken Accord
Experience 1,200
Rewards Inv misc gem pearl 06 [Merithra's Blessing]

2g 80s 90c

Previous N [70] The Dreamer

Like Mother, Like Daughter concludes the "The Dreamer" chapter of the Valdrakken Accord storyline.


Witness the ascension of Merithra.

  • Witness the Ascension of Merithra
  • Speak to Merithra at Lunedane.


From the moment I stepped into the Dream again, I knew that things were different. But now that we have beaten Rymek and his Primalists, I must consider all of the implications of what has happened.

My daughter has worked to keep the green dragonflight together after my death. It is only fitting that she be the one to ascend now.

Merithra must lead the Emerald Flight.


You will receive:


Where my mother once flew, I must fly now and in the future. Where her breath brought peace and life, so must mine.

I pledge that I will do my best as the leader of the green dragonflight. I promise that I will do whatever it takes, as Ysera did for so many millennia.


On accept:

Merithra walks to Ysera.
Merithra says: Mother, I will return this mantle to you in a heartbeat, if you want it.
Ysera says: It is not mine to want or to take back. In my stead, you have grown as a leader, and I am proud of you.
Ysera says: You are the leader of the green dragonflight. And when we regain our full power, you will be the Aspect.
Merithra says: Then I accept. But first, I would very much like it if we could fly together again.
Ysera says: Let us take to the skies together.

On complete:

Merithra and Ysera take to the skies.
Somnikus says: I never thought I would see her fly over the gardens again. I thought this would rightfully be my end.
Gerithus says: There's a fair amount to look forward to now.
Somnikus says: Yes. There is.

This completes the "The Dreamer" criterion of Achievement zone thaldraszus [Friend of the Dragon Isles].

Gerithus has gossip:

I'd say that worked pretty well, in the end!
Gossip What's next?
What's next? I don't exactly know!
For now the tree that Tyrande and mother planted in the Emerald Dream will grow, safe and protected. But I have a feeling the Primalists won't give up on it. Now that they and everyone else knows it's there.
But for now, I'm just happy that Grandmother's back. We missed her terribly.

As does Somnikus:

It looks like I get to stick around a little longer. I was so sure that my time had come and gone.
But Ysera said it was not my time yet, and I believe in her.
I have seen many years and many things, but to see her fly over the Dragon Isles again is... magnificent. I'm glad I'm here to see it.

Off to the east, Tyrande Whisperwind has gossip too:

<Tyrande stares across the water, seemingly at nothing.>
Gossip <Stay awhile and listen.>
Ysera flies in and shifts to her visage form.
Ysera says: You can almost feel it growing, can't you?
Tyrande Whisperwind says: He would want to be here with me. The Shadowlands become ever more difficult to reach, and yet there he remains.
Tyrande Whisperwind says: We have lost so much, Ysera, and still, I am asked to sacrifice.
Ysera says: Malfurion's love for you endures beyond the veil. And when the time comes, he will be there at your side again. I promise.
Tyrande Whisperwind says: But when? When will my people see their home restored? When will we know peace like we did before?
Ysera says: Know this. I may not be the Aspect of Dream any longer, but I swear I will see the fruition of all our work.
Tyrande Whisperwind says: I trust you, my dear friend. And I long to see it with my own eyes.
Ysera walks away.


  1. N [70] Rallying Nature's Allies
  2. N [70] Across the Weald
  3. N [70] The Price
  4. N [70] Storm's Rest
  5. N [70] Step Into the Life
  6. N [70] Thin the Veil, N [70] Our Full Strength
  7. N [70] Reunited, Once Again
  8. N [70] The Emerald Dragonflight
  9. N [70] We'll Cross that Bridge
  10. N [70] Winter's Fall
  11. N [70] The Dreamer
  12. N [70] Like Mother, Like Daughter

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