
  • ️Tue Nov 29 2011
Image of Loque'nahak
Title <Mate of Har'koa>
Gender Male
Race Spirit beast (Beast)
Level    Retail: 20-30 Rare
Classic: 76 Rare Elite
Reaction Alliance Horde
Location Sholazar Basin
Status Killable
Relative(s) Har'koa (mate)
Pet family Spirit beast

Loque'nahak is an extremely rare spirit beast found at various places in Sholazar Basin. He is the mate of Har'koa, the snow leopard loa of Zul'Drak. He respawns on a six to ten-hour timer.

The Bronzebeard brothers spotted Loque'nahak near the Skyreach Pillar during their visit to Sholazar following the war against the Jailer. Before they could greet him, he faded back into the undergrowth.[1]



  • Spell frost chillingblast Frozen Bite — Inflicts 1948 Frost damage every 3 for 6 sec. Movement speed reduced by 10% for 6 sec.
  • Ability druid mangle Pounce — Leaps to the enemy's location. In addition, Physical damage is increased by 150% for 8 sec.




Loque'nahak is one of the criteria of Achievement zone stormpeaks 03 [Northern Exposure] and Achievement zone dragonblight 09 [Frostbitten]. Although the achievement descriptions specify that the listed mobs need to be killed, taming Loque'nahak also gives achievement credit, in order to prevent players from feeling compelled to kill him over hunters taming him.


  • Loque'nahak was the first and initially only tamable spirit beast added to the game.
  • Loque'nahak has an extremely loud, unique roar.
  • Loque'nahak is one of two spirit beasts to have a title, the other being the wolf spirit Karoma.
  • Loque'nahak remains the first and only spirit beast to be part of a kill achievement, although the achievement was tweaked in Legion so that taming him grants "kill" credit as well. While Northrend's other spirit beasts have unique rare loot, they are not the target of any achievement, possibly so that players don't feel compelled to kill them over hunters taming them. Spirit beasts of later content have no useful loot.

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