Lord Oona

  • ️Tue Aug 28 2012
MobLord Oona
Image of Lord Oona
Title <Terror of the Seas>
Gender Male
Race Hozen (Humanoid)
Level 10-35
Reaction Alliance Horde
Affiliation(s) Oona tribe
Occupation Captain
Location Oona Kagu, Jade Forest
Status Killable

Lord Oona is a fearsome hozen sea captain and leader of the Oona tribe. He is currently located inside a cavern which they have named Oona Kagu on the northeastern shore of the Jade Forest.

He and his crew are a subject of many tales. They are said to have sailed all around the world, defeated kraken, and ventured to a deep underwater kingdom of the naga. Some say there are many Lord Oonas, and that when one dies, another hozen takes his place. In one tale, he drank an elixir of immortality and cannot be killed. In another one, the Oona are all ghosts.[1]


  • Trade archaeology shriveledmonkeypaw Going Ape — Inflicts 50% weapon damage as Physical.
  • Trade archaeology shriveledmonkeypaw Going Ape — Inflicts 50% weapon damage per 0.5 sec for 3 sec.
  • Ability warrior savageblow Oona Boona — Inflicts 110% weapon damage and heals Lord Oona for 5% of his health.

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  1. ^ N [10-35 Daily] The Big Kah-Oona

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